Kamilah Hudson Public Feed
Bread And Roses
El propósito de este proyecta fue a ver una película y prestar atención a todos los derecho que fue roto. También fue importante aprender algo información sobre la luchas y historia de personas que ven a este país y tener problemas con sus derechos y sus habilidades a vivir. En general la película es sobre una lucha por igualdad.
En la película una mujer con la llama, Maya va a los Estados Unidos a ser con su hermana, Rosa y conseguir un trabajo. El años es 1999. Cuando ella se hace el trabaja, ella trabaja duro y construye un relaccion con sus colegas. Cuando cosas comienza a ser rutina, acontecimientos extraño comienza a suceder. Ella reúne un hombre con la llama Sam quien da ella sobre los injusticios en su trabajo. Ella y el intentan a hacer los trabajadores de el trabajo de ella a protestar en contra de el trabajo. La problema es que mucho de ellos son ilegales entonces no pueden tomar el riesgo a ser deportados. Ellos quieren derechos pero no pienso que pueden luchar por los. Con persistencia, palabras con potencia, y acontecimientos emocionales, los trabajadores tomar acciones en contra de el trabajo. Ellos protestan mucho por teniendo mítines, discursos públicos, y por acosando las personas con la potencia a cambiar sus situaciones.
En la primera escena, Maya viene a los Estados Unidos pero su hermana no tiene todos el dinero que ella necesitaba por los hombres quien traído ella encima entonces ellos intentado a raptar Maya. Este fue un violación de su derecho a ser tratado con dignidad. Ellos la trataba ellos como una cosa. Un otro parte en la pelicula que fue un acontecimiento emocional a los trabajadores fue como una mujer viejo fue despedido porque ella fue viejo y porque el jefe de su trabaja estaba mal humor . Este fue un violacíon de su derecho a ser tratado equal y tener la seguridad que ella no lo perderá su trabaja. El mayor articulo que fue violado fue el derecho a expresion y el derecho a ser reconocidos como un persona con un mente y derechos. En la pelicula el jefe de su trabaja no queria los trabajadores a protestar porque el no los vio ellos como personas con derechos.
De este pelicula, apredia que muchas personas no saben tus derechos y no saben cuando ellos son experimentado un injusticio. El razon que ellos no saben es porque ellos pueden hablar la idioma de la pais.
Q4 Bench: Faysal - Who I Really Am
Left stranded in an unknown world called Earth with no memory of her past was Faysal. At the age of 8 she was found wondering the streets of our planet and taken to an orphanage. There, for some reason she could never seem to fit in. The other children there wanted no part of her. They could feel the difference between them even though neither she nor them knew exactly what that difference was. At the age of 18 she leaves the orphanage and sets out into the world on a mission to discover who she really is.
KHudson Q4 Bench : A Globalized Song
Kamilah Hudson Capstone
Letting Go
Soy Maria Luisa
Mi nombre es Maria Luisa de Infante. Vivo en Santiago, Chile. Soy la máma de Gonzalo y, obviamente, estoy la persona importante en la película “Machuca”. Soy de la clase alta, un momio, y vivo una vida buena porque trabajo duro por todos que tengo. Creo que en la vida, tienes hacer lo que tienes hacer para llevar donde quieras ir. Solamente las personas quien pueden tomar poder tendrá éxito. Hay muchas personas que piensan que soy una persona consentida y que no se nada sobre esfuerzo pero, ellos no me conoce. He trabajado duro para tener la vida que tengo. Yo he ganado mi lugar en el mundo. Es la gente de la clase obrera quien hace todos mi trabajo duro parece que nada.
Esta es una pintura de Lauri Blank. En la obra es un lago con Pistas de lirio en el fondo. En frente de el lago, veo una mujer bonita. En un vestido largo rojo, ella está de pie fuerte pero con gracia en un lugar feo y turbio. Ella es muy brillante mientras el fondo es un poquito oscuro en comparación a ella. Hay mariposas alrededor ella representa espera por ella a pesar su situación en un lugar oscuro. El tono de la obra es complicado pero la obra en general es sobre belleza en un lugar corrupto.
Los acontecimientos En 1973 fue muy caótico para mi. Los tiempos son difíciles debido a la política y la clase obrera. Recuerdo que en ese año, la clase obrera fue muy hostil; más hostil de lo normal. Ellos hicieron una manifestación y protestan mucho. Ellos hicieron la cuidad ruidoso, y molesto a vivir en. La patria estado estaba en el borde de una guerra civil y una cura loco fue tratando a poner los niños de la clase obrera en un escuela con la clase media y la clase alta. La clase obrera no puede tener una amistad con nosotros. Me molesta mucho la clase obrera porque siempre quieren dar sus problemas y ponerlos en las manos de la clase alta y el gobierno. No es nuestros problema que ellos son de poco recursos. Ellos son la basura de nuestros cuidad. 1973 fue el año que el gobierno sacó la basura. Ellos se convirtieron a "los desaparecidos".
La pintura representa gente como mi quien tenía vivir en la ciudad con la gente basura y aguanta ellos y sus problemas. Como la mujer en la pintura trato a hacer el mejor de él situación. Puedamos apreciar cosas que muchos gente no pueden. Pero la obra no representar qué lo que ocurre cuando gentes como mi y ella tratamos apreciar situaciones malo. En actualmente, la mujer en este obra es probable que un caimán la coma quien es ocultación el la aqua. Es como cuando trato a ayuda gentes en la clase obrera ellos asaltan me como un animal. Ellos no se su lugar en el mundo.
Pienso que este obra es bonita porque le dice un historia de la calma antes la tormenta. Estoy de acuerdo con la obra porque me identifico con la mujer en la pintura.
Una Pintura de Josephine Wall
Guernica desde el Punto de Vista de Albert Einstein
La bombilla proximo a la vela, a mi, significado como la viejos y los jovenes trabajar con uno y otro a dar esperanza a otros.
La Fantasma representaba las almas de los gentes quien son muerte y triste porque de la guerra.
La flor oculto en el detrás de la mano con la espada significado resistencia mediante dolor y muerte.
Hudson_K Digital Home
That Fine China
La Idioma de Comida Draft
Hola, Soy, Kamilah. He vivido en el barrio se llamando “Este Mount Airy” por cuatro o cinco años. Hay muchas gentes en mi comunidad qué son viejos porque las casas en “Mount Airy” son antiguo y las familias en el barrio no moverse en general. Mi barrio es muy diverso, entonces muchos de los gentes no piensen que ellos tienen cosas en común. Pero después de muchos tiempos pensamiento, me di cuenta que todos de los gentes tienen terreno común; todos de los gentes pueden relacionar mediante comida. Por lo tanto, hice una mural sobre comida y representa como gentes tiene un conexión mediante aquél. Quiero poner mi mural en el centro de mi barrio entonces todos pueden ver.
Para mi, arte es expresivo y simboliza algo con propósito. Es muy difícil juzgar arte porque arte puede ser muchos cosas pero muchas gentes están de acuerdo que verdadero arte es de el corazón; tiene pasión. Para mi, el verdadero arte tiene sentimientos. Los sentimientos son un reflejo de el artista y como ellos pensar, sentir, y creer. Mi mural es arte porque que expresa los sentimientos de todos las gentes que le encanta la comida. También mi mural es un símbolo de unidad. Arte público es un mensaje a las personas en la comunidad y las personas en el mundo. A veces, es un mensaje importante a los gentes pero a veces es solamente importante a la artista. Pero los dos son importante.
En mi mural he utilizado imágenes de comida, un imagen de una mujer con comida, y dibujé personas chibi quien, aunque muy diferente, pueden relacionar mediante suyos amor de comida. La mujer con la comida es importante porque apodera la idea que comida puede hacer gentes feliz. Junto con eso, utilizando una línea a conectar eso imagen con el otro y los chibis para mostrar que comida puede unir y hacer gentes feliz. La tema de mi mural es unidad. Podría tener hacer mi mural sobre muchos cosas, especialmente la historia de mi barrio pero no quiero contar la historia. Se dice que la historia es importante, y estoy de acuerdo pero, la historia no mancomunar los gentes.
Estoy orgulloso de mi mural. Pienso que utilizando un tema creativo. Me encanta la tema de mi mural porque es una tema tan obvia que nadie piensa sobre lo. Pienso que podría tener hacer un muy buen trabajo si yo no hubiera estado ausente como mucho.
My q2 Work
Below is the results of me changing things up; the current lay out of my website.
Basically, I googled what a professional website portfolio looked like and then tried to make something close to the things I was seeing without losing the feel that I wanted my gallery to have. I kept the color scheme that I had originally had but got rid of the unnecessary things like the page view counter and comment section. I also changed the format of the way the pictures were displayed. Originally I had them in a slide show format but I didn't like the fact that depending on the size of the picture, the size of the entire webpage would change. So to fix that, I put all the pictures onto in a "div" and then set it so that the side bar locked and you could auto scroll down through the images using the buttons on the side.
I'm like the new lay out more than the old mostly because of the fact that everything on the site now is coded by my hands. On the original layout, a few things were codes that other people had made and then I had modified to fit my needs whereas in this one, all the coding was done from the ground up by me because I have a little better understanding of how to do things now.
There's still plenty work and adjustments to be made and tons more coding that I need to learn but It's a process. One that I look forward to reaching the end of. My next mission is to figure out how to set things so that when you click on the picture it can show you a description and backstory of each individual one.
On a side note I did make a few new art pieces since last quarter in between my web designing.
Mi Reseña de "El Mar De Adentro"
"El Mar de Adentro" es una pelicula se trata de un hombre llamado Ramon quien se converte un tetrapléjico porque de un accidente. El hombre fue un persona quien amaba viajar por el mundo. El amaba ser afuera, y nadando en el mar. El mar fue su vida. Un dia, Ramon fue va a ir nadando pero cuando el saltó en el mar, el rompío su cuello. Fue muy triste. Despues el accidente, tenía pasar muchos de su tiempo adentro, en su cama porque el podría mover. Ramon pasas más de veinte años tratando a convence el gobierno a da permisión a alguien a asesinato su porque el no podia matar sí mismo.
Porque el gobierno no ayudaría su, Ramon tenía preguntarse su familia a ayudar su. Con tristeza, sus los seres queridos no quería ayudar Ramon porque no estan de acuerdo con su deseo. Ramon fue muy triste porque el siente que todos fue haciendo su vive un vida no digna.
Pienso que la película es controvertida porque muchos gentes no quiero decir que es bien a quitarse la vida pero ellos entiendo que si ellos fue en un muy teríble situación como la situación de Roman, ellos querrían morir también. Muchos gentes creen que suicidio es un pecado y gentes quien quitarse una vida irá al infierno. Es muy difícil a dice que es bien y mal cuando tú haces o crees en los dos opciones, dependiente en el situación.
Mi posición es complicado. Como muchos gentes, siento que suicido es muy mal. Un parte de mi no pienso que gentes tienen el derecho a toman un vida o la vida de otros. Es en contratio de que mi religion me dice a creer. Tambien pienso hay siempre esperanza para cambia.
Por un otro lado, estoy de acuerdo que nadie deberia ser obligado a vivir una vida que es terible porque en el fin de la dia ellos deberían tener el razón a hacemos que quiere y nadie tiene el derecho a juzga. Tambien, entiendo que si yo fui en el situación, pensaría sobre suicido.
En todos, pienso que este fue un bien pelicula. Tenia un muy bien historia y ideas. Mucho de el reparto fue muy bien, y fue pasionate sobre ellos funciones en la película. Pienso que gustaria la pelicula mas si tenía una parela giro. No pienso que este pelicula fue deprimente. Muchos gentes dice que la película fue un tragedia pero a mi, este película fue solamente algo que hace gentes piensan sobre vida. Es interesante a mi. Nosotros, humanos, sabemos que es derecho y que es mal in facil situaciónes pero en tiempos como este, cuando el decisión derecho es controvertido, no sabemos hacer. Puedemos tener una debate feroz so que apoyaríamos sin embargo, seríamos nunca, como un todo, estamos de acuerdo.
The Struggle of Standards
Kamilah Hudson
Sex and Society
B - Band
When I first started off this project I had a lot of ideas rushing through my mind. It took a long while to sort through them all. There were so many themes within Juno and the scarlet letter that I could have made something off but I wanted to make sure I picked something that could be original and meaningful. When it came down to it, I was stuck between two deas. The first idea was that I would do an artistic piece on the perception of evil and how people didn’t always see the same things as good or bad. I think that I could take that a lot of places but when I started trying to get creative with the idea, my brain when dryer than a desert.
Once I realized that the idea was dead, I settled on the other which was based around acceptance and struggle. To me, acceptance and the benefits of learning to accept being an outcast, were very prevalent in both booth context. To me, Juno and the Scarlet Letter are two context about being beacon’s in a dark and conformed world. They say to us “Don’t stop shining no matter how hard anyone tried to make you”. They both teach the idea of accepting difference and set the example for everyone watching that no matter what people may tell you, there’s nothing wrong with being with yourself.
I thought hard about all the things people like to try to conform and fit into. I thought how must strain and stress we put ourselves through just to get a chance to be just like the “everyone else”. Then it reminded me of a common problem that a lot people can relate to; I thought about how often time’s we try to squeeze into clothes that just aren’t made in to fit us. That was it. It clicked in my head. Often times, we try to squeeze into clothes that just aren’t made to fit is; often times we try to force are self’s to fit other people’s standards when in reality, not every can. Never everything is made for everyone.
After I realized this i knew exactly what I wanted to do. I took the giant canvas I had been saving for a good project and went to work. The first thing I did was draw a woman struggling to get into a shirt. I think the reason that appealed to me so much was because I had done it before. I’ve always looked up to my older sister because of her personality and they way she looked. She gives me clothes occasionally because when I was little I’d like to get into and wear her things. She’s a lot smaller than I am but for a long time she was what I considered to be the “perfect size” so I would squeeze into her things. It was frustrating because they would always be too small and uncomfortable but I kept telling myself, “this is the standard.” Unlike Juno and Hester, I didn’t attempt to set my own standards but fill the ones of others.
I didn’t think of it til afterwards but I think it would have been better if I had drawn a woman trying to squeeze into jeans that are too small. It would have been much easier to understand for people who are just looking at the creative piece by itself.
After I drew the woman, I tried to think of an original quote to fit the theme of acceptance and knowing that we have to meet our own standards. The quote i finally ended up making was “We struggle for acceptance but in return we get frustration and pain until we reach the realization that.... we all can’t be the same.” I used 7 different fonts to write this out and put emphasis on the words struggle, acceptance, frustration, pain, realization, and same. Those six words summarize, in my opinion the process of acceptance and the process of Juno and the Scarlet Letter.
In both the Scarlet Letter and Juno, things starts off with a struggle. Hester struggles with coping with the A and at first hates it and herself because of all the indifference that they cause between her and the town. She hated the situation she had put herself in and felt guilty about being who she was because the town made her feel guilty about it. Eventually the struggle broke her and she wanted to be just like everyone else, not having be put on display for not being “typical”. She tried to act and look more like the people of the town. She was a bright passionate flame dulled and oppressed by bitter, cold, and old hearts. She was suffocating herself trying to “squeeze into their shirt size” because no matter how she tried, it just wasn’t able to cover her properly. Eventually she got tired of the frustration and pain the comes along with trying to force things to work. At that moment she had the realization that, she didn’t have to meet anyone’s standards but her own. She came to the realization that she could “wear her shirt in a larger size” because the shirt society tried to cover her in just couldn’t fit.
Juno was very similar to this and yet very different. Juno started out in the movie “wearing the right size shirt”. She understood herself enough to know she didn’t and couldn’t conform to standard. Because of that she ended up helping someone else realize that, Mark. Mark conformed. At one point he wore the size. He knew what fit comfortably on him. Over time though people gave him shirts that weren’t his size and he made himself squeeze into them until they shirt got too small and ripped. Only until after the shirt ripped did he realize/accept that they just we’re made to fit him. They weren’t his size.
Along with the picture of the woman squeezing into the shirt, I played around with different art tools on the canvas to see which one’s worked. Not all art utensils are made to work on every kind of paper. I used crayons, markers, pencil, pen, chalk, and paint to make this art piece. Each one held differently to the canvas. The crayon held fine on the canvas but it couldn’t lay smooth across it. The marker wouldn’t take because the canvas wasn’t absorbent enough to hold it down. The Pen wasn’t strong enough to leave a thick enough line. The pencil was the same. The chalk would not take at all. Like the marker, it was having trouble sticking because the contradiction of materials. I ended up having to use hair spray to hold it down and keep it from blowing and smeering off. The paint was the only thing that took well to the canvas. It was strong enough to stand on it’s on against it and yet still blend to it.
I think the thing I’m most proud of for this project is the woman I drew. I’m not used to drawing people in such an uncomfortable position or on such a large scale so it was awkward but fun to do. I also like the fact that I used more than pencil to get this done. I’ve never really enjoyed painting because the few times I’ve tried, it didn’t go the way I wanted. I think i should have done the writing of the quote a little more neater. If I were to do this project again, I think I would come up with a better quote. I think I could have done a better job of doing it. I also think I should have been a little less indecisive about my choice on a theme and medium.
Tengo Chismorreo, Pedro
Pienso que sentiría muy enojada.
¿Le dirías algo a su novia?
Tomaría susana fuera, y hablaría con ella sobre el situacíon.
¿Qué le dirías a Pedro?
Informaría Pedro sobre el situacíon y recomendaría que el hablar con su esposa.
¿Tratarías de ayudar?
Si, trataría ayudar, porque no quiero mi mejor amigo a ser triste/deprimido más que el necesitá.
¿Qué le recomendarías a Pedro?
Yo, en su lugar, Tendría un MUY MUY largo conversacíon con Susana sobre nuestros relaccíon y se preguntaría ella si ella quieres esto verdaderamente.
Getting Digital (Q1 Senior Art Work)
What's important to me right now is improving my digital art skills because my future projects, college life, and career are going to be based around doing that. So kick things off, I look at my necessities for this quarter (starting my capstone and designing the yearbook cover) and worked on making them into digital art.
I started off this year brainstorming for yearbook and brainstorming a main character design for my capstone animation. Below is the first character I designed; Ailsing. After I was done making her I realized that I needed to work on my shading and work on not leaving the original sketch on the under layer.
Mi Caballo de Mar
¿Quien Soy?
Por lo general, Soy Kamilah. Mi nombre completas Kamilah Sadelle Hudson y significa “La Princesa Perfecto Intelectual ” La cosas grande que me defina es mi religión, mi sueño por el futuro, los agentes me importan, y mi capacidades. Sueño con ser la esposa perfecta. En el futuro, quiero casarme porque quiero eso uno gente quien ser uno con mi en nuestros mentes, cuerpos, y animos. Estoy enamorada de mi novio quien esta in Florida ahora. El quiere ser un diseñador de videojuegos. Sueño con utilizar mi bicicleta para viajar a Florida porque este sería una aventura grande y sería un bien manera me pavoneo mi cariño.
Mi historia favorita que digo a las personas es que no creo en Santa Claus. Les da risa esto porque cuando tenía diez (pienso) yo vi mi padre viene en mi casa con una bolsa grande de juguetes. Este fue muy triste.
Soy creativa y lo sé porque yo vivo en los artes. Puedo hacer magia con un lapiz y mi instrumentos. Dibujo todo el tiempo. Amo dibujar gentes y animales. Muy cuidadosa a hacerle caso al detalles en mi arte. Es importante a mi porque no puedo ser orgullosa de mi trabajo a menos que es mi mejor esfuerzo. Por otro lado, soy muy orgullosa de mi capacidades toco la flauta y saxofón. Puedo ser huraña pero cuando voy al tablado, soy en casa. Pasarlo muy bien tiempo cuando en el tablado. Mi musica y yo somos uña y carne. Tengo ganas de un tranquilo perfecto porque cuando soy en el tablado, sola con mi instrumento.
Valgo mucho de mi familia porque siempre me entienden ellos. Me molesta los quien no les importan sobre otras personas. Soy tacaña y enojada cuando gentes no quieren ayudar una y otra. No entiendo como gentes pueden ser egoísta cuando otro gentes tienen problemas. Tengo miedo de todos insectos por no se que ellos tienen los capacidades hacer y también porque cuando fue un niña, miré muchas películas de insectos monstruos. Me siento nerviosa cuando yo pienso sobre la universidad porque cuando voy, sería vivir aparte de mi familia y amigos. Quiero algo pero lo sé todos estará bien.
Soy morena. Mi piel tiene muchos raspaduras porque cuando fue una niña, caí mucho así muchos gentes piense que no suave pero mi piel siente muy liso. Tengo pelo corta. Es diferente de muchos gentes. Mi pelo es marrón y negro y aveces tiempos, es rojo. Cuando fui una niña, quise tener muy alto pelo porque todos de mi gentes favoritas tenían alto pelo pero ahora, yo se que pelo corta es más bueno por me. Tengo pie grande. Mi madre dime que ellos son grande porque yo solamente uso zapatillas. No es muy grande problema pero soy un poquito acomplejado de lo. Mi ojos son perfecto. Ellos son mi parte favorita de mi cuerpo. Ojos son la puerta del alma.
Los demás dicen que soy tímida. Es más o menos verdad porque no hablo mucho con los otros desconocido. Mi novio quiere que aprendo ser mas extrovertida así trato pero es difícil algunos tiempos.También, ellos piensen que soy graciosa. No pienso que es verdad. Trato pero algunos tiempos, siento que soy es el solamente persona quien riendo. jaja. Es bobo. Aunque, por otro lado, pienso que es bueno que puedo divertir yo mismo. Muchos de los demás dicen que soy imaginativa. Es verdad. Hay muchas cosas extrañas y únicas en mi mente y puedo “pensar de la exterior de la caja”. Soy person simpática, para mi, y pienso que es verdad porque los demás dicen que soy generosa y honesta.
When The Morning Rises
Go read Soulkeepers
God, Love, Death and Mystery
A teen Fantasy
Mother gone missing
Danger Paves the ground and sky
The Magic Defies
All laws of Reason
A tree warps time and season
Cat with mind of man
A knight with aquatic hands
An innocent heart
You best be quite smart and
click here for a deeper start
Aztec's Second Chance
I think the thing that I liked the most about this project was the fact that I got to look into something that happened over a hundred years ago and be able to see how one change down the line can have a big ripple effect. I also liked the fact that I got to look into a group of people that really interested more. I think the most challeging thing about this project was trying to figure out what exactly would be the perfect point of divergence and then researching all the information that tied into the one change. There was a lot more background story to a lot more events that I needed to research but hadn't realized.
The most interesting thing that I read was the fact that Montezuma, the king of the Aztecs had all the warning signs that someone (Cortes) was coming to overthrow his power. There were numerous bad omens that foretold of it and Montezuma chose to ignore it. If he had planned ahead of time and actually took the omens seriously, he would have been more prepared to deal with the Spaniards.
As I learned from my project, one single choice made can reshape the entire outline and road that life is trying to steer. I feel like if I hadn't had other benchmarks and outside of school things to attend to, I would have been able to give this project the attention it deserved. I think I could have more thoroughly researched a lot of things, especial the Mexican American War that lead to the US gaining New Mexico, Texas, and California. If I were to ever do this project again, i would definitely put more effort into doing it and I would also try to make much, much better primary sources.
Kamilah's Quarter 4 Art: Rise of The Ink
Turning Off the Translator Part 4
Who you spoke with and why you chose that partner:
- SharedTalk; MarianoWhat did you learn about them? What did you learn from them?
- From this conversation I learned that Mariano is a 20 year old guy who loves to play rugby and wants to improve his english. His english is moderately okay and although Rugby is dangerous he plays because he has a burning passion for it deep within. He wishes to have a career based in international trade and so between going to school for that and working he doesn't think he can go be a professional rugby player. I Also learned that he as a very good sense of humor. I respect to the entire conversation I feel like I've grown in my ability to keep conversations fluent.- /How did this interaction help you move towards achieving your personal goals?
- This conversation was helpful because it gave me more opportunity to have a conversation and work to keep the flow of it smooth. During the conversation Mariano corrected me on little errors which was helpful because it helped me to notice what I needed to work to improve on more. It also helped me see my common errors.
What specifically did you do well according to your goals/expectations? What specifically to you need to improve on?
I think the thing I did well in this conversation was keeping it fluent. I estimated how the conversation would go, planned questions and comments ahead of time, and looked up all the words I thought that I would need ahead of time. My goal was to not have to use a translator and I accomplished that to best of my ability. My goal was also to not have a strick Q and A kind of flow but an actual conversation. It made me realize though that I need to work on not mixing up words and the way i arrange words.
Turning Off the Translator Part 3
Who you spoke with and why you chose that partner:
- SharedTalk; Alberto
What did you learn about them? What did you learn from them?
- I learned that Alberto is 17 and is in high school. He's good at math and wants to study computers. His mother tried to get him to draw and do architecture but he didn't like it because he wasn't very good at it. I also learned that he's been studying english for two years and wants to continue learning./How did this interaction help you move towards achieving your personal goals?
I think this was helpful to me because I got to practice my conversation skills more. I used the translator only three times and two were just to make sure I was understanding completely what he was saying. This helps me in my goal to stop using the translator because it proves my idea that if i keep practicing talking to people, phrases and words will stick to memory and then I won't have to look them up as often.What specifically did you do well according to your goals/expectations? What specifically to you need to improve on?
- I think specifically i made sure I only used the translator as a last resort and I didn't try to say things that were too hard for my vocabulary. From this though I realized that I need to further expand my vocabulary. Because of this I plan to continue using sharedtalk and learn from experience.
The American Dream of 2028
Turning Off the Translator Part 2
Who you spoke with and why you chose that partner:
- SharedTalk; Peter
What did you learn about them? What did you learn from them?
- I learned that Peter is 20, doesn't go to school/college and wants to improve his english while learning russian. He's from a city in España that can be pretty at times. He's read a novel about my city and he was into anime but never really wanted to learn japanese./How did this interaction help you move towards achieving your personal goals?
- I think this was helpful to me because i got correct on errors that I make frequently and now I know for the next conversation, how to say different things. My goal was to do as much as i could without the translator which i tried but couldn't. I could understand what he was saying for the most part but when I tried to say something back I couldn't always remember the right word or conjugation so I had to look it up.What specifically did you do well according to your goals/expectations? What specifically to you need to improve on?
- Quiero continue talking to people and getting comfortable because I'm noticing that the more I talk to people, the more words I have to look up, use, and then repeat until they're known to me. Things like telling people "Soy de un cuidad en los Estados Unidos" is now very easy and I don't have to look up those words. They've been memorized from repetition. My new goal is to have a truck load more conversations so that phrases become more known to me and in turn i can have less need for the translator.
Turning Off the Translator
Title the post appropriately based on your conversational goals
Turning off the Translator
- How long can i go without a using a dictionary or translator
- How long can i go without using eng
In your post write your goals for this conversation. You might want to find out more about a particular subject, to implement conversational tactics, or to discuss a certain topic.
-See how long i can go without using a translator or looking up a word.
- See if i can talk all spanish (no english)
-Looking up phrases I might need before the conversation:
- What do you do for fun in - Que hacer tú haces por diversión en
- Are you in school? - Eres en escuela?
-Cual son tu aficiones? - What are your hobbies?
-List of verbs: http://www.linguasorb.com/learnspanish/most-common-verbs.aspx
- LIst of Adjectives: http://www.braser.com/spanish-learning/spanish-adjectives-people.html
Do i feel secure enough in my spanish skills to not use any translator, dictionary, or reference?
The Conversation:
Abstract Emotion: Balance and Contentment
Chemical Reaction
Q3 Art Work From Kamilah
- Self Portrait
This was the first thing I drew for the quarter cause i felt as though I had done it before enough to be comfortable with. To draw this picture i took a picture of myself and then just drew what I saw. The hardest part (always) of drawing people for me is trying to draw them accurately. I always seem to disproportion certain parts and lines so that it's hard to tell who the picture is supposed to represent.
- Color Wheel (Tree)
The color wheel is the last thing I did the quarter because I spent wanted to find a way to make it creative, interesting, and different while still capturing the point of it. The hardest part of this was the coloring. I deciding on crayons because I knew they'd give a texture to the tree that I liked and i could use the rub off of the crayons to look like leaves of the tree. I got the idea from a picture I saw of a rainbow leaf tree glowing in the night.
- Sketch of Hair
Drawing the hair was the easier part of this quarter i think because all it is is just a collection of lines flowing together. The thing that makes it difficult is determining how many lines, how thick should they be, and in which direction do they have to flow
- Scales (on a snake)
Drawing the scales on the snake was really tedious and hard but as the rows of scales started to form it began to look better. The hardest part of this was the head and eyes because I really wanted to make it look like a real snake would.
- Two Point Perspective (Sketch of my school)
The Coal Slurry Mess in Kentucky/Virginia
I think what when well was the fact that there wasn't much argument about the design of it. We didn't have underminding ideas and we worked together to make it look very neat and creative. We tried to keep the information concise and to the point and i think we did that well.
Nothing really went wrong or bad. We got a little of task at times but we got out project done with all (iThink) of the required components. If we were to do this project again, the only thing I'd probably change would be the colors because I'm really picky about that.
The ten tips that we got were very helpful to our presentation and we really tried to use them. The main ones we focused on were using contrasting and popping colors, and keeping the text easy to understand and read.
Below are a list of things we believe we excelled in when making this project:
Being Concise
Being Visual
Being Accurate
Being Attractive
Being Varied
Being Creative
I think we could have done better at using more of the information we gathered and incorporating it in an intelligent way.
A Name to Change the World
So our assignment was to make a video or podcast radio show about relationships. Our group decided that we wanted to make a podcast instead of a video because it would be easier for us to manage and give us more time to focus on our vocabulary and words.
What did you learn from doing this project?
From this project I learned a couple new words like "horon" and "ventana" along with getting a change to work on diction and my speaking skills.
How do you feel about your final product?
We didn't do anything excessively fancy or over the top but I'm not ashamed of it either. There are small details that I'd like to tweak about it but overall I believe it's a good project.
If you could do your project all over again, what would you do differently/the same?
I think I would of took a little more effort to make sure the recorded audios were more clear.
Radio Show - Sophie, Marley, Tenzin, Kamilah
Cleaning the Melting Pot
Alex, Kim, and Kam Project
Q2 Art and Statements - Kamilah Hudson's
The fact that I'm not good with copying images and doing realistic drawings also became a problem on the last part of this project where I had to draw a bike.
The Ayngel's Bell
The Ayngel’s Bell
Chapter One:
feet underground laid a cavern that was transformed into a lab by one of the
greatest scientist of that time period. Bleeping lights and flashing noises
filled the lab. His machines and gadgets where a symphony of chaos. “Dr. Chase,
we’re running out of time. They’ll be here any moment.” Mr. Heddings yelled
over his shoulder as he scrambled back and forth around the lab gathering
supplies and equipment. “I only need a couple more minutes Heddings. Just a
couple more minutes. She’s almost ready.” He leaned over the body of a young
woman who was laid out on a cold steel table. Her chest was opened with wires
and cables hanging out. Sighing, Mr.Heddings nodded in acceptance and continued
packing. He located only the essential blueprints and documents and stuffed
them all into a folder as Dr.Chase put final touches on his latest project. He
was creating an “angel” as he constantly would refer to it. She was
seemingly human with the exception of a few things. Her internal make up was
all wires, chips, and plugs; creatively arranged to be connected to one main
motherboard located in the center of her chest. She was a robot glazed in
synthetic skin.
as Dr. Chase closed up her chest and locked it with a blue tinted key, the wall
in front of them exploded. Smoke and debris from the equipment lined along that
wall erupted inward followed by lines of red laser lights. A team of armed men
filtered in the room within seconds yelling and pointed their guns towards
Chase and Heddings. “Step away from the android!” they yelled as they charged
towards them. Chase slid the key into the pocket of the android’s pants just as
one of the men grabbed him and threw him to the ground. “What’s our order
Alpha?” the man holding down Chase asked. An armed man, noticeably larger than
the rest of them, walked in through the hole blown into the wall and looked
around. “Extract then dispose the Android. Clean Everything Else.” The man
holding down Chase nodded once and then without another second stood and shot
him in the head.
flinched and looked away from the now lifeless Doctor. “The Ayngel’s Bell will
sound... and you all... will rue this day” he mumbled to himself. He stared
into the goggles of Alpha with sympathy. “If only you weren’t so stubborn.”
Alpha shrugged casually to himself. “If only you weren’t so naive.” In one
timeless motion, he raises his gun to Heddings’ forehead and pulls the trigger.
Chapter 2:
I was sitting at the bottom of a hill on the side of the river bank. It was my secret hide out because it was shrouded by shade from the trees and bushes at the top of the hill. I had built a shack down here a couple years back as like an escape from life. I stocked it with everything I needed like food, clothes, a bed, and my tool kit. I was a self proclaimed robot engineer. I tinkered here and there, made little bots to help around, and worked with a team of techs. We hack systems, and screw with the government for a living. The governments been corrupt and working on something big for the couple years. Our plan was to eventually break past their security system and find out exactly what they were planning.
My cell phone goes off, breaking my thoughts.
“ Oh my gosh Lawrence! We need to meet. Like now. KT found activity with the gov’s shadow team.”
Just as I’m about to respond to the excited voice on the phone, a female body comes tumbling down the hill and topples over the edge of the bank into the river. Reflexes gots the best of me and before I actually realized it, my phone was on the ground and I was jumping into the river after her. Her body floated a couple feet ahead of me, being pulled by the current. The river would get rough if we floated too much further down stream. Kicking a little with my legs I covered the distance between us and caught her by the arm. She was unconscious, but hopefully not dead. I caught hold a large branch handing in the river and with much effort and exertion pulled the two onto land. My body begged me to relax for a moment but my mind was too locked on making sure I didn’t just save dead weight.
“Hey lady, come on and wake.”
I pushed down on her chest a couple times but nothing happened. Placing my ear to her chest, I could hear something. It didn’t sound like a normal heart beat but it was something. I scrambled for my phone and called my car. It locked onto our location and with a couple minutes my car came gliding down the hill and spun into a perfect park. The door jutted open and I lifted her into the back seat. Sitting down next to her the doors close and the car’s auto voice asked “Where to, bro?”
“Nearest Hospital.”
The car shifted gears then blow up the hill, skidded onto the road, and zoomed off. Horns and yells rang around the car as I sat in the back of the car trying to figure out what to do with the her. After a moment I remembered something I had learned in a health class; CPR. I pushed her silver hair out of her face and leaned down. When I touched my lips to hers there was a sharp electric surge that shoot through me and sent me jutting up and hitting my head on the car roof. “Are you okay?” the car asked me. “Y-yeah. Just focus on the road.” I could feel the car tense and speed up but then suddenly the car jerked and pulled over to the side.
“Losing Power. Please remove source of energy loss bro.”
Pushing down the passenger front seat and climbing into the driver’s seat I pulled open the car’s operating menu.
“Unknown source of energy lose. Please Remove. Unknown source of energy loss.”
The words scanned across the screen repeatedly as the car’s battery meter continued to drop. “We do not have time for this!” I yelled half at myself and half at the car as I slammed my hands on the wheel. Suddenly from the back of the car there was a loud crashing sound and then a thud. I turned around to see the girl trying to climb out of the back window frantically. I grabbed the side of her leg and pulled her back into the car.
“Let go!” she screamed and then pressed her back into the door of the car like she was trying to melt through it. Her face was panicked and confused and her eyes were...well... I don’t even know... they were an electric blue color. “Calm it down, k. I just saved your life.” The insides of both her eyebrows creased down and she stared at me intently. “What is going on?”
I looked at her confused then climbed into the back seat to sit next to her. She was cautious but said nothing. “You came rolling down a hill and went straight into the city’s main river. I saved you’re life. Was taking you towards a hospital but I see you’re fine now.”
Her body physically relaxes and she stares out my broken car window. “I don’t... remember...anything...”
I sighed excessively and stared down at the floor of my car. “Look, I have to get...somewhere. Can I drop you off, uhm...”
“Canta” she said cutting me off. “My name is Canta... Can... I come with you?”
Her eyes locked to mine and she tilted her head in a way that made her silver hair fall perfectly over half her face. “Please...”
There was no way I could say no so I simply nodded twice. “But we’ll have to walk. Car needs to sit and recharge.”
We stepped out the car, I turned on the solar panels on the roof of the car, and we headed towards my tech team’s headquarters.
“I swear when he gets here I’m going to shot his freakin face off!” Erika yelled as she paced back and forth between two of her partners, KT and Harrison. The chains on her pants jingled as she walked and made a very erratic but rhythmic noise. The 3 feet thick diamond walls surrounding them made the sound echo. “Rika, calm down. He’ll get here when he gets here” KT yawns from the desk on the left wall of the room. His desk was set up with a key board and a computer tower that connected to five screens built into the wall. One was centered on the wall in front of the desk relatively larger than the other four which were embedded to the wall as well but on either sides of the centered screen. He spun himself around in his swivel chair to face her and laughed to himself as he watched her irritation grow. “He should have been here an hour ago KT! An Hour! God! He know’s I hate waiting.”
“Oh we all know you hate waiting” Harrison said as he got up from his desk to come lean over KT’s shoulder. “Where are we getting with breaking the security on the government’s systems. We need to get in there by tonight. We can’t afford to fall behind on their movements. Their shadow team is up to something.” Just then on the outside of the entrance door they could here voices.
“Your head quarters is... a vault?”
“Not just any vault. Custom made with diamond. Practically indestructible. Better safe than sorry.”
Four clicking noises and then the bars on the vault door spin unlocked.
“Is this why you’re late? You stopped to pick up a chick!?” Erika fumes as Lawrence and Canta step into the room.
“It’s a weird story but no. For some reason Car’s battery got drained. We had to walk here from my shack.” The non-chelant tone of his voice irritates Erika even more and she grips him hard by the ear. Dragging him over to Harrison and KT she points at the center screen. “Look at this! We need this security cracked like now, Lawrence.” He studies the center screen then the programs running on the four other screens working to try to get around the security on the government’s system. Cracking his fingers he took the empty chair next to KT and pulled up out a pocket keyboard. Attaching it to the tower he began tapping away. New windows opened up in the two screens on the right of the center screen which began running numbers and letters too fast to read.
“If trying to go in through a back door isn’t working then why not just blow a hole right through the front, eh?” he said as he pulled up another program on the top screen on the left of the center screen.
Harrison grabbed his hands after a moment and broke his focus. “Stop right there Lawrence. You can’t just go launching virus bombs at the government’s system. They’ll not only be able to counteract them but they’ll send them back and fry all our systems.”
“Not if...”Canta mumbled to herself and they all turned to look at her.
“Not if what?” KT said moving over so she could sit on the edge of his chair and take his keyboard.
She touched the keyboard, stalled for a moment, and then seemed to get absorbed into it. Tacking away programs opened and closed faster than any of them could understand.
“Canta what are you-” Lawrence began but she put a finger to his lips.
“There’s code that we can run through their system. It appears as a simple virus at first but when they try to eradicate it, it gets more complicated. They harder they try to remove it, the more toxic it gets. It’ll scramble and paralyze all their security around their locked files, it’s untraceable, and if they can’t counter it in time, it’ll completely wipe all their data.” She paused for a moment and they all watched the governments security system begin to shut down. The firewalls crumbled and within moments they had access to all of the governments files and information.
“Oh my... Canta... that’s one of the God codes. Where in the world did you manage to get your hands on it and... how the heck did ya memorize it?” Harrison said in awe. She shrugged. “Dn’know... But we need to get all the information you need before the virus wipes it all.” KT slides the keyboard from her and begins to download all the information from the governments central data bases. Canta stood up, stepped away from the desk, and went across the room to the other system set up.
“Oh my gosh Lawrence, where did you meet her?” Harrison whispered as they watched her.
“I found her. She has no clue where she came from or who she is really.”
“This might be why, guys.” KT says slowly. They all turn to the center screen to see a picture of Canta strapped down to a table. A report was attached along with the photo that summarizes what Canta was. “Android made by Dr.Chase. Designed to operate program : ‘Ayngel’s Bell’ Location: Unknown. Escaped Base 56 hours ago.”
“She’s an android?” Erika mumbles as they all turn to look at her. Canta feels them looking at her and turns around. “Something wrong?” she asks confused.
“Not at all Canta. Just uh, stay over there and keep doing what you’re doing, k.”
Laughing slightly, “Sure thing.”
“She doesn’t even know she’s an android does she?” Harrison says still watching her.
“Nah. As far as she knows, she just a really lost 20 year old female... Should we tell her.”
“Not Yet.. Let’s go through all the files surround her and this ‘Ayngel’s Bell’ first. We need to know more before making our next step.”
Chapter 4:
It’s been about 2 months since the day I first met Lawrence and his band of rebels. So much has happened. That first day when I met them I knew something was wrong with me. Something was… unnatural. When I had first awakened in Lawrence’s car, it was like I was being electrocuted and overwhelmed with this surging energy. I felt it again when I had touched my fingers to that keyboard in their headquarters. It was like I could link to the systems and feel them; I could physically and emotionally feel them. I told Lawrence about it that night when him and I were alone and he told me not to worry about it. “Don’t worry about anything Canta. We’ll take care of you.”
They made me a room within their hq and despite the fact that it upset the rest of his team, Lawrence took me out every day with him to do different things. Some day’s we’d run errands, other days we’d watch ‘normal’ people living their ‘normal lives’. We lived in a world where humans and robots co existed under a government run by a super computer and three old men. Normal people had families and went to schools and had normal honest jobs. They were, for the most part, oblivious of the world Lawrence and I lived in. We could see things for what they were because we looked at the bigger picture. After looking over the files that we downloaded that first day we realized that the government was creating android, robots that could pass as humans, so that they could use them to infiltrate the other countries and take over. It was a world-wide law passed at the beginning of the AI- robot coexistence Era though, that it was illegal to make a robot that looked and acted human. Anyone caught doing so would be sentenced to life in prison or even death depending on the AI they created.
As of this moment, Lawrence, his team, and I were the only people who knew exactly what was going on in the core of the Government and we were the only people who could do anything to stop it before it went too far. We had a program called ‘The Ayngel’s Bell’. It was the strongest virus on the planet, designed to totally crumble the government and annihilate all the androids. The Super God Virus Code. It was going to be my job to install the program since out of the five of us, I was the best coder and hack. Over the past two months we’ve been planning our infiltration plans and battle tactics. The one thing we didn’t go over though was the code for the Super God Virus. Last night I finally asked them how exactly they were planning for me to install it. I could hear Harrison and KT’s body stutter and raise a few degrees. I caught the weird jerk in Lawrence’s laugh as he tried to shake off the topic.
“We have all that under control, Canta. Don’t worry about it at all.” Erika said when the boys didn’t speak up right away.
They were hiding something. I couldn’t tell what but from their bodies I knew it was something they thought would be problematic for me to know. I pretended to be clueless, smiled, and said “Okay!” and then walked off to my room to do intense thinking. By now though, Lawrence knew my habits and patterns. The others accepted me dropping the subject but he knew better that that. When I went into my room I could hear them arguing.
“She needs to know the truth! We need to tell her now while we have the time.” Lawrence pleaded.
Erika snorted, like she did often. “We don’t have to tell her anything. We’ll tell her when we get in.”
“Do you not understand how this is going to end? Don’t you think she has a right to know?”
“Right!? She’s a -“
I think they remembered that I could hear them and because Harrison and KT hushed her and the conversation stopped. Lawrence burst in a couple seconds later.
“C’mon. We’re leaving for a while.” He said staring at me. There was something odd in his eyes. Sadness? Maybe worry.
He took my hand and pulled me through the base. Erika was glaring at him, Harrison was giving me a sympathetic look, and KT was doing something on the left desk system, trying to stay out of the situation.
Lawrence led me outside and then let go of my hand and relaxed. “What’s wrong?” I asked trying to piece together everything but my mind just couldn’t connect the dots. He looked at me again with those odd eyes. “Look Canta. I need to tell you something. I don’t care if it upsets any of them. You deserve to know.”
“Know what?”
He gripped my shoulders and stared at me with the most conflicted stare I’d ever encountered. Just as he was about to speak I could hear something shoot off a couple hundred feet away from us. Some deep inner instinct made me push Lawrence to the ground and raise my hand up. Before I could understand to motions, I was holding three bullets in my hand. “What are you-” he began but something inside was telling me we were in a dangerous situation and needed to relocate. I could feel something switch inside of me and then my thought process seemed to increase it’s speed by 100 folds. My mind couldn’t keep up with my motions because within seconds, I was picking up Lawrence, swinging him onto my back and then sprinting off down the pavement. Sounds waltz around me. Barely audible gun fires. I could hear each and every bullet splitting through the air and dodged them with a precision that wasn’t human. Up ahead was a large flight of stairs that lead to a walkway that went through the city’s center. I jumped on the railing and my feet shifted into wheels.
The next thing I knew I was skating down the railing, landing on the ground with sparks on my heels, jerking around a sharp corner, and then speeding down a very steep hill. For some reason I knew there was tunnel about a 400 feet ahead. My legs swayed faster and for an instant I was flying. Unfortunately, I had gained too much speed and so when I tried to stop in the tunnel I tripped over myself and started to fall. Within the one instant that I was falling though I manage to shift Lawrence infront of me and skidded across the ground on my back. There was an odd smell of burnt rubber and my body felt… damaged. Too much was happening. I laid there, refusing to move until I got a grasp on what exactly was going on.
Lawrence looked at me, gripped my shoulders like he had the second before all this had started and shook me. “Canta, Canta don’t shut down on me please. Respond.” He talked to me like I was some command system. My eyes shift to meet his. “Canta Respond.” He repeated as he started to lift me. I pulled away from him and stood on my own, ignoring the fact that as I stood the skates on the bottom of my feet retracted. I hugged myself for a moment, afraid that the confusion would tear me apart if I didn’t defend myself from it. I could hear foot steps back at the stairs about 500 feet off. They didn’t come up as a threat to me even though I could tell they were trying to be. “What... Am I Lawrence?” I turned to look at him and he tried to look away but I caught him but his stubble-haired chin. “What am I?” His eyes averted mine and irritated me. Not paying attention, the hand holding his chin receded and a fine knife took its place. “You will tell me the truth.” I could feel the volume of my voice sharpen as my arm rotated backwards and fired the knife off and into the throat of someone trying to sneak up from behind us.
“You’re the Ayngel’s Bell, Canta.” He mumbled as he stared warily at the dead man behind us. Locking eyes, he continued, “You’re an Android. Built with the Super God Virus in you.”
My brain processed all the information in a second and concluded “You’ve all been using me…You’ve been lying to me all this time just to use me and them get rid of me.” He shakes me once in aggravation.
“I’ve wanted to tell you. When we realized what you were, what would happen to you once all this was over. I wanted to tell you”
Sudden above us I could hear something coming towards us. Something heavy with propellers. A helicopter. I pulled away from him and went down to the entrance of the tunnel. Looking up I searched for the helicopter. My eyes automatically locked onto it and zoomed in. My arm raised and after a moment I could feel it dislocated, detach, and blast away from me. It shot up towards the helicopter and after a moment exploded. The copter exploded in the air and flaming pieces of metal fell to the ground.
“We need to go. We need to crash the Government’s system tonight.” I said as I walked back to Lwarence’s side. He nodded once and without another word I threw him back on my back and headed back to headquarters. Tonight had to be the night that we do what I was designed to do. I could not stay another day in a lie.
Chapter 5:
any warning, Canta and Lawrence came exploding into hq. Erika, Harrison, and KT
immediate were woken up. “Let’s go guys. We’re activating Ayngel’s Bell
tonight.” Canta said walking over to the right desk and clicking on the tower.
Harrison stumbles out of his bed and rushes over to her side. “Woah there
Canta, what the problem? We’re not scheduled to attack for at least another
week.” Canta stripped down the security systems of the government ‘s made
building while she listened to Harrison ramble. “Can’t wait that long. We go in
tonight. I just took out all the power in their main building. It should stay
down for at least two hours. You guys get me in there and I’ll do the rest.” KT
tried to pull her chair away from the desk but Canta’s hand shifts into a gun
and points at him. “I’m not asking.”
looked at Lawrence. “You told her?” Canta shook her head before Lawrence could
answer. “Not in this life time. We were attacked. They know where we are, okay.
This mission has been compromised. We need to go in now or not at all.”
tilted her gun away from him, afraid she’s accidently fire it off with him
standing in front of it. “You don’t even know how to active the Ayngel’s Bell
do you?” She let her arm drop and felt through her database. “ I have the
capability to active it. I just need to get to the super computer at the center
of the central base… You all can stay here if you want but I’m going.” She
looked over them as they all processed. The human brain’s thought processing
skill was 10 times slower than hers.
“Fine, We’ll go in tonight, but you need
to be careful. There will be androids there defending the core.” Harrison said.
Canta looked up at him and smile “I’m
well aware.”
Be Continued.
Alex and Kamilah PSA Video
Diga No
As I Look Back on Q1...
My group sat down the first three days of class and all we did was brainstorm ideas and focus points on the project. We let ourselves be limitless in the possibilities we suggested to each other so that we didn't feel trapped to only certain types of ideas. Once we got all our ideas out in the air we threw out all the ones we all agreed were really not going to work. Then we narrowed it down to the two ideas that we really liked and decided between those two.
After an overall theme was decided on, we all divided up to do our individual parts. We all had a role to make something that was done well enough to inspire change. As for myself, I was challenged to put together a song and video that would encourage voting in a creative and captivation way. Doing the song took me out of my comfort zone because I usually don't like to sing for an audience and for projects. (Extremely self conscience about how I sound). Despite the insecurities I got through the song and video pretty okay by my own standards.
This entire project and its process has really evolved my understanding of democracy in the US and the electoral process. I realized that there are a lot of different opinions on voting and reasons for voting. Many people will argue that people fought hard for voting rights and that we should be more conscience of that. Others will argue that because we have the right to vote by choice, we can chose to not vote and not be persecuted for it.
Our group decided to make voting mandatory and the way we enforced it, was a gentle forcefulness.
Opinions on Voting - Kam's interviews.
Marlene, the first person I interviewed was very confident in her opinions on voting and so I got a lot of information from her. She is an African American female with a family hooked into the government. With 24 years on her belt working for city council she was able to answer my questions with detail and precision. When i asked her why she though she needed to vote she said that "You can't change anything if you don't make an effort to." She believed that if people wanted change, if she wanted change, she had to voice her opinion because her one vote could be the difference in someone winner or losing an election.
Her other reason for voting was that her family was tied into the government. They all worked in city council or had jobs along those lines. That being said, Marlene informed me that she's been voting since she was 18. It was a family tradition to get registered and vote once you turn 18.
When I asked her about who she was voting for she said she always did background information on the people she was voting for and in fact knew most of the people who she was voting for. To her "the person in office is just a voice; a spokesperson" for the people that they are representing. She made sure that person she voted for would be someone who would make decision based on what was best for the people.
George, the second person I interviewed, wasn't as experienced as Marlene, being in his early 20s but he was able to answer my questions. He believed that he along with everyone should vote because every single vote counts. When I asked him why he as an individual voted he said "It's just something I do". It's just something he was raised to believe was required. When i asked him about the person he was voting for he told me that he knew who he was going to vote for before he went into vote and that the person he was voting for, he believed, would be able to change and make a difference.
The last person I interviewed was named Benjamin Prail, and he's been voting since he was 21. When i asked him why he voted he stated that it was his constitutional right and that everyone should be exercising their constitutional rights, especially the rights that people fought so hard to get. He said that he as an individual wanted to make a difference and casting his vote was one of the ways that he could do that. When i asked him who he was voting for and if he knew before he got into the voting booth he told me that he was a little unsure but knew that he was going to vote for someone new. He believed that all the old politicians "aren't doing things right" and that they're all doing things the same. He believed that if there truely were to be change it would only be accomplished by getting someone "fresh" and "new" in office with "new ideas".
Quarter One Work
So in art class I was told to look at a model and draw him. Simple. And Simple it was. I drew the model out and he looked pretty plain but nice. When I thought I was done though, fellow classmates encouraged me to do more with it. They inspired me to blend my creativity with the picture so that it looked more. More what, I'm not sure, but I definitely did give it more. Experimenting with shading and lines and different colored charcoals, I ended up with this colorful creation called "The Gabe".
With this picture, we were told to use charcoal to draw a clear object. So, I took my charcoal and 20 minutes in, I had a decent looking see through glass cup. The only problem was that it was a plain, simple, see through glass cup at the center of a very large piece of paper. It just seemed, like the previous picture, that it needed more. So I gave it more. First I drew the random flames in the back of the vase and then the smoke that goes from inside of the glass out. Spacing out for a moment, I noticed that I could see one of my friends through the glass. Inspired by seeing him, I decided to draw him in the glass. Feeling silly, I drew him to look like a face from a famous painting called "Scream". Out of boredom I added all the extra jazz around the outside of the glass and ended up with this abstract and morbid picture.
Unfinished: Why I Write
Vengo de la metaforas de Viva: Kamilah Hudson
Vengo de la metaforas de viva
Los Manos de el indefenso
Yo vivo en el mundo de mi
Vengo de la metaforas de viva
Los Manos de el indefenso
Yo vivo en el mundo de mi
Yo vivo en el mundo de mi
Vengo de la metaforas de viva
Los Manos de el indefenso
Yo vivo en el mundo de mi
Yo vivo en el mundo de mi
Out of this project there were many things that I gained. The number one thing I go out if tthis was a chance to use and,expand my vocabulary. I got the chance to look up words I thought I never would use in Spanish. I always got to exercise my speaking skills and learned that although my Spanish isn't great I can still do things with the knowledge I do have. There isn't anything that I'm especially proud of for this project. I feel like I did okay with it but many things could have been done differently and better. If I were to do this project over again I would do a lot of things differently. Firstly I would have taken more time finding a good flow to the lyrics and stead of doing it like a spoken word. I took too much time being indecisive on picking a song. Also, I was having a lot of trouble working garage band and ended up getting frustrated with it which made the final product not as good as it could have been.
Immigration Visualization Project
- What surprised you most about this information? What seemed quite obvious about explaining this data set?
At first i wasn't really sure of why the data looked the way it did but after looking up the facts about each time period, things started to make since. Some were slightly funny as well. There was one where alcohol becamed banned and there was a significant decrease in the population of immigrant income.
- Looking at the overall trend and incorporating what you know about the US presently, predict and defend the immigration trend for the next two decades.
- Describe how you made a decision on how to visually represent the information.
- What parts of group work were challenging?
- What would you do differently if you had this project to do over?
Soy de un Mundo ese Sentes
Vengo de la metaforas de viva
Los Manos de el indefenso
Yo vivo en el mundo de mi
Vengo de la metaforas de viva
Los Manos de el indefenso
Yo vivo en el mundo de mi
Yo vivo en el mundo de mi
Vengo de la metaforas de viva
Los Manos de el indefenso
Yo vivo en el mundo de mi
Yo vivo en el mundo de mi
What would you like to improve about your refrán first draft?
I'm From A Castle of Expectation
I’m From
I’m from A physical family of six
Mixed together in a spiritual family of billions
Because we believe that
We are all one family in God
I’m from “read your bible every night” and
Make sure everyday you are a light and
Strive to
Brighten someone else’s life
I’m from
“You can do anything you put your mind to
So put your mind to higher things”
I’m from many midnights dressed in pizza and wings
Hot sauce that stings the corners of your eyes
Previously used to cry
From Being told that I will amount to nothing if I continue to do nothing
I’m from
“Oh it’s okay sweetie a C is better than a F”
“Don’t lie to her. Anything lower than a B is a F to me”
I’m from the womb of a strongly emotional woman
And the seed of a man who can tell you webster’s definition of love
Not describe it for himself
Because “Emotions are a weakness and hindrance and you can not benefit from
Making decisions out of them ”
I’m from
“Ladies sit like this” and I
Constantly remind
my origin that I’m not a lady I’m a female
I’m from the tale
Of a Romeo and Juliet gone wrong
And yet hold strong to the hope that
Mine will go right
If I pray and live right
And wait for my knight to arrive
I’m an from a castle of expectations that
I can never seem to climb to the highest tower of
Kammii's Q3 Art-ness
The first drawing of this quarter was just a pencil drawing of a hand. IF was the smallest picture of the year. In the picture that I drew, the hand looks like its reaching out for help. From the shading and shadows of the picture you can tell that something is hanging over the hand. The picture is symbolism, saying that there are always things that hang over our shoulders and try to hold us down but it is up to us to try to get ourselves out from under them.
On the lab coat I drew a girl playing the flute because
that's what I love to do. And so the theme of the coat is music.
Originally she had arms and hands but it was very
difficult to draw on the cloth so I ended up just not giving her them.
After I did that I decided to make two hand draw sketches of anime and then on on a white board.
Sacrificial Love by: Kam Huds
Kammii's Second Quarter Art
Laying in my bed one night during the quarter I had this horrid feeling inside and I couldn't figure out what it was. A friend of mine name Chuck was trying to help me find the words for it but nothing he suggested helped. In the end, i came up with the idea to draw what I was feeling. So i did. I placed my pencil down and then just the feeling that I had stuck on me be conveyed through my pencil's tip. Sense then, every time I have a feeling i can't describe in words, I write it out.
So December 26th was one of my best friend's birthday. As a present i brought a giant foam board and drew a picture for her. Over the time we've been friends i noticed that when ever I started to draw something around her, she usually ended up taking it and finishing it for me. So with this board I intentionally left things uncolored and left certain lines untraced over so that she could finish it and then she'd have something big and pretty that we made together. The reason this is here is because my best friend has been such a huge impact on me and this picture was meant to represent are bond.
Up until about a month ago, all the pictures I've taken of myself have been awkward or my hand has been covering a part of my face due to insecurities but I finally managed to take a picture of my face that I liked. I did a little softening and added a border on a photo editing program i have called photo scape and was very pleased with the end result.
Hudson,K - Speaking on Equal Planes
By: Kam Huds
When you look at me in contrast to my parents it’s interesting because you don’t always see a parent and child relationship. Why? Well the main reason would be how we talk to each other. Sitting down stairs in my living room I’ll have conversations with my mom about men, love, sex, and random other things depending on what’s on her mind.
“You know, marriage is a beautiful thing. Two people come together and are in love. But you know… love doesn’t last forever. The flame doesn’t burn endless. The fire dies if it’s not fed and kept up by both partners.” I remember my mom telling me that one time. “Well that shouldn’t be hard if they both love each other, right? Then they both should be willing to keep the fire strong.”
She laughs a little to herself. “You’d think that… But the thing about it is, when the flame gets weak, the relationship strains and sometimes one or both people will lose hope in the relationship. They lose the will to keep trying. Then gradually the relationship shrivels up. The flame dies… People can fall out of love.”
With my dad, we cover all the other things like sports, life, religion, racism, society, how people think. With my dad, I’ve shared some of the most interesting conversations ever. The information I get out of them is precious to me but the thing I love about it the most, the thing I love about talking to both my parents, is that most of the time we speak as equals. We’re not child and parent, we’re two intellectuals having a deep educated conversation.
I guess that after living with them for so long, living with this attitude, I’ve grown to think that all adults should be able to talk to me like this. I learned the hard way otherwise though.
My little sister’s godmother and I would be a good example. Large, loud, opinionated type. She’s very argumentive but more to me than many others. We’ve been in many situations where I’ve challenged her intelligence by saying something that she didn’t understand. Then she’d usually get upset and say something demeaning towards or at me. For a couple years now we’ve been in situations where I hear, or see something, comment on it, and then she challenges me as is me having an opinion is a capitol crime. One time I remember I was talking to my mom about what I would wear if I ever went to prom.
“, And we’ll get you a nice dress to wear for your prom” my mom ended her sentence. “I don’t even know if I want to go to prom. Oh, I saw this cool suit set the last time we were at the mall. It’s black with a mint green vest and tie. If I ever decide to go to prom, that’s what I want to wear. “ My sister’s god mother looks at me and with out fail has something critical to say at me. “Now you know you need to stop being stupid. Wearing a suit to prom. What, do you think you’re a dike now?”
On the inside I’d have a variety of choice words I wanted to reply back with but because I knew she would just argue with me I chose not to respond. Into the silence she comments again to herself yet directed at me. “Always saying something stupid. You don’t need to be talking if all you gonna say dumb stuff.” Angry, offended, and ridiculed are the words I could associate with how I felt at that moment.
When we got home my mom said, “Every time we go over there you say something to upset her. Why don’t you just stop talking when we’re there…” My mother found it kind of humorous that this woman always had something to say to me when I dared to speak. “I have the right to my opinion. If she doesn’t like it, it’s her own fault.” I said back. “Yeah… but is it worth starting an argument over every time we go over there?” Without replying I went upstairs to ask my dad to explain to me why me talking and sharing what I thought was such and issues to my sister’s god mother.
Basically he told me that it’s a matter of dominance and respect. When me and my mother talk on the same level in her eyes, it shows that I don’t respect my mother and that my mother isn’t in control. That reminded me of another time where me and my mother were talking in her house and she interjecting. I was trying to pursued my mom to let me go to best friend Jennifer’s house and we were in the process of bargaining because that’s how me and my mother work. If I want to do something and she wants otherwise we find a compromise.
“Why you bargaining with that child? Are you the mother? Look, she said she don’t want you to go so you can’t go. End of story. You need to stop playing game with her Rosemary. And you don’t need to go see that girl anyway. You always want to go over her house, what are you two? Lesbians?” my sister’s godmother barks at us. I noticed that as a pattern she liked to attack my intelligence and gender.
Remembering that scene rose a follow up question for my dad. “So is it like a lack of maturity or is she like too narrow minded?” my dad laughed a little. “It’s a bit of both.”
That struck a chord with me, this realization that adults can be very immature and narrow minded. They get set in their ways and then are too stubborn to talk change upon. I could never have a real conversation with adults like that because everything I would say would be wrong. As James Baldwin would say, “Language, incontestably, reveals the speaker.” In relation to all this, this quote means that if adults like my sister’s god mother took the time to actually listen and process my words, my language, they would see that I’m an intellectual. They would see that my voice was just as defined and meaningful as theirs. They would see that my voice was capable of speaking on equal planes.
Just The Feeling - 1
Untitled, Unfinished
Kammii Hudson Marking Period One
The first idea that I actual liked was to build a city out of bottles and cans. I would make it look like some kind of futurist thing because of how the inside of a can and bottles can be shiny if light hits them right.
It seemed like a good idea, but when I started to try to work it out, I couldn’t figure out how I wanted to make it work I didn’t know how to organize the different bottles and in the end it just didn’t work out the way I wanted it to.
The next big Idea I got was in the middle of class. There was a bunch of foam and then looking at it made me want to make a table from it. Maybe paint a cool design on it to represent recycling. So I started on that. Then I saw my friend who had extra pieces from what she was working on. As I was looking at them I started thinking about how most big things in America have some kind of mascot. Wendy’s has the Ginger Girl, McDonalds has the clown, Kmart has the light bulb guy. But why doesn’t recycling have an official mascot to stand for it. I mean, there’s just that little symbol thing. “I should make one.” I thought to myself. And so that’s what I’ve been working with so far. I went with the feel of the material I was using and in a way, let the art create itself. I cut out a head and the used my friends extra piece and ended up with a horse bird thing that had headphones.
Right now I’m in the process of painting it, but I think I want to build a setting around it. The reason it’s not done is because I feel as though I need to do a little more with it. There’s something missing from it that I have to have for it to be complete. Also, I ran out of paint in the middle of painting so I need to go buy some more.
About Me
I like writing, drawing, singing, making music, and thinking.