Negative and Positive Space by Sadie

A. Negative space is the space that would generally be left white in a picture. It is the background of the drawing and the spaces that are left empty. 

B. Negative space in our drawing with color is our reflection of negative space in each drawing. You are taking the negative space and making them into a reflection. Making the negative space the positive space and vice versa.

C. It helps an artist to see negative space because it can help you even out lines and see what should really be in each spot. It provides for more accurate drawings and a better view on being an artist.

D.  seeing in negative space enhances the perspective of the drawing and knowing what is going on in the drawings. It helps you get a better understanding of how to draw.

Photo on 5-2-12 at 12.10 PM
Photo on 5-2-12 at 12.10 PM
Photo on 5-2-12 at 12.05 PM #2
Photo on 5-2-12 at 12.05 PM #2
