Petty Othello Journals


"Here, stand behind this bulk, straight will he come.

Wear thy good rapier bare, and put it home.

Quick, quick! Fear nothing. I’ll be at thy elbow.

It makes us, or it mars us. Think on that,

And fix most firm thy resolution."



In this part by Iago he seems to speak in a load tone. He speaks to Rodrigo about Desdemona. He does not speak in this way because he is angry. He dose this to make his point. He says "Quick, quick!" He was tell Rodrigo to move quickly. He is not angry his just wants to make points. Iago does this many times in this book. When Iago dose get mad in this book he dose not yell, he keeps calm and says mean things. Nothing more, he will yell to make a point but never when being mad or upset. He also tends to yell when things don't go his way.


Emila Act 4 Sc 2 pg: 199-203

- Though out the whole book Othello, Emilia she has been caught in the middle of other peoples problems. Expect the time she gave Desdemona's handkerchief to Iago. But other that she is always around when Desdemona and Othello are having some kind of argument. She is just standing there while they go back and forth. 

-She finds out in the end why Iago wanted a belonging of Desdemona so bad. He wanted to frame her and Cassio, to make it seem as if they are in some find of romantic relationship. She knew what he needed but did not know what for. She just later found out what her deed, had been for.

Emilia Act 3 Sc 1 pg:113-114

  • You can also tell from this scene that Emila is a tad bit of a kiss up. I know that it is her job with Desdemona, and partly Othello, but she does the same to Iago and Cassio. Yes, Iago is her husband but she does everything he wants, without question. Emilia just handed over Desdemona’s handkerchief, and she had no idea what it was for. I some way I think she knew what was going on, but she just did what everyone told her to do, until the end of 
    the book.



Iago was born into a high up family, his father was a general, and provided his family’s every need. Iago and his sister grew up having all the best toys and had the best holidays. When Iago got older he knew that he wanted to provide like his father did with his family, that’s is when he decided he wanted to become a general like his father. He told his father we wanted no more thing handed to him, that he would no earn for him self. He made good money do whatever he could. Until he meet a women named Emilia, she had big blue eye’s that put the sea to shame. He knew he would marry this women have a family and provide for them. He asked her to marry him and she did. She told him he was to become a general after they where married. She told him the next person in line after his father dies is a man named Othello. Iago had got so upset he swore his revenge on Othello.


In my scene I play Iago with one other person who plays Othello. There is not much going on in the scene. This is the scene where Iago puts his plan into action by tell Othello the whereabouts of his wife’s handkerchief. So the most we can do is put a lot movement in it. As much as we can with out over doing it. Like hand motions and walkabouts. Things of that sort.

For Peter who plays Othello, he will turn his hoodie into a cloak. He will be stand as he starts off. I who plays Iago, on the other hand will be siting with a cup in my hand, seeming not to give a care in the world. 

I am not sure that our scene will stand out the most but we will try. Put the thing we will try is to put a lot of drama in the scene, faces and things like that.


“He is dead by your tis done by your request, but let her live”


-This is that line that makes Iago seem as if he care what happens to Desdemona. The way I said this was with much concern. As if I really cared what happens to her, or let alone any one it this play. I am tried to play this character as self absorbed as I can, because that is what he is.

- I think that my groups performance turned out pretty well. The other person in my group was Peter Ricker and is not really an outspoken person, so I was unsure how he would deliver his lines. Of course you practicing is always different than how it actually turns out. But I think it came out fairly well.

-To me it really did not change my understanding at all. When reading the book Othello I pretty much understood it, and if I did not get it the class discussion helped me understand. They thing that my scene did help me do was look at the book differently. I saw Othello as a slow book that at some active scene, but the class presenting a scene made me look at them differently. Any part in Othello can be put in to something really dramatized when you add actions. 
