Negative Space
A. What is negative space (explain this concept to a fourth grader that has never heard of it)
In art, there are blank spaces( as in spaces where the air goes). This is called negative space.
Drawing showing Negative Space enhances the intensity of the the shape itself. However, for detail, I feel it takes away.
In art, there are blank spaces( as in spaces where the air goes). This is called negative space.
B. Explain how you found negative space in 1. your cut out?, 2. in your stool drawing?
In the cut out, I understood that the certain color was negative space. On one side i used that as orange, on the other side, it was highlighted in the brown.
In the stool, I used space where the air was, that's what negative space is.C. Why does it help an artist to see in negative space?
It helps artists to see negative space because it allows them to have a better composition of their pieces.D. Does seeing in negative space enhance drawings, why or why not
Drawing showing Negative Space enhances the intensity of the the shape itself. However, for detail, I feel it takes away.
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