Website: http://thehistoricalcivilrightsmovement.weebly.com/​

Process Paper:

I picked my topic the Civil

Rights Movement, because I have learned many things about it over the years,

but I know there is a lot that I haven’t learned. I want to learn more about

three specific events, and they were: The Bus Boycott, The I Have A Dream Speech,

and The Assassination of MLK. I knew the basic stuff already, but I wanted to

dig down deeper into the situation so I did.

I checked many different

websites looking for new information, and I found some new things, but I wasn’t

satisfied. So I did something I never do, I read a book, the Rosa Parks

Biography. I learned some things from it; one really interesting thing was that the Boycott might have been set up. Rosa wasn’t the first person to get arrested for sitting in the front of a bus. It was a 16-year-old pregnant girl, I didn’t include this in my project, but it was new to me.

I made my articles like a regular

2fer from English class, but that wasn’t the way I was supposed to do it. I had

to make them like actual newspaper articles so I did. It was kind of hard for

me, but I did it to the best of my abilities.

Then I made my website. I tried to

put the events in order so people could travel through time on my website to

see what the civil right movement was like. I have pictures from each event on

each page. I feel that the website is good. The articles aren’t long, and

boring just about a page and a half for each category. I also have a video of

MLK making his I Have A Dream Speech. In the end I was somewhat proud of my website. It could have been better, but it is what I produced.

Primary Sources:
  1. King, Martin, dir. I Have A Dream. Perf. Martin King. Youtube, 1963. Web. 13 Jan 2012. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smEqnnklfYs>
This is a video of the MLK I have a dream speech. I like this source because it not only give me a chance to see him give his speech, I get to see the crowds reaction to each every word he had to say. Everyone had good reaction. I first thought it was only blacks who attended the speech, but whites also attended.
  1. , and Rosa Parks. Parks Rosa. 1955. Photograph. Clarion Ledger, Montgomery. http://blogs.clarionledger.com/jmitchell/files/2010/05/Rosa-Parks-Dickson1dec05.jpg
This is a picture of Rosa Parks being arrested after her bus incident on December 1st 1955 the website behind the photo explains what exactly happened the day she was arrested. I feel like this is a credible source, I like it.
  1. , and Terry Marshall. King Martin. 1957. Photograph. Terry Marshall, Montgomery. //www.terrymarshallfiction.com/images/MLK-in-Birmingham-jail.jpg
MLK was arrested in Birmingham for leading the Civil Rights movement. He was set to lead a march, and the police would not allow it. He was spit on, and disrespected, and every other way. After all of that he was arrested. Very good picture, and background story.
  1. , and Civil Rights Act. King Martin, President Johnson. 1964. Photograph. Art and History House, Washington. http://artandhistory.house.gov/images/weekinhistory/new/civil-rights-act-display.jpg

This is a picture of President Johnson signing the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Civil Rights leaders including MLK are in this picture, and were apart of this the Civil Rights Movement. It was a something MLK had been fighting for a very long time.

  1. , and Lorraine Hotel. MLK Assasination. 1968. Photograph. Art and History House, Memphis. http://www.truthmove.org/workspace/photos-content/mlk_jr_slaying.jpg
The is a photo of MLK laying on the balcony of the Lorraine Hotel after being shot by “James Earl Ray”. Jesse Jackson, and two other guys were around MLK when he was shot. I like this source because it shows me exactly where MLK was when he was shot, and it has the immediate reaction of the people who were around him.
Secondary Sources:
  1. Luther King JR, Martin, ed. "Martin Luther King's Speech: 'I Have a Dream' - The Full Text."abcnews.go.com. ABC NEWS, 28 008 1963. Web. 5 Jan 2012. http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/martin-luther-kings-speech-dream-full-text/story?id=14358231#.TwWnDiOXTEU
This is the I have a dream speech in text. I read this before I watched the video just so I could know what MLK was saying, because during the video I was really paying attention to the reactions of people around him. This source is good because it has the whole speech, and now I know everything MLK said when he gave his speech. I like this source.
  1. Cozzens, Lisa. "Brown v. Board of Education." African American
    . http://fledge.watson.org/~lisa/blackhistory/
        early-civilrights/brown.html (25 May 1998).
This is an article about the Montgomery Bus Boycott, and how it started. I feel like this source is good, because it digs deep down into the Bus Boycott. Rosa Parks was arrested, and Civil Rights Leaders such as MLK got into action, encouraged blacks not to ride public transportation. Very enjoyable source to read.
  1. Johnson, Jasmine. "The Martin Luther King Assassination." http://www.maryferrell.org/. Marry Ferrel Foundation, n.d. Web. 3 Jan 2012. <http://www.maryferrell.org/wiki/index.php/Martin
When MLK was shot people all around the nation were affected by it emotionally. This source tells almost everything that happened leading up to Kings death. He was in Memphis for some Sanitary workers who were on strike.
  1. Williams, Sarah. "December 1, 1955: Rosa Parks arrested." cnn.com. CNN, 03 003 2003. Web. 5 Jan 2012. <http://articles.cnn.com/2003-03-10/us/sprj.80.1955.parks_1_rosa-parks-bus-boycott-bus-driver?_s=PM:US>.
  2. Rhein, Jamie. "Martin Luther King Jr.: The house where he lived in Montgomery is a museum."http://www.gadling.com/. Gadling, 21 001 2008. Web. 13 Jan 2012. <http://articles.cnn.com/2003-03-10/us/sprj.80.1955.parks_1_rosa-parks-bus-boycott-bus-driver?_s=PM:US>.
