Nailah Adam's What If? Benchmark

Here is the link to my benchmark

I liked the creativity portion of the benchmark the most. It allowed me to show off skills that I had not been able to display in other benchmarks. The most challenging was completing the numerous amount of assignments. The most interesting fact I've investigated was how demographics, female or male, can determine the outcomes of elections. Individuals overall influence people whom look up to them as leaders. In my benchmark, I explored how individuals have affected history and how history has been affected by individuals. This project can be changed by being less freely with the topics and less primary source documents. I feel that the expectations were a lot higher than what people could've met based on the time period given and knowledge amongst the class in general. If I could do this over, I would change the form of multimedia I used to present. I would much rather use iMovie or Quicktime, but due to little time, the website had to suffice for it. 
