My q2 Work

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​I spent this quarter really working on my web design skills and perfecting my website portfolio because I was informed that it can count (if I want) as a part of my portfolio. Above was my original lay out. In the original lay out I have a small self description, background music option, a comment section, a page view counter, and a slide show of my art. I was okay with this lay out for a while but I was receiving a lot of feedback that I needed to make it look more professional. 

Below is the results of me changing things up; the current lay out of my website. 

Basically, I googled what a professional website portfolio looked like and then tried to make something close to the things I was seeing without losing the feel that I wanted my gallery to have. I kept the color scheme that I had originally had but got rid of the unnecessary things like the page view counter and comment section. I also changed the format of the way the pictures were displayed. Originally I had them in a slide show format but I didn't like the fact that depending on the size of the picture, the size of the entire webpage would change. So to fix that, I put all the pictures onto in a "div" and then set it so that the side bar locked and you could auto scroll down through the images using the buttons on the side. 

I'm like the new lay out more than the old mostly because of the fact that everything on the site now is coded by my hands. On the original layout, a few things were codes that other  people had made and then I had modified to fit my needs whereas in this one, all the coding was done from the ground up by me because I have a little better understanding of how to do things now. 

There's still plenty work and adjustments to be made and tons more coding that I need to learn but It's a process. One that I look forward to reaching the end of. My next mission is to figure out how to set things so that when you click on the picture it can show you a description and backstory of each individual one. 

On a side note I did make a few new art pieces since last quarter in between my web designing. 
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