Philly Love Note

Sasha Sapp

Favorite Spot: Schuylkill Trail
Neighborhood: Center City

I am: Senior, Goalkeeper, Runner, Writer, and Artist at the Science Leadership Academy
Current Home: West Philly

When the dense, frigid air of winter is shucked aside, I'll be found, once again, sweating or laughing along a beautiful water front. That water front is you, Schuylkill River Trail. When I used to intern with SRDC, the Schuylkill River Development Cooperation, I spent my Friday afternoons exploring and maintaining your expanse from the  "South End" (Locust Street), to the "North End" (near the Water Works). Some days the I drove the cart, though far from expertly, along your length, receiving in a breathtaking, inner city view. Other days, that statement became quite literal when I used you as a course to run along, often scoffing at your long hills. But whether I was working or working out, you brought laughter and great memories to me; one time, I spotted 17 turtles sunbathing in one day! Josh, my old employer, and I stayed incredibly still, and watched in awe as tiny turtles began to pop their heads to the surface, and nimbly plop down on the nearest log. It was the cutest thing. Other times, there were far more serene days in which it was simply enough to just gaze out into water, high or low tide, and observe small waves bumping subtly against one another. Trail, when I think of the countless hours that I've spent with you, I can only smile. Thank you for your simple beauty, and your presence that helps me aim towards my own. Thank you giving me the intangible- pieces of happiness.

Forever with Love,

Sasha Sapp

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Comments (1)

Margaret Long (Student 2013)
Margaret Long

17 turtles?! Holy crap! Thats alot! I really like this piece Sasha. It shows how you love the city and especially the trail when you are working, OR when you are working out. I think its cute that you are thanking philly for what it has given you.