Pink Friday: Another Nicki
My sister did my hair for my birthday, and made the decision for me that I'd look nice with a Chinese bang. I wanted a side bang, but I trusted her judgment. The first comment my friend made was that I looked like Nicki Minaj. Now, I hate Nicki Minaj. I hate her attempt at rap, her stereotypical appearance, and her dysfunctional purpose. The thought of even slightly resembling Nicki Minaj stirs my nerves because half of the female teenage population is trying to resemble Nicki Minaj these days. I'd hate to be compared to them. "Well look, another Nicki." But no, I'm not another Nicki. I may wear the style that she has turned into a trademark, but I will never be another Nicki. I have too much respect for the power of words then to turn them into foolish lyrics. I understand the true essence of beauty all to well then to enhance my body for popularity. And I know where I want to go in my life, and becoming an attempted singer/ rapper/ small time actress doesn't fall into that category.
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