my art project!
For the second marking period I didn’t know what to do until one day I was so angry that I wanted to draw how angry I was. I realize I need something to do for the art and I thought that I should draw about my feelings. The first picture is about how I wanted to go back to Africa while I was talking to my friends from Africa. The flowers next to it are one of my favor flowers from Africa. The second picture was drawled before taking a math quiz and the only way I would have remember one of the question on the quiz was by drawing it. The third picture was drawled the day I realize my block is a long block. Since I live at the end of the block and every time I walk up the block I feel like I’m walking a mile. The fourth picture was drawing the day I got my history benchmark, I felt like I was in hell because I didn’t know what to do but then when I was done with the benchmark I was so happy that I felt like I was in heaven an that’s my definition of heaven and hell. When the fifth was drawing when I went back to the middle school I used to attend and I saw some of the pictures I toke during middle schooling and I want to redraw them into one picture. The last picture was drawled the last day this project to was due because I want to sign off, that I’m done with is project. I really enjoy doing this project because I got to draw how I felt most of the time and every time I draw my feelings I feel good about it. With or without this project I will continue drawing my feelings.
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