American Immigration
Group: Jess, DeShawn, Antonio
I think my initial surprise was looking at the two different sets of data that was presented to me in the beginning of this project. It was fascinating to see the profession of the population built on immigration and there was such a dip in immigration, yet the population of the country was gradually increasing. But, I think the reasons why the population progressed and immigration had it's moments of nadir, it can be explained. Woman had large amounts of children, families increased, and the amount of the current residence balanced out with those who immigrated.
I think the population will always gradually rise. Even if Mitt Romney goes into office this next term. I think the turmoil in other countries will attract even more people who want to bask in US freedom. But, I think the US will be one of the most well off countries in the next two decades.
With that Prezi template, we wanted to show there was strife getting to the end of the journey. And that's the "X" marks the spot. Going any where, there's always an adventure no matter how small, and immigrating is a big task.
The things my group has trouble with would be putting the amount of information that we had acquired tactfully in our presentation.
Overall, for next time, I'd consider having a more organized way my group put our information together.
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