Today internet users have open internet, which gives them the ability to access any resource. There is this big debate on whether net neutrality should be required by law. ¨Net neutrality is the principle that internet service providers and governments should treat all data on the internet equally, not discriminating or charging differentially by user, content, site, platform, application, type of attached equipment, or mode of communication.¨ ( ) If net neutrality actually happens, this means that everyone with pay the same amount for the same amount of data. Also, this means that ISP’s will be able to restrict you from some websites or important information.
Some teens may not know about net neutrality, but it affects us the most. For instance, We may not be able to access websites that we use on a regular like facebook or twitter. Since we are the next generation, when we get older we may have net neutrality as a new law. Teens rely on the internet so much that without certain access, It can cause many problems. We need to be aware of the rules that are involved in using the internet.
Net Neutrality will cause so many problems. For instance, it isn’t fair to people who pay a lot to get good internet because now they have to pay the same for the same quality of internet. ¨ If we all want to protect universal access to the communications networks that we all depend on to connect with ideas, information, and each other, then we must stand up for our rights to connect and communicate.¨ ( The ISP shouldn’t have a say in what we use on the internet is we pay for it; This is abusing their power. People who don’t believe in net neutrality should take a stand to put a stop to this decision.
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