Net Neutrality Opinion Seyni Ndaw in Tech 9-016

Net Neutrality is extremely important for teens to be aware of. It's no secret that teenagers and children growing up in this age are the most frequent users and consumers of technology and the internet overall. It is important for us to be aware of the controversies behind our number one resource for nearly everything we do, ranging from communication to consuming media such as tv shows and movies, and how we do our research for schools and other things. 

Economy and class status is one of the biggest factors that goes into Net Neutrality and how it impacts others. If we as internet citizens were to lose net neutrality, it would be one more thing to add to the list of injustices and unfairness towards those in the middle and lower class. To ask for those with lower wealth to pay more for faster internet is ridiculous. It's obvious it's not the companies' obligation to genuinely care about internet citizens because all they care about is money. Internet providers tend to advertise so called ¨fast lanes¨ as though paying more is the equivalent of faster internet. However, more times than not internet citizens are actually paying for the exact same treatment as before. 

Seeing as we are the Net Generation, also called Generation Y, it will soon be our responsibility to control and adjust the internet and how we use it. We must first educate ourselves and others to accumulate and understanding of our internet and how much control we dont have over it. There is the overall misconception amongst teens that as long as we're careful, our personal information belongs to us. But this is far from true. Our internet and everything we choose to include in it is under the ultimate control of the government.

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