Philly Love Note

Gabby Nigro
Neighborhood: Northeast, Philly 
Favorite Spot: New Years Day Parade (mummers) 
I am a senior in high school, a cheerleader, and a future sailor in the United States Navy. 
I have been in Philly for 17 years.

My Love Note: 
Dear New Years Parade,

I love you! I enjoy walking down Broad street every year dressed up in a costume. I enjoy strutting and dancing down to entertain people from all over Philly. The 17 years that I have been in Philly I have not missed one parade. As a little kid my mom would bundle me up and take my sister and I to Broad and Washington to watch all the brigades and string bands. The best part of this day is going to party on 2nd street (two street). Whoever goes to the parade on Broad street, or whoever is in the parade has to experience two street at least once in their life. I was about 13 years old when my mom actually took my sister and I to 2nd street. It was the best experience. I remember dancing all night long with all the drunken mummers. Now I have a different experience because I am actually in the parade. I do not get to see all the mummers until later that night at the party on two street. Philly I love you for having the Mummers Parade every year. I am going to miss you dearly when i leave for the Navy. Thank you for all the memories that I have had from the parades my whole life. 

With complete love,
