Oisin Hyland Capstone

For my capstone I created a website that can be used by students of SLA and other Philadelphia schools to help find internship and volunteering opportunities across the city. My website has 30 different internships, a section explaining the importance of internships and a place where you can submit any other internship you have interest in doing. To complete this I used Wix to create the website and conducted my own research on why internships are important. In addition to researching why internships are important I also researched where to find internships in the Philadelphia area. I decided to do this for my capstone because I never got a chance to have an internship in my time at SLA and I think that they can be really beneficial for a student’s growth into a working person. I enjoyed this challenge because I got to apply information that I learned through SLA while also learning a new thing like website building.

Link to Website: https://ohyland23.wixsite.com/slainternships

Link to Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1StFCD-ijbm1PnXGe0mavbF7ZtM4Al_7P1X-ljiTeiK8/edit?usp=sharing

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