On the Way to Dunsinane: by Sophia and Justine

Justine and I made a board game that related to Macbeth. In Macbeth, many characters are fighting to be king. Some make noble decisions, while others take the dark path to the top. Macbeth chose to take the sinful way to the top which resulted in his downfall. Macbeth heard of the prophecies and decided to force his way up. He felt that he had no choice because of his “vaulting ambition”. So he went down a horrible path which ultimately resulted in his downfall. He killed the prior king, King Duncan, and blamed it on his servants, then killed them too. Duncan’s sons decide to flee because they were afraid for their lives and they thought they would be next on the murder list. No one suspects Macbeth and he is crowned king. Of course, there are always repercussions for evil choices. So, Macbeth realized that although he would be king, his children won’t be king because Banquo’s children are destined to be king. Again, Macbeth decides to do a sinful thing to get what he wants. He kills his best friend Banquo. As Macbeth was doing all these things, he failed to rule his kingdom properly which resulting in his own people rebelling against him. He loses the fight and dies. This is one example of what could happen after making bad choices to get what you want. This is the whole objective of our game, as six players race on the way to Dunsinane. Malcolm, who was the king’s son, and next in line, became king because Macbeth was killed. He did not kill anyone to become king, and he was more noble about being king. So, in our game you can either be more noble, somewhat like Malcolm, or you can be evil, like Macbeth and kill everyone in your way.

Some of the cards that we have in our game, relate to many things from the book. Someone of the cards relate to 3,because 3 is a recurring theme in Macbeth. There are also a lot of cards that can hurt or aid you in the ways of slumber. There are also more exact cards that relate more towards the book. One the of cards talks about the porter and how he was drunk and how that related to the player. Most of the repercussion cards (the cards you have to pick up if you choose the evil path) are all something that might have happened to Macbeth. Macbeth saw the ghost of Banquo, someone he had killed, he that is somewhat similar to one of the cards in our game.  All of the cards relate to the play in someway. It might be a bit more abstract than others, but they are related. Also, the idea of fate cards are related to Macbeth, because Macbeth is either letting fate lead him or he is fighting fate. Some in our game, the fate cards lead you in the way it wants to lead you, because it is fate. Our game is related to Macbeth, because of the overall idea of the game, to become the king of Scotland first, and all of the cards that come from something in the play.


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