Negative Space

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​Negative Space Concept: 
Negative space is the space around the object. For example, there is a colored in circle that is black and out side of this circle the color is white. The negative space of the circle is the white part of the paper. Another example would be a can. The can's outlined shape is black and the outside of it is white. The white part of the paper is the space around it that is negative space.

At first, I was confused because I didn't know the negative space of the owl. Then I noticed the first piece I cut out that was the background to the owl. After, I added pieces from there by adding certain shapes I cut out and made the owl. The negative space for the stools was hard. When drawing it, I had to look at it and come up with reasonable shapes that envisioned the stools in negative space. 

Negative space probably helps artists know the other side of what they are drawing. Knowing the positive and negative helps the artist know their drawing intimately and it's easy to understand it and capture any angle. 

Using negative space shows the "bare bones" of the drawing and it shows its simplicity. A carving may have many designs in the middle, but it's negative space shows how its not complex at all.  
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