DeShawn McLeod Public Feed
Great Depression/Great Recession, . "The New Deal." WGBH Educational Foundation. n. page. Web. 24 Feb. 2013. <>.
- Here it basically explains the programs FDR planted what was yielded. It’s to show the different policies of Hoover and FDR. Either the government supports its people, or the people supporting the government. It’s about the programs FDK established, their effects, and how they it influenced a turnaround from the Great Depression.
- It’s useful because it gives program names and what they specifically did for the people, the names, and who they affected. PBS is a well known organization that reports unbiased information and has been around for a long time. It’s goal is to report unbiased information to the public.
- This gives a general overview of the programs that were established during the New Deal and gives me what to basically look up. Since it’s the basics, it hasn’t changed how I view my topic., . "New Deal." A&E Television Networks, LLC. n. page. Web. 24 Feb. 2013. <>.
- This goes in depth about the programs that the New Deal started. It basically gives quick facts and tips about what the New Deal did. It’s about the New Deal and what FDR was thinking to establish and how each program affected the American people.
- It gives more detail about what happened during this time and is an unbiased network showing American history. Although this is a source of media, it’s a source of helpful, accurate information too.
- I can now research more topics, because this source goes in depth, but not to the point where it’s a whole essay. It doesn’t change how I think about my topic unfortunately. But, this has been extremely helpful because I have somewhere to start.
"The Great Recession, Five Years Later." NPR: . Radio. <>.
- It’s talking about the anniversary of the recession and how it relates to the Great Depression. Additionally how big institutions have failed the economy and what future generations will look like in the eyes of the economy.
- Of course it’s reliable because it’s NPR! NPR is an internationally recognized news source, with a variety of topics and it’s very credible in what it reports.
- It goes on the surface of how the negligence of the financial system has created a gap in surplus and how the next generation will have to deal with such conditions.
Worstall, Tim. "The Great Recession Is Just Like The Great Depression." Forbes. n. page. Print. <>.
- It talks about the similarities of the Great Depression and the Great Recession. THe author give three different perspectives with different backgrounds, and shows how they all relate.
- Forbes is well known and I don’t think they would publish something that’s extremely blasphemous. This is straight opinion and fact on both the Great Depression and Great Recession. It’s purpose is to start talking about the future of the recession and
- This was extremely helpful because it didn’t just give the author’s opinion, but he back it up with other professional, experienced people.
Hamlet: Close Reading!
I believe Lord Hamlet, here, is contemplating the value of life and weighing its positives and negatives. To be; live, not to be; die. He processes the option of suicide, which is quite such an extreme option in his circumstances of turmoil. At this point in the play, Hamlet is emotionally spent and he seems a dagger to the heart may be the right answer. The status of this monologue correlates with the beginning of the play. Both start with an intriguing question. In the beginning, Banardo asks, Who's there? This question gives suspense and grabs the audience to wonder what's happening next.
He goes on to say, Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer / The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, / Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, / And, by opposing, end them? [Scene 3.1, Line 58-61]
Interestingly enough, Hamlet still has a logical mindset about suicide. He talks about whether it is better to go through life and have bad fortune and try to form a smile during the hard times or don't tarry in life's conflict, when there's an easy way out; suicide. Unlike Hamlet, Greek mythology figure Ajax killed himself over the general consensus that he wasn't worthy enough to get prized amor against Odysseus. Ajax couldn't handle bad fortune against him and he decided to take the easy way out. But, Hamlet is thinking, Why suffer if we are born into bad luck, we can void this by death. Ironically, it seems that Hamlet hints toward Catholicism or Christianity. His belief in soul's returning as ghosts and murderers destined for Hell shows his insinuated religion. If he were to practice any type of Christianity, suicide is something out of his beliefs. Why would he think of such a catastrophic end.
Hamlet continues, To die, to sleep / – No more. [Scene 3.1, Line 60-61]
His thinks all death is is sleep – terminal sleep. It is interesting to see although his has a Christian-esk moral compass, Heaven or Hell does not seem to be his afterlife; dreaming does. It is as if Heaven or Hell does not play into his circumstances.
Hamlet then said,—and by a sleep to say we end / The heartache and the thousand natural shocks. [Scene 3.1, Line 62-63]
After he's proclaimed that dying is a state of limbo, he says limbo is a closure of the misfortune that happens in life. And, assuming that he vaguely practices Christian beliefs Heaven is not limbo. It does not exist. But, in a state of absence, it seems that that is Hamlet's way of release and he talks about it as if it may be chance at happiness.
After he said,That flesh is heir to – 'tis a consummation / Devoutly to be wished! [Scene 3.1, Line 64-65]
He talks about limbo as if that's where he ultimately wants to be – and soon. And, suicide would get him there on his own time. In lines 60-65, he elaborates on how living is basically worthless because of the bad things that happen. He thinks, instead of dealing with life, and it's trials and tribulation, he'd rather die.
Hamlet went on; To die, to sleep. / To sleep, perchance to dream. [Scene 3.1, Line 66]
He says that since dying is sleeping, one can also have dreams. It's as if this terminal sleep brings dreams that would become the dead person's new reality.
He then recoils his argument; ay, there's the rub, / For in that sleep of death what dreams may come / When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, / Must give us pause. [Scene 3.1, Line 66-69]
Even though death means sleep, and sleeping yields dreams, Hamlet said that there's always a catch, those dreams may not peachy or the ideal. There's no guarantee that dreams will be good and there's always the possibility of them being horrific. So, one needs to be conscience of that in the attempt of suicide, in Hamlet's terms.
The question; is suicide the answer? In this excerpt of Hamlet's monologue, and in this context, he talks about the possibility, the positive and the negatives in his mind. Based on one's interruption, it's up to the reader or audience to decide, but as the monologue progresses, Hamlet contradicts himself.
Drive Film Review
DeShawn's Circuit Project
Initially, I had over 60-70 pairs of shoes. I’ve had a variety of shoes, but I didn’t necessarily wear them all the time. I had Nike’s I used to love to wear in middle school, dress shoes, miscellaneous sneakers, and boots. I wasn’t very fond of throwing any shoes away, so they accumulated on my shoe racks. And that’s how I got to almost a hundred of pairs shoes.
I was urged by my mother to get rid of the shoes I didn’t want to wear. But, in my mind, I wanted to keep them because I presumed I’d wear them sometime, knowing full and well, I’d never step foot in some again.
My love for shoes is indefinable. I became a collector of shoes. Many multi colored Nike’s were scattered in my “library” of shoes, a myriad of sandals, and sneakers. In middle school, I was always known for having such a diverse shoe style. I loved shoes so much, I’d buy inexpensive shoes from thirft shoes cheating myself into believing my 10 size feet would fit them, when they were one or two sizes lower. It was a sad cycle. And I knew I had to turn my ways around because I could spend my money on something else! Something that could actually fit me.
I began to get rid of shoes, persuaded by my mother. And the irony is, she has a multitude of shoes that she does not even wear. But, that’s beside the point. I put maybe 40-45 pairs of shoes in two large shopping bags. I put them to the side, eradicating them from my system. I got rid of the small, the big, and the ugly. Sooner or later, the friends the trickled into my home took shoes from my collection, the ones I removed. She nearly took over half the shoes! And I felt nothing of their departure. I was actually ecstatic, now know, I can replace the space.
I wanted to do a shoe for my project because they are wonderful and versatile. I specifically chose the shoe, I used, because it had a plain outside and I knew it would be simple and to the point. That was my aim. My own personal motto is “simplicity and convenience.” I wanted to convey that with the structure part of my project. White and black pixelated shoes, with ample, smooth front face room, was calling for white lights to accompany its design.
Simplicity, with a touch of white, a tad of black, and pizzazz!
2012 Presidential Election Polls
Interview Questions:
Person #1
Ques 1- I came to vote because it's my right.
9- Every vote counts, my vote is important. I could be the deciding vote on the winning president.
6- The 2012 campaign, I was more involved.
5- I think TV is the most campaigning device.
8- There will be no changes.
Person #2
Ques 1- Change, policy
2- The cost of education to go down, the loss of deductions, strong economy, maintain social/civil liberties/
9- It will affect change, it will support my candidate.
10- It wasn't heavily touched on, it was brief.
Person #3
Ques 1- To choose who the next president will be.
2- More jobs.'
3- I vote in the big elections.
9- I hope it will choose who the next president will be.
6- The campaign this year.
Person #4
Ques 2- Less polarity in views.
10- I think so, yea.
9- Every vote counts, like the 2000 election.
6- 2008 elections.
Person #5
Ques 1- I always vote.
3- 2012 Presidential elections, the John Street election
9- Not that much in the grand scheme of things.
8- Budget in order.
3- In every one.
Who: 5 people
When: 4-5pm
Where: Andora Free Library
- people didn't want to be recored
- short, concise answers
- how many people think their vote counts?
- what people feel about this tense election, how it affects them
What if?
- the popular vote determined the election
- why people vote if elector votes determine the president
Learned about systemic and individual change:
- some think there ail be change, other feel and know there will never be change
Role of individual creating and sustaining change:
- I honestly haven't learned anything about it, but what I've already known. Individuals need to accumulate and create cohesive, precise demands to get what they want. But, the public doesn't know how much power they hold.
Relationship between self and changing the world:
- I think there needs to be an open mind about change that's the only thing that pertains to self. It's the general public who creates the demands. So, it's a collective thing when you make it out to be.
Additional Reflection:
I think The Communist Manifesto explains a lot about this. Political issues and struggles. If the general public (proletariats) joined arms and decided to overthrow businessmen (the bourgeois), they may see the change they want to see. But, until people understand the power they have, there will never be change. I guess government and big corporations make people think they have no power, but we actually do.
Q1 Benchmark: Book Ending Rewrite
When the project was introduced, I wasn't entirely sure what book I'd write it on. I had a choice between Jazz by Toni Morrison and Everyday by David Levithan.
I had already read Everyday, but I had no passion to do a project on it since the book's ending disappointed me so. I was in the process of readying Jazz, but that book was very hard to follow, and I wasn't concrete in my idea to redesignthe cover idea.
I then had an idea: why not read a book I might potentially like and do something on that? The prospective book was Will Grayson, Will Grayson by David Levithan and John Green. I had began reading the book, and unfortunately lost it.
But, that's beside the point. I had an innovative teacher suggested a splendid idea! Why not rewrite the ending of Everyday?!
I decided that was a swell idea and created an ending I thought was suitable for the end of the book. My intentions for the ending was to give a structured, yet broad, idea of A's life after Rhiannon. I felt like A, the main character, leaving Rhiannon with a suitable boyfriend was fine, but A's life really mattered at the end of the book, and I feel like readers don't get any idea what that might ensue.
My ending included Revered Poole, an antagonist in the story, and I wanted Poole to introduce A to people like his kind. A then meets a soul named Rose, who's just like A, in that Rose goes from body to body. They become "sort of friends" and A decides if there should be an association between them.
Memento Film Review
American Immigration
Group: Jess, DeShawn, Antonio
I think my initial surprise was looking at the two different sets of data that was presented to me in the beginning of this project. It was fascinating to see the profession of the population built on immigration and there was such a dip in immigration, yet the population of the country was gradually increasing. But, I think the reasons why the population progressed and immigration had it's moments of nadir, it can be explained. Woman had large amounts of children, families increased, and the amount of the current residence balanced out with those who immigrated.
I think the population will always gradually rise. Even if Mitt Romney goes into office this next term. I think the turmoil in other countries will attract even more people who want to bask in US freedom. But, I think the US will be one of the most well off countries in the next two decades.
With that Prezi template, we wanted to show there was strife getting to the end of the journey. And that's the "X" marks the spot. Going any where, there's always an adventure no matter how small, and immigrating is a big task.
The things my group has trouble with would be putting the amount of information that we had acquired tactfully in our presentation.
Overall, for next time, I'd consider having a more organized way my group put our information together.
Humanities Portfolio 2012
in the classroom of 307 in the beginning of my sophomore year was no mistake.
Well, of course not, it was on my roster. But, the experiences that happened
inside those walls will forever change my writing and perspective.
only perceptions of Mr. Block's class I could acquire were those of his past
students. But, that wouldn't compare to actually participating in his class.
expectations held high the first day, I knew this was going to be a rigorous
course with many action packed activities.
Since my last portfolio, my major turning points were taking in
better consideration of outside opinions and analyzing literature and
situations more deeply. While I had acquired those skills, I had a lot to bring
to my new History and English classes.
first assignment was to write a page, just a page, about anything that came to
mind. One had a whole night to express whatever they felt. Go home and write A page tonight. And let that
page come out of you--- Then, it will be true. I’m asked to write a page
tonight. (From L. Hughes.) This was the task. I particularly favored
this as a beginning assignment because this was the first impression the
teacher would have of me. Looking back, I realized my favorite part of this
assignment: Originality is just a word until you embrace it. When I had reminisced
about this activity, I beamed in excitement knowing I had done a lot of
exemplary work throughout the year and it'd be great mission to convey my best
Besides the other mini projects, I'd like to shine some light on my benchmarks that were assigned throughout the year. Specifically the podcast and play projects. The purpose of the podcast project was to interview someone outside of the school and convey, through audio, how this person had crossed boundaries in their life. The depiction of "boundaries" could be defined in any way one thought necessary. The boundaries could be social, domestic, academically related etc. At first, I wasn't accustom to the process of this project. I had experience on interviewing people from my participation in the school's newspaper, SLAMedia, and written articles, but to make an influential podcast was very challenging. I had to be strategic in the way I portrayed my subject and still have the podcast orally pleasing. Here, the podcast is linked and for everyone to enjoy. In addition to my podcast, I'd like to acknowledge the play I wrote. The purpose of this project was to explore the questions, What are universal right? and In what different ways do people struggle for dignity, hope, and happiness in their lives? In the beginning of this project, I didn't know what to write. I had trouble thinking of a central idea my play would revolve around. But, in the end, I spent months writing, revising, and getting feedback to make my play exceptional. I decided to focus on materialism in today's youth. I have a snippet of the play, Just Do It, available to those interested. My intentions were to use realistic dialogue and convey a topic of conformity among modern youth. I believe my efforts, in the project, have bore fruit that will one day affect teens across the world.
throughout the year, personally I've gained more confidence, expertise, and
creativity. Concerning confidence, I realized, confidence in your work doesn't
come easy. While be challenged this whole year, it was difficult feeling
concrete in my writings in the beginning of the year. An example project was my Lord of the Flies vs. Micheal Jackson. I
decided to compare the boys' lives in Lord
of the Flies to the life of Micheal Jackson. An initial hardship
was having support among my classmates to do the topic because it was too
profound. But, I had a determination to find a way to convey my point. Another
would be the Art in the Open project. Students had to
find a location close to the school and create a dance piece. (The description
of the project has more detail in the provided link.) In this task, I
definitely had to step outside of my comfort zone to create an exceptional
performance. My group mates and I had wonderful times choosing the location and
collectively creating a dance. The difficulties comprised of choosing a fit
location, initially finding motivation to pursue and create a performance, and
allowing the environment and accidents while practicing create production to
shape our dance. On presentation day, the achievement was substantial and an
audience pleaser.
also learned to express one's self wisely and discreetly can move massive
audiences. I think accomplished acquiring idea through these examples: As
mentioned above, the "Write a page a night" assignment was the
beginning of showing strategic placement of concepts and ideas. Although the
class wasn't told to write with a strategic mindset, I think it's value in
introducing a class of rigor and creativity was priceless and began a classroom
setting of prudence. In addition to that, I'd like to recognize my letter to author Edwidge Danticat. In
this letter, I tried to avoid being generic, but realistic. I had read her
book Create Dangerously: The
Immigrant Artist at Work prior to me writing her a letter and I was
flabbergasted and impressed at her work. I not only wanted to convey the idea
of her brilliant work, but how her foot print on society has affected me as a
person. It was great to read her response to the class.
I became empowered in the concept that if a change of thought in norms, in one
person, can move others to pursue a great cause. In the process of writing my
play, Just Do It, I wanted
to be brave and show my views on this pressing topic. I have problems with
societal norms that could be changed if only people were educated about what
they could/can control in their communities. That's what I wanted to convey
through this piece. In addition to my play, I wanted to show my Somebodies poem. This stood out to me because it had a key connection to my
play. I wanted to convey that those who are stuck into society's norms are
controlled by those who refuse to be. And those who refuse to be, make society
what they want and mold people into thinking they can't change society, but
just live in it. My intentions for this is to educate those of my community and
show people if they want change, it's possible, as long as we work together as
an organized group.
All in all,
in this past year I have been pushed to many limits and my mind has been
stretched, but only to benefit me as a writer and thinker.
Other works of mine:
Language Auto Biography
What color are you?
Venezula vs. US
Spanish Food
Week 2! Learning better ways to con-ju-gate!
Conversion sobre insults con Maria de Venezuela
I chose my friend Maria because Spanish is her first language. I thought that if I could learn from a native speaker, my insults could be slang instead of formal.
Well, since she's my friend, there wasn't much to gain from the conversation that I already don't know.
It helped a lot because I've noticed I learn better when I'm orally taught by a friend.
When I was being taught different moderate insults, I needed help spelling and saying the phrases in an angry voice. I had explained that I can say Spanish in a monotone voice, but not in any other expressions.
I learned:
"Te puedes ir." - Go away.
"Vete no quiero hablar con tigo." - I don't want to talk to you.
"Porque me estas gritando." Why are you yelling?
"Porque estas en mi cara." - Why are you in my face.
"Estoy jugando." - I'm kidding.
Español Maury!
Crossing Boundaries
Mi Reflxión
- Mi grupo y yo hicimos un PSA sobre la basure en la escuela.
- Por crear el PSA, la cosa más importante que aprendí fue puede expresar un idea con todos languores y todos países necesitan limpiar los calles y los case y el mundo.
- Me gusta el PSA de mi group porque es lindo y corto y mostra un grande mensaje.
- Si pudiera hacer el proyecto otra vez, yo cambiaría mi PSA tener un escena con mucho basura y la gente.
Language Autobiography
I: Introduction & Reflection:
The task was to explore the complexity of language in one's own life. For myself, I discussed the two languages I am most familiar with and my dislike for the English language, my primary language. I took out of this that language causes barriers and more differences for people to be judged. I realized America may not be able to make two to three mandatory language classes because it's a melting pot of cultures and languages itself. But, I know America has limited it's horizons by having English as it's primary language. By having one language, that forcers people conform to that one language and being able to get around and get the necessity one needs.
II: The Autobiography
English is usually the first language of all citizens in the United States if their parents’ only language is English. The language is the primary spoken in the U.S. and it’s taken a lot of it’s content from the West Germanic Language. Although the States is a melting pot of cultures, it’s still key to know English.
With that said, it’s widely taught in schools around the world. But this isn’t the same for schools in the U.S. boundaries. Excluding bilingual oriented schools, which there aren’t many of and have private school tuition, English is a mandatory class through out any person’s schooling career. It’s been scientifically proven that the language that’s introduced to kids from ages one to three, is going to be their first language. It’s intriguing that the U.S. hasn’t taken that into consideration being that other countries teach one or two other languages in their schools. It is because the States don’t have a unified culture? Maybe, maybe not.
For myself, the English is a boring, bland language. I’ve been speaking it my whole life and I’ve just realized my dislike for my native language. Around the middle of my sophomore year. There is no specific reason I can pinpoint, but it’s a different aspect of the language I’ve gotten in upon my entry of high school. With my aversion to English, I’ve looked into two different languages along with their cultures, German and a general perspective on Spanish.
Through my experiences in Spanish, it didn’t entice me until I learned about it in high school. But, in the times of my previous Spanish exploration, learning about the language didn’t help with remiss teachers. Once I came to enjoy German, my distaste for my first language started to take root.
Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, ocho, nueve, deiz. That’s all I learned in kindergarten. Then in a different school, first through second, I learned French. Till this day I only thing I can remember are the numbers. Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix. That was it from that language. After that, from third to sixth grade it was a dormant stage in my life of not learning any type of language. The school I had attended didn’t have an adequate foreign language program, so at my expense, I didn’t learn anything.
Going to another school, for sixth grade, I picked up Spanish again. I was taught out of purple books that had supposed Hispanic aliens, with no parents traveling with them on earth. Befuddled at the sight, I had to maneuver my way of trying to understand the lesson in such a strange book. My first, of the four main teachers I had, was the most influential. She made the class memorize verses to try to retain the new language. I never successfully memorized it, but my peers did. My excuse was that I was new.
She lasted three to five months. After that, my class had different substitutes teaching us the same material over and over again. Then a Peruvian native replaced the original teacher. Upon her joining our class, she taught us the same things again, then started correcting the purple book I had became so familiar with. My peers and I suffered from her lack of knowledge how to teach her native language. By the end of the year, she was in danger of being deported. After that, Spanish became a rant session for her. About all her problems. My sixth grade year of Spanish: FAIL.
The teacher I had for seventh grade only taught the children she favored in the class. Which was one girl, who could already understand Spanish, so again the whole class suffered. My seventh grade year of “Hispanic lingo”: FAIL.
With yet another different teacher in eighth grade, she taught us the same material that we had been learning our whole middle school careers. My eighth grade year of Spanish: FAIL. After all of those experience, it’s surprised to say, this all happened in a private school.
Upon entering highschool, I was placed in Spanish 2. I thought I had been put into the wrong class, but I was in the right place. I thought I would’ve had been able to handle the course, but the fruits of my efforts caused me to get “A’s” all quarters. Even with those “A’s”, I didn’t retain any of the information I was taught. My Hispanic friends became my “teachers” and that’s how I know the Spanish I know now, other than learning on the Internet.
In the beginning of Sophomore year, my friend began to teach me German. I wasn’t interested in it at the time, but it began to grow on me. Once I realized I liked German, I began to learn and started yet another online course. Ein, zwei, drei, vier, fünf, sech, siebe, acht, nuen, zehn… My friend would test me on the days of the weeks, “Donnerstag,” she’d say. “It’s Thursday,” I’d respond correctly. And so… “Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch,” she’d test me. “Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.”
When I began to engage myself in German language, I began to dislike English. I felt English was dull. I had dove into the German and Spanish cultures, and to me, it seemed so much more interesting than the absent culture that English and America, as a whole has, since it’s a melting pot of many different people from all over the world.
III: Digital StoryDesc Essay Revision: Can I Tell You Why?
The summer before I was an anxious little 8th grader that knew nothing.
Thoughts going through my mind
Am I going to be cool enough?
Am I going to fit in?
I think of my anxiety of that first year.”
With my first stanza, I felt like a spark had jolted inside me. Words continued to flow…
“That year adults have legit conversations with me
That year my individually blossomed
That year when I asked myself
Who are you?
I came to a new school to start fresh.
I came because I wanted something different.
I came to finally be accepted.”
Second… Then third… Came right out of me. I didn’t think about it much. As I continued to write, I didn’t realize the key things I had actually observed, but never thought about.
“Accepted that I am weird.
Accepted that I have a different way of seeing the world.
Accepted that I love to have fun.”
Then the last and final stanza came of my first poem, written in room 309…
“I look at myself now.
I look at what I made of myself through these years.
I look at the fact that
I am no more an anxious freshman.
I am no more that person that thought she wasn’t worth much
I am no more that girl that questioned herself about being ‘cool’
I am a confident girl.
I am that girl that you see walking the streets with priority
I am that girl you see walking into a room knowing I have the respect of e veryone.
I am that girl that thinks something of herself”
That was it. I was finished. With my fresh, new, raw, poem, I wanted to say it out loud. I was the first to share. “Highschool…..” I didn’t get much of a reaction from the room. To them, it was just another poem read by a freshman. But Kay lightened my mood, by commenting on my strong voice. But that was it. Others said their poems and it was time to go.
Later that month, I had acquired a few skills about writing. I had some free time and I sat in a dimly lit living room. The couch to the right, the foyer to left. The piano in front of me. Over head of it was a painting. The background has a jazz theme. On the right side, black, fading into a deep red, to a bright red blood color. The left has deep violet turning into rich light purple. Down at the bottom of the picture of piano keys. The keys come out in a fine curved way. Black sharp keys and the regular white keys. But since it’s a jazz theme to it, the ends of the keys are a chalky brown. Over the keys is a fine colored black man. His body is positioned so his ear is close to the keys he feels over with his large hands. Eyes closed, he looks as if he’s engrossed into the sounds coming from his big instrument. One hand at the end of the piano with the other accompanying it not too far away. This man has large lips, with a large nose. But his facial attributes are all proportional. His close cut beard matches his hair which is buzz cut. Eyes slightly strained with tense eye brows, he seems to be concentrating of the sounds coming with, what it looks like, his precious noise making object. His right hands glides over keys, with big knuckles and great embedded nails. With great hands, they have a angular look to them. Not rounded like normal fingers. This painting has many basic shapes to it. Angular knuckles with angular tips. But his thumb has a curve to it as it’s bent. His pinky stands out feels a key on it’s own. His shadow slightly covers the keys. Mainly his face’s shadow slightly over edge of the keys. The front part of this man’s shirt is yellow faded into a light green. The back is a violet color. The collar is split, so, half is purple and half is yellow and green. His sleeve is rolled up on the right side of the painted. On the arm with the hand at the edge of the piano. Other than that artwork, there were detailed Chinese vases. They had scenes of their culture on each side. Then the coffee table with parallel to the piano on a tan rug. I sat in the office chair. Pondering… The beginning of this self motivated poem started out like this:
Dark is black.
Dark is cold.
Dark is dark.
Dark is heartless, emotionless, endless…..”
I stopped. This start wasn’t myself. I wasn’t a dark person. I began to think of colors. Then this is what flowed through my finger tips:
“Can you tell me?
Tell me why the sky is blue.
Tell me why fire is red.
Tell me why the birds sing those unknown songs that wake me in the morning.
Tell me why….”
I halted. There needed to be some order in this poem. The colors needed to be in their natural pattern. I thought about each color. Red… Orange… Yellow… Green… Blue…. Violet… White… Black… Then this came from my mind:
“Can you tell me why?
Can you tell me why roses are red?
Can you tell me why fire is orange?
Can you tell me why the sun is yellow?
Can you tell me why the grass is green?
Can you tell me why the sky is blue?
Can you tell me why lilies are purple?
Can you tell me why the clouds are white?
Can you tell me why darkness is black?
Can you tell me why?”
I wanted to tie in all the colors together. To show a certain relationship they had with each other.
“I can tell you red roses burn in orange fire.
Each peddle falling
Falling to the ground withering from the hot serpent that has taken away it’s red beauty.
I can tell you the yellow sun beats down on the green grass leaving it dry and brittle, taking away it source of life. Water.
I can tell you the clear, blue sky protects the purple, velvet lilies in the streams they wade in.
I can tell you, you can’t see the white, fluffy clouds in the pure darkness that is black.
That’s what I can tell you.
Now, can you tell me why?”
I felt so proud of my final product. I was so eager, I needed to read it to someone. My mom was the only one in the house at the time and she sat down to hear my poem.
“Can you tell me why?.....” I said the poem with a pure confidence. My mom enjoyed it, so that was a definite “GO” to read it in poetry club that next Tuesday.
Once basketball season started, the teacher supporting poetry club, the basketball coach, couldn’t come to the Tuesday get together. The students ran it. I kept saying to myself, “I’ll go next week,” I kept saying that in my mind until I didn’t care about it anymore. I didn’t even think about going. I’d always hear talk among the club goers about the poetry slams that happened on Saturdays and the about California trip to nationals. It made me feel guilty. So, I felt it’d be awkward if I stepped in room 309 to venture in my poetry writing. The shame inside myself overcame the courage I needed to walk back in that door again. I felt like the longtime writers going there would give me weird stares and talk about me. I just had this internal fear inside my self that I let sway my decision to start writing again.
What made me change my mind was this summer. I had taken a trip to Atlantic City and while on our way to catch some lunch at a burger place, I had read my Can you tell me why? poem to my friend. He thought my poem was absolutely amazing. I was flabbergasted at his reaction. I didn’t expect to have such a great response because I’m my worst critic.
My sophomore year, I wanted to take up poetry again. Now, here’s my chance.
Pipeline Monologue Project
Rich Loris:
All I saw were angry, concerned people outside my favorite window of the White House. My window had a clear view of all the action happening outside. *read slower* Picket signs….. Banners…. Police…. *pick up a bit more speed reading*I could barely hear the chants from my window, but they had a sense of confidence in each one. *talks slower* Canada….. *sound confused*Tar Sands…? Oil…. Nasty oil… Crude oil….. Foreign oil…. Oil…. Oil…. *gets angered* OIL! That’s all it ever is! *gets calm again* *takes a deep breath* That’s all I ever hear from my colleagues, I can’t do anything. I can’t say anything. If I do, I’ll seem like a threat. A threat to their self being. They only worry about themselves. I’m just the head of security. I don’t make any decisions. I just protect the man that does.
Hey, *shurgs*I even voted for him myself. The man had a dream I agreed with. It was different. I thought it was nice to have some color in the White House. This man’s dream opened my eyes to something more than what it should have been exaggerated to. I realized the place we live on won’t last forever. The way we live on this planet now, it’s destined to not be safe enough for our kin. Something needs to change. My actions may not make a dent in earth’s health, but it makes a dent in how I see things now.
It’s hard to hear men joke about this. They ultimately think it’s going to blow over and a 1700-mile pipe will cover six states of our domestic territory! The idea just doesn’t sit right with me. I cared too much for some unknown reason. I didn’t know the actual impact of this, in my heart it didn’t seem legit. It didn’t seem….moral.
I couldn’t help what I felt at the time, but I didn’t think twice about running out the door towards the dedicated protesters. I was about 200 meters from them. All I wanted to do was join then. Join a triumph waiting to happen. *clenches fists so veins show**takes a deep breath* I was tackled. I believe his name was Ben… Ben Hanks. I’m the one in charge of him, I should definitely know his name. I tried to pry his grip off me, but a sting in my left side *places his left hand on his left side* and I was out.
I woke up here. This jail cell. With a cold floor, a silver, metallic toilet and serious talking. *feels the floor and shivers* Then I looked up to a red haired girl blankly looking at me.
Laury Ellis:*Sits in a cornet near the bars of her cell
I woke up this morning with a purpose. I woke up to march… March for a relevant cause to my president. *fixes shirt* He is the one who can stop it all. He’s the man I have all my hopes in right now. I tied my hair back for a serious persona and dressed in a simple pair of nice of jeans and a Obama shirt I got at the beginning of his election. I bought an extra shirt just in case I was displeased at the president for a moment. I knew I was going to out there for awhile, but I didn’t think I’d end up in a jail cell at the end of the day. All I Americans were allowed to express what their opinions were. Right or wrong, it can still be said. But I guess when it goes up against the White House, it’s always going to be wrong. I realized that today.
*Speaks in a “matter-of-fact voice* I’ve seen that the no one had denied a permit for the pipeline. All permission was given. Canada wants to get rid of it and the U.S. is willing to take it, since it’s an ally’s oil. I also checked out what TransCanada is doing about the land their taking from domestic owners. In addition to the government getting millions of dollars in revenue, around 600 million to be exact, their giving a small portion of the profits to the landholders their taking away property from. I couldn’t argue with that. I mean… I’ve my land was taken, I’d probably take up the offer of getting some type of compensation. But I’m seriously worried about what it’d to the environment. Plowing through acres and acres of lands that houses animals, plants, and freshwater. It’s a shame to see what could be lost with this pipe. It there any other way this could be done? Instead of a pipeline, maybe thousands of truck drivers and money to be put in oil transportation? I don’t know. That might be worse… A lot is at jeopardy, but I’m just a citizen. I can’t do anything. I can only stand for something.
Now, I stare at this man. Dressed in a suit and tie with ear piece that you usually see officials. I don’t know who he is. He seems interested. Maybe he knows something about it all.
Ben Hanks:*Ben sits at the bottom of a tree trunk with his head in his hands.*
I didn’t know who he was. I didn’t know he had more authority than me. I didn’t know anything about this man. I didn’t know what my boss looked like. *Slowly lifts his head out his hands.* He could have been Indian for all I cared.
I was told to watch for anyone making trouble. That’s my job. That’s what I’m paid to do. The protesters were pretty much under control. The picket signs were all too offensive, so I wasn’t worried about today. Things seems relatively fine. I stood there, at my guard and I was prepared for anything.
I kept hearing things about this “crude” oil. I couldn’t look it up on my blackberry at the time, but it didn’t seem bad. These people seemed to be against what I thought is exactly what we need. Oil from a place close by. Right? It’s better than getting overseas in that terrorist country. We fight for all of what we have and why not take a chance and get something we deserve. It’s said that the pipeline won’t leak and that’s good enough for me. Hey, it’s not going to impact me in D.C. so why should I worry about it? I sorry for those who live out there, but my living arrangements aren’t at all going to be ruined.
As I was contemplating about this issue a man runs across the White House field. I couldn’t tell who he was, nor where he came from. My first instinct was to tackle him. He tried to struggle out of my grip so I tazed him. I cuffed him and gave to the others. I was then informed later on… He was the big boss.
Vengo de!
Here's my lyrics!
Nací en Jersey
Me encantalo aquí
Esta es mi ciudad
Familia en SLA, Filly y Mi barrio
Tengo mis amigos junto a mi lado
Soy como ellos, ellos son como yo
Filly es donde mi casa está
¡Filly tiene la gente negra, la gente blanco, hispanos y asíaticos!
Me encanta la gente aqui!
Tanta diversidad en etsa ciudad penqueña
Tengo mis amigos aquí y mi familia
Filly es mi hogar
El amor fraternal
Familia en SLA, Filly y Mi barrio
Tengo mis amigos junto a mi lado
Estoy ellos, ellos son mi
Soy como ellos, ellos son como yo
Family in SLA, Philly and my boring neighborhood.
I have my friends by my side
I am them, they are me
1. The refrán has to tense, but the song is in past tense.
3. I think so. Maybe.
4. Yes! If it might be in English, but it's okay in Spanish too.
Descriptive Essay: A Becoming Poet
I started poetry club in the beginning of my freshman year. First meeting, first day, so many new people. I had never thought about writing poetry. I never believed I had the skill to. My typical image of a poet was a African talking about the struggles of it’s continent. Maybe a regular person with a lot of life experiences. To my surprise, I wasn’t the only freshman in that room. I sat down on the far left side of the room near the windows. I could still feel the sting on my butt from my friends hand, so I sat with a wince. Thankfully no one saw. My advisor, Mr. Kay, introduced me to the room. I was kind of shy, so if my skin was a tad bit lighter, there may have been a hint of a blush. I was with people I didn’t know. Then we went around the room and said our names. Frdea… De… Imani… Taylor… Jameka… Marchella… They all seemed to be pleased with everyone there. Mr. Kay went on about his long journeys with the seniors in the room. It was interesting to see him enthusiasm about such a topic. My first task that Tuesday evening in room 309 was to write about myself. That was the worst thing I could’ve been told, but I ended up doing it. It started out like this:
The summer before I was an anxious little 8th grader that knew nothing.
Thoughts going through my mind
Am I going to be cool enough?
Am I going to fit in?
I think of my anxiety of that first year.”
With my first stanza, I felt like a spark had jolted inside me. Words continued to flow…
“That year adults have legit conversations with me
That year my individually blossomed
That year when I asked myself
Who are you?
I came to a new school to start fresh.
I came because I wanted something different.
I came to finally be accepted.”
Second… Then third… Came right out of me. I didn’t think about it much. As I continued to write, I didn’t realize the key things I had actually observed, but never thought about.
“Accepted that I am weird.
Accepted that I have a different way of seeing the world.
Accepted that I love to have fun.”
Then the last and final stanza came of my first poem, written in room 309…
“I look at myself now.
I look at what I made of myself through these years.
I look at the fact that
I am no more an anxious freshman.
I am no more that person that thought she wasn’t worth much
I am no more that girl that questioned herself about being ‘cool’
I am a confident girl.
I am that girl that you see walking the streets with priority
I am that girl you see walking into a room knowing I have the respect of everyone.
I am that girl that thinks something of herself”
That was it. I was finished. With my fresh, new, raw, poem, I wanted to say it out loud. I was the first to share. “Highschool…..” I didn’t get much of a reaction from the room. To them, it was just another poem read by a freshman. But Kay lightened my mood, by commenting on my strong voice. But that was it. Others said their poems and it was time to go.
Later that month I had acquired a few skills about writing. I had some free time and I sat in a dimly lit living room. The couch to the right, the foyer to left. The piano in front of me. Over head of it was painting.The background has a jazz theme. On the right side, black, fading into a deep red, to a bright red blood color. The left has deep violet turning into rich light purple. Down at the bottom of the picture of piano keys. The keys come out in a fine curved way. Black sharp keys and the regular white keys. But since it’s a jazz theme to it, the ends of the keys are a chalky brown. Over the keys is a fine colored black man. His body is positioned so his ear is close to the keys he feels over with his large hands. Eyes closed, he looks as if he’s engrossed into the sounds coming from his big instrument. One hand at the end of the piano with the other accompanying it not too far away. This man has large lips, with a large nose. But his facial attributes are all proportional. His close cut beard matches his hair which is buzz cut. Eyes slightly strained with tense eye brows, he seems to be concentrating of the sounds coming with, what it looks like, his precious noise making object. His right hands glides over keys, with big knuckles and great embedded nails. With great hands, they have a angular look to them. Not rounded like normal fingers. This painting has many basic shapes to it. Angular knuckles with angular tips. But his thumb has a curve to it as it’s bent. His pinky stands out feels a key on it’s own. His shadow slightly covers the keys. Mainly his face’s shadow slightly over edge of the keys. The front part of this man’s shirt is yellow faded into a light green. The back is a violet color. The collar is split, so, half is purple and half is yellow and green. His sleeve is rolled up on the right side of the painted. On the arm with the hand at the edge of the piano. Other than that artwork, there were detailed Chinese vases. They had scenes of their culture on each side. Then the coffee table with parallel to the piano on a tan rug. I sat in the office chair. Pondering… The beginning of this self motivated poem started out like this:
Dark is black.
Dark is cold.
Dark is dark.
Dark is heartless, emotionless, endless…..”
I stopped. This start wasn’t myself. I wasn’t a dark person. I began to think of colors. Then this is what flowed through my finger tips:
“Can you tell me?
Tell me why the sky is blue.
Tell me why fire is red.
Tell me why the birds sing those unknown songs that wake me in the morning.
Tell me why….”
I halted. There needed to be some order in this poem. The colors needed to be in their natural pattern. I thought about each color. Red… Orange… Yellow… Green… Blue…. Violet… White… Black… Then this came from my mind:
“Can you tell me why?
Can you tell me why roses are red?
Can you tell me why fire is orange?
Can you tell me why the sun is yellow?
Can you tell me why the grass is green?
Can you tell me why the sky is blue?
Can you tell me why lilies are purple?
Can you tell me why the clouds are white?
Can you tell me why darkness is black?
Can you tell me why?”
I wanted to tie in all the colors together. To show a certain relationship they had with each other.
“I can tell you red roses burn in orange fire.
Each peddle falling
Falling to the ground withering from the hot serpent that has taken away it’s red beauty.
I can tell you the yellow sun beats down on the green grass leaving it dry and brittle, taking away it source of life. Water.
I can tell you the clear, blue sky protects the purple, velvet lilies in the streams they wade in.
I can tell you, you can’t see the white, fluffy clouds in the pure darkness that is black.
That’s what I can tell you.
Now, can you tell me why?”
I felt so proud of my final product. I was so eager, I needed to read it to someone. My mom was the only one in the house at the time and she sat down to hear my poem.
“Can you tell me why?.....” I said the poem with a pure confidence. My mom enjoyed it, so that was a definite “GO” to read it in poetry club that next Tuesday.
Once basketball season started, the teacher supporting poetry club, the basketball coach, could come to the Tuesday get together. The students ran it. I kept saying to myself, “I’ll go next week,” I kept saying that in my mind until I didn’t care about it anymore. I didn’t even think about going. I’d always hear talk among the club goers about the poetry slams that happened on Saturdays and the about California trip to nationals. It made me feel guilty. So, I felt it’d be awkward if I stepped in room 309 to venture in my poetry writing.
My sophomore year, I wanted to take up poetry again. Now, here’s my chance.
Este Es Mi... Espaol Q4 BM
Q4 English Portfolio
The Corn Industry
Two men, Ian Cheney and Curt Ellis, decided to become farmers to learn were the food they eat so much came from. After a nine month period, after planting 31,000 seeds of corn on one acre of land, turned into 10,000 pound harvest. Ten thousand pounds of corn can produced 57, 348 cans of soda, 3,894 corn-fed hamburgers, 2,301 pounds of bacon, or 6,726 boxes of corn flakes. Both of these men realized corn was literally in everything they ate. Doughnuts, bacon, beef, soda, etc. In the conclusion of gaining this knowledge, they decided to get their analyzed to exactly see how much corn was in their bodies. Cheney had a 58% make up of corn in his body and Ellis 53%.
Cheney and Ellis actually made a film called King Corn to show regular Americans what most of their food consists of. Cheney and Ellis say Earl Butz, the 18th secretary of agriculture, is the blame for this big industry of corn production that caused the fast food industry to boom in the past twenty years. After being in office from 1971 to 1976 under Presiden Nixon's appointment, Butz's idea was to genetically modify corn to create a surplus of the product.
So, Butz who died in 2008, could be the primary blame for this vegetable that colonized all of Americas died, but regardless, since it's a big money maker for corporations and no farmers, it's going to be hard to wean of off such a highly used project.
Fueling The Fast Food Industry
No, I'm Not Going To Eat The Yellow Squishy Kernels On My Plate, Mom
You know that warm blueberry muffin with melted butter permeating the insides you had this morning? Along with cheesy scrambled eggs? And the pork bacon that accompanied the two? And don't forget about cranberry juice you accidentally spilled on your white shirt that made you late for work. Well, guess what. All of these delicious things had the vegetable you hated as a kid in it, corn.
Yup, you've been getting your vegetables in your stomach for quite a long time now. But, don't get excited because although you've been eating corn without knowing, they've been altered to be used in all those things, which takes away from it's nutrience. But, don't worry about it, it's just a starch anyway.
Corn is in drinks, food, and even meat. This crop is America's number one grown for a reason. Corn sweetens drinks, such as the Coke you have along with that hoagie and chips you had to get because you were running late in the morning because of the purple stain, so you couldn't pack you're own lunch anyway. Again don't worry, the frozen lunch you wanted to bring also had corn in it.
Farmers controlled by big corporations, are forced to use the corporations genetically modified seed. As for agriculture, big corporations feed their animals corn also. Although the yellow kern mil isn't great, it complies with the regulations for the slight health of animals. So, by default, your bacon and eggs have corn in them.
Corn, corn, corn, everywhere, literally
There's almost no way to avoid it. Corn is the number one produced crop in America due to it's demand in many products. The average American doesn't realize how much corn they eat in a day. So much corn is produced in the U.S., there's a name for it's locations. The "Corn Belt." This "belt" includes the states Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska, Minnesota, Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin, South Dakota, Michigan, Missouri, Kansas, and Kentucky. Although the states, together, don't look like a "belt", it's one third of the country that produces a major crop. If scientists were to do DNA tests on the amount of corn an average American eats, verses a Mexican, they'd think that Americans eat nothing but corn. A major reason it's widely used it's because it's cheap. It's a companies "alternative" to the "real stuff."
An example would be the sweetness in Pepsi. Back in the 70's, they used real sugar to sweeten the tasty drink. Now, the second most used ingredient is "high fructose corn syrup." I wonder how many people know this. Corn, the vegetable that one has hated as a child, is in the drinks they consume everyday.
What's next? All the products that contain this small yellow kern.
Negative Space
Negative space is the space around the object. For example, there is a colored in circle that is black and out side of this circle the color is white. The negative space of the circle is the white part of the paper. Another example would be a can. The can's outlined shape is black and the outside of it is white. The white part of the paper is the space around it that is negative space.
At first, I was confused because I didn't know the negative space of the owl. Then I noticed the first piece I cut out that was the background to the owl. After, I added pieces from there by adding certain shapes I cut out and made the owl. The negative space for the stools was hard. When drawing it, I had to look at it and come up with reasonable shapes that envisioned the stools in negative space.
Negative space probably helps artists know the other side of what they are drawing. Knowing the positive and negative helps the artist know their drawing intimately and it's easy to understand it and capture any angle.
Using negative space shows the "bare bones" of the drawing and it shows its simplicity. A carving may have many designs in the middle, but it's negative space shows how its not complex at all.
Art Room Perspective
This project was to get an idea for perspective. The room we were assigned to draw was the Art room. Ms. Hull taught us about orthogonal and how they enhance 3D perspective drawings. We started by drawing a simple office room. Complete with easy square and rectangular objects such as cabinets, a rug, a skylight, a door, and a window. Then we had to apply the skills we learned with simple projects and draw the art room with perspective. An easy thing that helped was drawing all orthogonal lines to the vanishing point. Which was quite essential to drawing in perspective. The hard thing about drawing the room was having the front wall a certain length to fit the required objects.
A well done project was drawn by Nicholas Doroba. He payed attention to keeping the vanishing point used at all times. In addition, he added key detail to make the drawing look more realistic.
La Rutina Diara
My Goals For This Second Quarter
Hm, some of my academic goals are to get at least three A's in my grades, mentally compute math problems easily and not be lethargic to do that, and put a lot more effort into do school work.
This quarter I got three A's. I hope to keep that up and eventually get more. But for the time being, I want stay with achieving three A's in ending result of all my classes.
Other than getting at least three A's in my classes, I want to be able to mentally compute math problems. Not all, but some. Such as addition, subtraction, or multiplication. I was challenged by my math teacher to do this and I think it's a useful skill to have.
Though I have done fairly well this quarter, I want to put more effort into doing classwork and homework. I want to manage my time well and put more thought into homework.
Why I Changed My Slide
I wanted to make the adjectives in a more simple line instead of all over the slide. Though I kept the pictures of myself "bleeding" to the lower right and left corners, I also changed the way my name was displayed.