Leah Petty Public Feed
Leah Petty Capstone
"GreatPhillySchools - Home." GreatPhillySchools. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2015.
Great Philly schools is website devoted to rating and reviewing schools in Philadelphia. These schools range from pre-k to High School. When using this website in my capstone I will be focusing on high schools. I would like to have the students I’m teaching research the schools they are thinking about applying to and see if it is a good fit for them. This could be based on the size of the school, location, average test scores, sport teams, ect. The point of this is to let the students see if this is really is the school they want to. Let them do their own research on the schools they want to go to, and not just hearing about it.
"The School District of Philadelphia." US News. U.S.News & World Report, n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2015.
This source comes from US News, under Education. This specific page is on the Philadelphia School District and has all the Philadelphia high schools and ranking, now many of the schools are not ranked. But one of the main reasons I’m using this page because it says rather or not the schools are nationally recognized. This is something you should take into account when picking a high school, because when it comes down to applying to college you want the college to know your school. I want to get across to the students that the decision of your high school falls right under college, the next big thing after this is start researching colleges to apply to.
"Inside Strawberry Mansion High School, Philadelphia, Pa Most Dangerous H S in America." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2015.
This is a video titled “Inside Strawberry Mansion High School”, in this video World News goes inside Strawberry Mansion High School. The school has been labeled the most dangerous school in America. Diane Sawyer goes into the school and reports on the violence. I want to show the students that is not what you want to go though when you're in school, you don’t want to have to fight just to make it through the day. You want to know that you are in a safe learning environment. A school that is going to provide you things to better you for your future, the main thing they focus on in Strawberry Mansion is safety.
"Philadelphia's District and Charter High Schools: How Are They Doing?"Public School Notebook. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2015.
The notebook is Philadelphia news paper that is dedicated to Philadelphia schools. This page talks about the top special admit schools and things you need to know before applying. Things like SAT scores, graduation rate, suspensions, total enrollment, ect. And since I the goal is to the students in the top schools in Philadelphia we want them to know these things before applying, and their parents to know. Especially because it goes into the percentage of low income students they have, because we don’t want a student feeling out of place because of the amount of money their parent have.
"Counselors Offer Advice on Applying." Public School Notebook. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2015.
This page is also from the notebook, and this is advice from counselors around the city. Mostly from Elementary and Middle Schools, they talk about what is the best things to do when applying to schools. Also making sure you inform students about a schools before letting them apply, which is mainly my entire project. And it helps parents when you have more than one person saying the same thing. Because I’m still a kid in their eyes so I want to have some professionals to back me up.
"High School Profiles." School Profiles. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2015.
Once again this is from the Philadelphia Notebook. This is just a browser of all the high schools in the city, public and charter. Which I want to focus on, I don’t what parents or students to think in order to get a good education you have to pay, thats one thing I knew I didn’t want to talk about, private and catholic schools. So I want them the see the schools they have already heard about schools they have never heard of, and everything in between. I really want the parents to go though this too.
"Julia R. Masterman Laboratory and Demonstration School." Julia R. Masterman Laboratory and Demonstration School. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2015
This agin is from the Philadelphia Notebook. This is just about Julia R. Masterman which at this moment in time is the top school in the state. I want them to see this because I want them to know you don’t have to go to this school to be the best. Also talk about how much stress the kids there go though and how hard it is. And touch on how they kick there kids out if they can’t maintain good grades, and how you don’t want that.
"School Selection Timeline." Public School Notebook. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2015.
This is a time line of how the application process goes when applying to high schools. This is for this year instead of next so will be modifying it. This is mainly for parents to know that to do when next yea comes. This will also be in whatever I choose to do rather it be a booklet or website. But this is very important thing to touch on for the parents so they have a head start next year.
"Getting a Jump on High School." Public School Notebook. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2015.
This again from the Notebook, this talks about preparing your student for the transition form middle school to high school. Which can be a big jump for most kids and you don’t want to just throw them into that. So this will help most parents with their child, and what small steps they can take before taking the big leap. So this is mainly for parents.
"Selecting a High School: Frequently Asked Questions." The Notebook, n.d. Web.
This is just Frequently Asked Questions. These are for questions I might not know, or for parents or students that need more info. I think again that this will be more helpful for parents that don’t fully trust me. I think this will be good to for something to go back to when for next fall.
Petty Art Q3
Leah Petty Art 2
Eggplant fries
Crispy Eggplant Fries
- 1 medium eggplant, cut into 1/4 inch thick 'fries'
- 2 eggs, lightly beaten
- 3/4 cup panko breadcrumbs
- salt and pepper to taste
- Dredge the eggplant slices dip them in the egg and then into a mixture of the panko breadcrumbs, salt and pepper.
- Place the eggplant slices on a wire rack on a baking sheet and bake in a preheated 425F oven until golden brown, about 7-10 minutes.
First on average Americans consume about 29 pounds of french fries a year. Deep fried potatoes, now just imagine if you change the potatoes to eggplant, and them being deep fried to being bakes. One order of medium fries from a fast food restaurant is 365 calories, the same amount of eggplant fries in only 160, and thats with cheese.
One order of medium fries is 117 grams, which is equal to 0.25794085 pounds, divide that by 29 pounds which is what we consume a year is 112.42887662, multiply that my 365 calories, thats around 41036 calories a year just from french fries alone.
So for my meal I wanted to show a substitute for french fries. Eggplant is a vegetable that people often skip over. Although it is filled with vitamin B6, niacin, potassium,folate, and vitamin K. Eggplant isn't a food that is often grown in America although many people grow them in gardens, the food is usually shipped from countries likeChina, India, Egypt, Iran, and Turkey. Eggplant is one worlds healthiest foods, eggplant helps regulate your digestive system, helps control diabetes, they are very low in calories, help lower cholesterol and help prevent blood clots.
There are no really no known big companies that sell eggplants alone. Many eggplants that go to local super markets are sold by who ever sells the tomatoes. So the markets and company that provides the tomatoes are the ones that making a profit off of the sell.
Panko bread crumbs and japanese style, they are mainly used for foods that are deep fried, but I used them fro baking. The ones I bought wear organic. Panko is breadcrumbs with out the crust of the bread, and they are larger and thicker. The eggs I got where from shopright, most eggs in the us come from hen houses, it really hard to say that a egg is bad, but most of the hens that lay these eggs and caged and feed corn and things like that. And salt was from trader joe's and it was sea salt, most of the US sea salt doesn't actually come from he sea, the one a bought was organic so hopefully it is genuine sea salt.
I've learn in this unit that I really need to start watching what my family and I eat. I find I don't even care that much the only thing I refuse to eat is McDonalds but I still eat the fries. I know that most things should not go into my body yet I still eat them.
There is no real reason that I don't eat better or watch what I eat, and I do understand that there are people out there that can't eat healthier or better because of cost, but I don't have a real reason. I think my main reason is that my mom and dad don't care that much and they aren't going to stop eating things because they were in cages or that are genetically modified. I feel like I'm making it harder on them when I say a refuse to eat something because of this.
Leah Petty Senior Art
Quarter 4 Art A
Q3 Art
Petty Art Q2
Art Q1 Petty
The Spectacular Now
The Spectacular Now, by Tim Tharp is not your average run of the mill teenage love story. It follows a high school senior named Sutter Keely, who doesn't really care about school, but what comes after you done with school. Sutter also as a small drinking problem, alcohol of choice being whisky. Even with all this Sutter is a good person at heart. Sutter is also a lady’s man always has a girlfriend but never really keeps them. When Sutter current girlfriend, Cassidy breaks up with Sutter because of his lack of responsibility it sends him over edge. Until he meets Aimee, a blonde girl that always lets people walk over her. Sutter is convinced that he can help her stand up for herself, but ends up falling for her.
I came over this book in a english after watching the trailer for the movie that was just made, and I made a vow not to watch the movie until I read the book. Me myself being a movie person I thought I would not be able to finish the book, but once I picked it up I didn’t want to put it down. The book had this suspense to it, not like a thriller but you just had to know what happened next, Sutter had so many different thoughts on things you just had to know what he thought, and what was going on in his head anytime something happened. He had a opinion even on the simplest things like the color of a lipstick.
Tim Tharp the author of Knights of the Hill Country, Badd, and Mojo did a great good with this book. He took a character that he could have just easily made him this crazy alcoholic, high school teenager but he didn’t. He took the character on a journey and the only reason this happened was because of Aimee. He turned Sutter complete around but yet her stay the same Sutter. Tim Tharp shaped the book around Sutter not Sutter around the book. In one of Tharp’s interviews he says that he develop to character Sutter from a short story he wrote when he was younger about a rebellious young guy that end up at a dinner party. I think that a lot of people would be happy to read this book.
I feel like you would enjoy this book if you like teenage love story, but not too mushy. It is like The Notebook meets Project X, it’s love story with the usual teenage stuff, sex, drugs, and drinking. With the jobs problems, school problems, and parent problems. I feel like you would enjoy this book no matter what gender, this book broke the gender stereotype for me. Saying girls like love stuff and boys like action and partying and things like that. I think a boy would enjoy this book just as much as a girl would.
The Spectacular Now has taken the place as my favorite book I wish I could forget the whole book and read it again. I took me a while to finish the book but once I got really into I was binge reading. I read 100 pages at a time I could not put it down, I’m general a slow reader but not for this book.
I completely suggest reading the book before watching the movie, from what people have told me the book and the movie are really different. The author Tharp was on the set the whole time the movie was being shot, he said some scenes that he saw get shot did not make it into the movie. But in an interview Tharp said he was very happy they way the movie turned out. He loved the people that where casted to play parts. One major twist in the movie is that Sutter best friend Ricky, in the book is the same age as Sutter, but in the movie he is a little kid. I have still yet to see the movie but I am looking forward to it.
I would suggest this book to everyone unless you real aren’t in to any type of realistic fiction, but other than that I would say find it somewhere and read it.Book- The Spectacular Now
Pages- 294
Author- Tim Tharp
Publication Date - Oct 20, 2009
Publican- Ember
Art Blog- Leah Petty
Petty Othello Journals
"Here, stand behind this bulk, straight will he come.
Wear thy good rapier bare, and put it home.
Quick, quick! Fear nothing. I’ll be at thy elbow.
It makes us, or it mars us. Think on that,
And fix most firm thy resolution."
In this part by Iago he seems to speak in a load tone. He speaks to Rodrigo about Desdemona. He does not speak in this way because he is angry. He dose this to make his point. He says "Quick, quick!" He was tell Rodrigo to move quickly. He is not angry his just wants to make points. Iago does this many times in this book. When Iago dose get mad in this book he dose not yell, he keeps calm and says mean things. Nothing more, he will yell to make a point but never when being mad or upset. He also tends to yell when things don't go his way.
Emila Act 4 Sc 2 pg: 199-203
- Though out the whole book Othello, Emilia she has been caught in the middle of other peoples problems. Expect the time she gave Desdemona's handkerchief to Iago. But other that she is always around when Desdemona and Othello are having some kind of argument. She is just standing there while they go back and forth.
-She finds out in the end why Iago wanted a belonging of Desdemona so bad. He wanted to frame her and Cassio, to make it seem as if they are in some find of romantic relationship. She knew what he needed but did not know what for. She just later found out what her deed, had been for.
Emilia Act 3 Sc 1 pg:113-114
- You can also tell from this scene that Emila is a tad bit of a kiss up. I know that it is her job with Desdemona, and partly Othello, but she does the same to Iago and Cassio. Yes, Iago is her husband but she does everything he wants, without question. Emilia just handed over Desdemona’s handkerchief, and she had no idea what it was for. I some way I think she knew what was going on, but she just did what everyone told her to do, until the end of
the book.
Iago was born into a high up family, his father was a general, and provided his family’s every need. Iago and his sister grew up having all the best toys and had the best holidays. When Iago got older he knew that he wanted to provide like his father did with his family, that’s is when he decided he wanted to become a general like his father. He told his father we wanted no more thing handed to him, that he would no earn for him self. He made good money do whatever he could. Until he meet a women named Emilia, she had big blue eye’s that put the sea to shame. He knew he would marry this women have a family and provide for them. He asked her to marry him and she did. She told him he was to become a general after they where married. She told him the next person in line after his father dies is a man named Othello. Iago had got so upset he swore his revenge on Othello.
In my scene I play Iago with one other person who plays Othello. There is not much going on in the scene. This is the scene where Iago puts his plan into action by tell Othello the whereabouts of his wife’s handkerchief. So the most we can do is put a lot movement in it. As much as we can with out over doing it. Like hand motions and walkabouts. Things of that sort.
For Peter who plays Othello, he will turn his hoodie into a cloak. He will be stand as he starts off. I who plays Iago, on the other hand will be siting with a cup in my hand, seeming not to give a care in the world.
I am not sure that our scene will stand out the most but we will try. Put the thing we will try is to put a lot of drama in the scene, faces and things like that.
“He is dead by your tis done by your request, but let her live”
-This is that line that makes Iago seem as if he care what happens to Desdemona. The way I said this was with much concern. As if I really cared what happens to her, or let alone any one it this play. I am tried to play this character as self absorbed as I can, because that is what he is.
- I think that my groups performance turned out pretty well. The other person in my group was Peter Ricker and is not really an outspoken person, so I was unsure how he would deliver his lines. Of course you practicing is always different than how it actually turns out. But I think it came out fairly well.
-To me it really did not change my understanding at all. When reading the book Othello I pretty much understood it, and if I did not get it the class discussion helped me understand. They thing that my scene did help me do was look at the book differently. I saw Othello as a slow book that at some active scene, but the class presenting a scene made me look at them differently. Any part in Othello can be put in to something really dramatized when you add actions.
Petty Blog Post
Diego el Perro Por: Rosalinda Petty y Felix Hayes
Petty Refection
How does this project relate to the real world?
This project does relate to the real world. I think at any where at anytime you can be put in a place where you need to find the height of something. You might not get the real height but you will be close. I find this project will come in handy when you have to move houses, or home remodel. You measure a lot of things when this is happening, and something a way to tall for you to get something a masure with.What was the most exciting portion of this project and why? What was the least exciting portion to this project and why?
I think that the most exciting part of this project was getting to go outside. I really need in a school day to go outside, and get some air. This was really nice for the class, another was that you gave us help outside of school. One thing was it I think we needed a little more time, just for the drawing. Also it was a little cold.
What did you learn from completing this project?
I learned how to use the method we learned better, this was the biggest thing for me. Also I learned how to cross multiply much better. I am really bad at fractions and I have gotten better.
Drowning Grades
Spanish- How to
Not the Same Girl By:Leah Petty
“Mom where is father”
I have called my dad father for about a year now, It started out as a joke but I like it. I also used to call my mom mother but she hated it, I wasn’t sure what she didn’t like about it but she just didn’t.
I was raised being taught to sit, eat and walk as my great grandmother would say a “young lady”. My latest childhood memory with someone correcting me for the way I spoke when I was about three or four. When I was little I watched a tv show call “Dora the Explorer”, it was a kids cartoon about a young hispanic girl that explored places and taught kids Spanish. There was a fox on the show named “Swiper the Fox”, and he would always try to swipe things away from Dora. Sometimes he would get them other times he would not, but when he did not he would always say “Aw Man”. I would repeat often this phrase. My great grandmother would always tell me not to say that. . Sometimes in the middle of me saying it she would this a face, that would make me know not to say something. Whenever my mom was around to hear it she would defend me by say “It’s is off of a TV show she watches”. When my mom wasn’t around she would still stop me from saying it.
When I started school, I started off in a small private school in West Philadelphia. It was primarily black, but it was Pre-K so my language didn’t really change most just expanded. It was when I started first grade at another school in West Philadelphia, in the the Powelton area, called Powel Elementary. This one was sort of diverse, but I would say it was more “white” than any other race. The kids there spoke proper as well as the teachers teacher.. Instead of say “I’m very mad at the class” they would use synonyms for mad. So they would say “I am very angry at the class to today” or “The class has angered me today“. I didn’t think anything of it at the time, but now I look back at it a lot.
Powel wasn’t a school in my neighborhood, but I was fairly close to me. But if anyone wanted me out of that school, and told someone that wasn’t my neighborhood school I would have been transferred. In the book Hunger of Memory by Richard Rodriguez, in the text he talks about his school being mostly white. He says “An accident of geography sent me to a school where all my classmates were white.”. This is almost the same for me expect the opposite. My parents fought for me to go to Powel. They wanted me to be exposed to people that would help benefit me the the future.
When I graduated from Powel, I went to Middle Years Alternative (MYA). This school was majority of black. My language changed a lot, I used much more slang, not even slang but words people would not consider proper English. Like “ain’t”, “funer” and “hurted”.It something that I am not proud of today. My fifth and sixth grade year are what I would call now, the rock bottom of my language. My family was correcting me on things I honestly did not care about, because it was the way my friends and I talked.
It was not until my seventh grade year in MYA is when I wanted to change my language. My little sister had started my old school Powel the year I started MYA. In my seventh grade year my mom had become really involved in Powel’s home school committee, and she became Vice President of it. I started spend a lot more time at Powel. I remember time there was a meeting at the president of the Home and Schools house. She lived in University City, in a pretty big house to be living in the city. Six bedroom, two bath, and a wonderful kitchen out of a magazine. While I was at the house I was listening to the meeting, and they talk so proper, even my mom had code switch. Around that time is when I decided that I wanted to talk like everyone in that room. They were all so successful, and had nice big houses, and really good job. Not saying my parents didn’t have good jobs, but my parents are college professors at Penn, I pretty much envied the people in that room them. Most those people are all good friend of my family now, I babysit most of their kids, at the same house. Every time I am there I am reminded of how it changed that person I am today.
When I decided that I wanted talk proper, I reason I did it was because I thought it would take me places. Which I feel like it did, I started getting better grades, and even became president of my school. My principal loved me, and I was because I was like a diamond in the rough. Compared to the kids in my graduating class I was a mini adult. I soon got into SLA, the only kid in my whole graduating class. To this day I refuse to sound like a girl born and raised in West Philadelphia, but like a girl from somewhere in the Suburbs.
English Video from Leah Petty on Vimeo.
Aquatic Fear
Another freezing day waking up from a freezing sleep. Why does she keep this house so cold, it’s amazing the cold doesn't bother her. 5 missed calls and they all read mom. First thing I do is call her back. Yes, I understand it’s noon. It’s summer pretty much all I do is sleep. You know I can’t go there. Please don’t make me, Fine.
I go down stairs. Sure enough there he was just watching tv my over achieving little brother. “How long have you been awake”. Since 6. I honestly don’t know where he gets the energy. He starts asking me question after question after question. Unfortunately, yes was the answer to everyone one of them. I didn’t want to do it but I had to. Just please get dressed so we can get this over with.
About an half hour later he comes back with his bag already to go, and passes me a bag. I look in it and it a bunch of swim stuff. Is this from mom, he noods. Alright give 15. I come back down stairs and he’s waiting at the door. I grab the keys and leave the house.
I arrive at the hell hole. My little brother runs and leaves me as always, and I just sit on the side of the pool act like I was there to relax. As I watch my little brother swim in my view is this girl. This girl I can’t put in words, how beautiful. She had on this black bikini, and there are no words. As I pretend to follow my bother with my eyes as he swims I watch her walk.
Then I notice her eye wandered over to me. And she stares at me for a while. I still pretend like I didn’t notice, but I do. About 5 minutes later I see her start walk over to me. She can’t be walk to me maybe just by me. So I close my eyes and listen to my music. Then I hear a hey. I look up “me” I ask, she nods. She gets up and gestures for me to follow her. So I do.
She’s about 10 feet in front of me. She walking over to the deep pool and sure enough she jumps in, I sit on the side and put my feet in the water. A couple seconds later she resurfaces. She holding on to my knees. She ask what's my name. “Josh” I say. She laughs and says my name again. The way she said it made me cringe. She went under water again, and when she did I thought to myself this doesn't happen to people like me. Girls just don’t come up to you and ask you to come with them. I have to make the best of this.
When is comes up again I asked for her name. “Ella” she said. Damn even her was pretty. She asked me to pull her out of the pool, but I knew what was about to happen. I was going to put my hand out to pull her out, then she would pull me in. So at this point I knew I had to face my fear of water for this girl.
As she puts her hand out for me to pull her out, I shake my head, and just get in. I hung onto that wall with my life. I made sure Ella didn’t see me. See took me hand and pulled me out to the middle of the pool. I was trying with all my mite not to squirm. I don’t want her to know I can’t swim. Then lets me go. I went under the water then blacked out.
By: Leah Petty
Leah Petty's Art blog
The way I draw my sugar skull I really wanted it to come out that way. But as I was painting I thought that it didn't have to be my past vision so I just started painting and hoped for the best. I really felt like I had to have bright red lips, and the first thing you saw when you looked and mine was the eyes. I felt like I put that in the skull well. in the end I'm very happy with what came out of this.
(note: I'm very sorry for the way the picture turned out)
Quin Eres T? Rosalinda Petty
Animal Adoption Post for Change
Animal adoption is something that any pet owner or lover should do. Even if you can’t own a pet you can still go to your local animal shelter and get a job or volunteer, or donate money. (to learn more about donating click here. When you volunteer you can be a dog walker, someone that cleans after the animals, and other things. (to learn more about volunteering click here
My family has about 10 rescued cats. The cats we have/had were all strays. Most of them came out of our back yard, we stared feeding them then we just decided to keep them. It something that my family has done for a long time. So when we even consider getting a pet we always think about saving one rather than buying one. Sadly some of the cats we take in get sick and have to be put down, we know that there is always another we can save.
If you ever consider get a pet you should think about how you can get a pet and save a life. Just go to your local animal shelter, or there web site and see if they have what your looking for. Even if they don’t have what your looking for you should try giving another type of animal a chance. These animals are just looking for a family that will take care of them. They aren’t picky.
My plan to get people to help is to just get the word out. I have recently posted posters around my school asking people to get involved. The smallest steps can make a big affect. Even if people just know not to buy pets and adopt that all they need. My plan out of these three blogs was too make sure they know that animals need a loving home, and they can be the ones to give it.
In order to see the positive change in this issues I can visit here to see how many animals have been saved. Right now Philadelphia Animals shelter is in 45th place out of 50. I hope to see an increase because the shelter with the most animals saved win 100,000 dollars.
Animal Adoption
About 20 to 30 percent of cats and dogs are adopted from shelters and rescues. 26 percent of dogs are bought from breeders. At least one-third of cats are acquired as strays, and more than 20 percent of people who leave dogs in shelters adopted them from a shelter. There are about 5,000 animal shelter nation wide. Why can’t people understand that instead of going out and buying a dog from a pet store for hundreds to thousands of dollars you can just go to a shelter and adopted a pet that needs a home for only about hundred dollars.
The top 10
reasons people in America get pets are to Teach kids about selflessness, Pets
can increase your sense of security — personal, private, and psychological,
Personal growth, Need an excuse to get physical, Preparing for
parenthood, Looking for a constant companion, It's a great way to meet people,
Getting and giving unconditional love, Take a stand on a humanitarian cause,
and the number one reason Pets are a prescription for good health. People don’t
understand that you don’t have to go to a pet store and spend a lot of money to
get this. You can go right to a shelter and get a dog or cat that can do the
same things as if you bought one from a pet store.
When you adopt from a shelter
your giving a cat of dog a second chance. There are an estimated 3.7 million
unwanted pets wanted pets must be euthanized at animal shelters every year, many
because they could not find families to adopt them. Some people choose not to
adopt animals because they think the animal they adopt will have bad behavior.
This is not the case there are a number of reasons why pets arrive in a
shelter, from losing their owner to being abused and rescued.
Read more:
To see my last blog post chick here
Pet Ownership
In America 62% of households have a pet cat or dog, that’s about 4 out of every ten homes. About 26,874,879 pets were bought in 2009, and about 2-3 million are adopted. There are 5-7 million cats and dogs put into shelters a year, 70% cats and 60% dogs. Yet there are still people going out and buying pure-breads. When you can go give a pet a home and spend a lot less. Why is this?
A lot of these animals are lost and less than 2% are not returned to there owners and put in shelters. 25% of the dogs in shelters are pure-breads, which is what most people want. Even though that the science shows that mix-breads are healthier.
There are protest a most pet stores trying to stop people from going in the stores and buying pets. The biggest concern is about people buying dogs from stores, because of the U.S puppy mills. Puppy Mills are a place were people bread female dogs so they can sell them to pet stores then the pet stores sell them to people. They keep the dogs in cages stacked on top of another, and they don’t clean them. The worse part about all of this is when the female dog can’t have puppies any more they just neglect her until she dies.)
Take the pledge to stop puppy mills hereNegative Space
What is negative space?
Is the space were that thing that your drawing, painting, ect. dose not touch. Which makes that space your drawing in positiveExplain how you find the negative space in your cut out and your stool drawing.
Does seeing in negative space enhance drawings?Explain how you find the negative space in your cut out and your stool drawing.
Why does it help an artist to see in negative space?
Does seeing in negative space enhance drawings?
Macbeth Killings
Mis Clases - Rosalinda Petty
Los seres queridos en Mi Vida
Pen Pal
treece, diciembre
Querido Joahnny Villa,
Me llamo Leah Petty. Soy de filadelfia. Yo tengo cuatorce anos. Mi cumpieaños dieciséis junio. Me gusta la musica pop, no me gusta el jazz, me gusta deporta el tennis, no gusta el balconcesto, comida la comia Mexicanam no gusta la fruta. Yo soy alta, delgada, artística, y deportista.
Leah Petty
Alice slide
lunes- Monday
martes- Tuesday
miércoles -Wednesday
viernes- Friday
sábado- Saturday
domingo- Sunday
W-doble ve
Y-i griega
Happy- Feliz
Sad/Mad- Mal
So-So- Mas o menos
Great- Excelente
Okay- Bien
¿Cómo está?- How are you
What is your name
¿Como se llama?- What si your name
Me llamo (your name)-My name is (your name)
Mi nombre es (your name