Nmanton Immigration visualization
1. The thing that surprised me most about the data, was even though year by year, immigration, jumped and dove, the population of the U.S. kept going up and up at a constant rate. The most obvious thing about the data set, is that during the depression the immigration numbers dropped.
2. During the next two decades I believe the immigration number's will rise. It will rise because all over the world, there are governments falling apart left and right across the middle east. This will cause many people to flee their country and come to the place everyone thinks of as oppurtunity even though there may not be much oppurtunity, and that is the U.S.
3. We decided to make multiple graphs of the U.S. population for the decade with the amount of immigrants that came that year because we wanted to the immigration-U.S. citizen ratio. We figured that a double bar graph would best show the ratio
4. The parts that were challenging was trying to decide which way to represent our data to show the data, because none of them seemed to have everything we wanted in our presentation.
5. If I had the opportunity to do this project again, I would have more types of graphs and pie charts to represent the immigrant-citizen ratio, because it would give multiple perspectives.
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