Net Nuetrality

Screenshot 2014-12-25 at 12.36.58 PM
Screenshot 2014-12-25 at 12.36.58 PM

Net Neutrality is ¨the principle that Internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without favoring or blocking particular products or websites.¨ Net Neutrality is crucial to keeping the pricing of online communication down. Just because I have dish, doesn’t give people who have comcast the right to faster internet and more content. Not only that the FCC had created their own loopholes so companies such as Netflix can make under the table deals with service providers for faster internet which is ultimately illegal. The internet as a utility would hurt the providers, because it would restrict them to a certain set of rules to the internet, making the internet market will become uncompetetive.

After learning about Net Neutrality, I have realized how important the internet and the digital world are to us, it has always been there in the back of my mind, but I cannot imagine my life without it. To give someone complete control of something so important to me and billions of other people seems not only unfair, but unjust. If the world shares data, who gets the right to have more? If net neutrality goes down the drain than we will have to keep paying more and more for something that deserves to be ours, a given right.

I feel that net neutrality is a matter that needs more attention, before our class on it, I had no idea that our internet speed was being compromised. Another problem with Net Neutrality is that average people benefit from the equality of speed and all available content, but big companies are at a disadvantage, so it makes sense that they are all for inequality. Net Neutrality is a major part of our lives, especially generation so we have to be very involved with this problem.
