My (after voting day) Interview
Interviewing Ms. Rami-Ram!
Q: What motivated you to come out and vote:
She thinks that it’s important to take interesting in local issues. Most of the decisions that affect us take place at a local level. She thinks that it helps to learn more about our district in Philadelphia.
Q: What would you like to see changed in our political system?
Education, she wants SRC with Mayor Nutter to make sure that voices of students, parents and teachers voices are heard. She's very excited about that.
Q: Do you vote in every election? (How regularly do you vote?)
Yes, she votes in every election (national primaries and local). She would feel hypocritical to not vote when she teaches about issues, and participate in them.
4. Q:Where have you encountered the highest amount of ad campaigning?
She’s seen the most memorable campaigns on the local news…and she’s seen a lot of negative campaigns. It turns her off, and she wants to see more campaigns of what the candidate will do for the community.Q: What was the memorable ad campaign that you have encountered?
She was involved in the Obama campaign, and she felt more of a personal sense to it.
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