NN blog, Sell
Net neutrality is what makes it so that any regular Joe with a bit of technology knowledge can place their thoughts and ideas out for the world to see. Preserving net neutrality is preserving free speech. Do we want the right of free speech? I think you have your answer why we need net neutrality.
Net neutrality is simply the rich(ISP's) not being able to censor the information that we gather or spread.
We always talk about how countries such as North Korea and China are so awful for censoring what their people say, but aren't we just walking down that path by potentially destroying net neutrality? I think we are. We have the right of free speech and free press. Lets keep it that way.
'We' as teenagers live so much of our lives on the internet. Imagine if the whole internet was like the school filter, we tried to access one of our favorite sites and low and behold its not accessible because of our ISP. Also imagine if when we were on our computer using the internet we had to pay for the amount of data being used and it wasn't just a flat rate. For those of us who stream or play online games or even just watch Netflix, be prepared to have no money in little time. Imagine paying for Netflix and then paying for every minute you were actually using it. Not fun.
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