Pipeline Monologue Project
For the 1st quarter, our class was given the Pipeline Monologue Project as our benchmark. For the Project, we had to create several monologues relating to the Keystone XL Pipeline. It could be from any point of view, having to show information about the pipeline and if the main character is for or against it. They each have to have a different personality from each other. There also must be at least one video
At first, I had trouble writing the monologues, mainly the first one, because I didn't know how to make the readers interested in it. But I have learn how to fix that issue, and revised on my monologues so that they are better quality. My acting in my video isn't the best, but it's still good.I hope you enjoy reading my monologues.
Monologue Number One: Paranoid
(Bobby Lue is in his cubicle and is already paranoid with his work)
Well, I finished all my work, or did I? I just can’t remember!
Maybe it’s in my email! Or is it? I just don’t know, but I need to check now!
(Turns on the computer, with foot tapping faster each second while also getting more paranoid)
Come on!
(Stop tapping foot)
Can this computer start up any faster, because I really need my work now! Oh man, if I don’t get this work done, I will lose my job; can’t let that happen!
(Takes several deep breath)
I Can't worry, need to keep clam. I already panic last week when I was missing work. Let’s not do the same think again.
(His boss comes; Bobby Lue looks at his boss with some worry)
Oh, hey Mr.Kenny. My name is Bobby Lue, don't you remember? Oh, you do know. Sorry, my memory is not that great. What was I doing a minute ago? Well, I started to get paranoid about my work, then I kind of started to panic. But I will make sure that it won’t happen again.
(Turns to look at computer monitor, and looks back at Mr.Kenny)
Oh, it's ready! Well, I should start working now, need to make sure that I have complete all my work. I don’t want to have any missing work like last time.
(Turns back to computer, and Mr.Kenny leaves)
Ok, let’s look on my email. Hopefully the work I need to get done is there.
(Clicks a few times, until noticing an article on the homepage)
What’s this? The Keystone XL Pipeline will cause serious health and safety problems? Never heard about the Keystone XL Pipe before. Guess I could read more before I check my email.
(Feeling a bit more worried, he continues to click the article to learn more. Reading out loud in a slow pace)
The Keystone XL Pipeline will be the longest oil pipe ever built, reaching from Canada, all the way to Texas. The pipeline will be able to transport over 500,000 barrels a day, solving the problem for the high demands for oil.
(Talking to self, sounding confused)
It really doesn’t seem to be that bad; looks like a great idea. Then why do they say that it’s so dangerous?
(Continue reading)
But, the pipeline, if built, will create huge problems for the environment and human health.
(Stops reading, noticing that his nearby workers can hear him)
I’m way too loud reading this. I’m better off reading the rest of this is my head.
(Reads in head for a few seconds, growing more paranoid, then stops)
What! That’s unsafe! What would happen if a leak would happen? People will die, that’s what will happen! I can’t just let this pipeline be built, there’s already enough people dying in the world!
(Looks to right and sees his boss again; taking a deep breath)
Crap! He must have heard me. I better get back to my work. I can read more about it later at home. Why do I have to get so paranoid often? Oh well, just focus on the work.
(Looks back at computer and starts his work)
Copy and paste this to see the video:
Monologue Number Two: Protest at DC
(It’s evening, and Officer Martin is in front of the White House, holding a megaphone in front of angry protesters along with several other officers. Officer Martin is standing with an intimidated posture; having a serious tone of voice along with the look on his face)
Hay Officer Smith!
(Looks at Officer Smith)
Do you have have more of those energy drinks? This might be another all-nighter job. I never seen this much protesters in front of the White House before.
(Lifts up the megaphone to his mouth, faces the protesters and begins talking)
Due to your protesting, you have created many noise complaints, causing citizens’ work to be disrupted. Therefore you have two minutes to pick up your things, and leave! Otherwise you will be arrested and lock up in prison.
(The protesters do not move, only being louder. Officer Martin Puts megaphone down and looks towards the other officers)
Looks like the city’s jails are going to be full; they don’t seem to be moving.
(Looks toward the protesters for a few seconds, noticing the signs they are holding, then looks back at officers again)
All of this protesting appears to be for that pipeline. It will “Destroy the environment” from what I’m seeing right now. I do know a decent amount about the Keystone XL Pipeline, some good things and some bad things. What do you think about it Officer James?
(Waits for Officer James’ response, then talks after he finishes)
It seems that you know your facts about the pipeline. To be honest, i’m not sure to be for or against it, as it could really help the economy and meet oil demands; at the cost of having big impacts that will harm the environment. I just don’t really want to be involved with this, as my job is already a pain enough today.
(Checks watch)
Well, seems that the two minutes are up. I’m surprised that none of them left. They must really not want that pipeline to be built.
(Raises megaphone towards protesters and starts shouting)
Two minutes had passed, and you have still not left the area! Therefore, you will all be arrested!
(Puts megaphone down, and starts walking down the steps with his handcuffs in his hands)
Well, this is going to be a long day.
Monologue Number Three: The Headline
(Dave Thomas is slim, positive person with a loud and clear voice. His job is to write headlines for the New York Times. Scene starts with him opening the front door to a building)
Hay boys! Have you seen the boss? You have? Where? In his office, thanks!
(Starts walking towards the office, but then stops shortly after)
Why do I need to see him? Rick, I have found the perfect headline for the New York Times. It’s not about the New York Giants beating the Eagles, that was heck of a great game though. It’s about the Keystone XL Pipeline they are planning to build. Tons of protesters in front of the White House, and I mean tons! That pipeline, if it’s built, will reach from Canada all the way to Texas. That pipe will be used to transport over half a million barrels of oil each day.
(Waits for a few seconds for Rick to finish talking, nodding head)
Well, you see, these protesters have one simple goal, to prevent that Pipeline from being built in any way possible, non-violently. They have Organizations helping them too. They say that it will ruin the environment faster than we can fix. There’s not one day this month where I hear arguments for and against it.
(Waits for a few seconds once more for Rick to finish talking, nodding head)
I’ll be honest to you Rick, I’m for that pipeline! Why you say? Because we are using way too much oil than we are making. Just look at the traffic outside, not for one minute will that highway outside be clear of cars, ever! We need oil now more than ever!
(Looks at his watch)
Well, that killed some time.
(Looks back up to Rick)
Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to show the boss the perfect headline I found.
(Starts walking towards the door to the office)
I’ll be glad to talk to you more about it later. In the meantime, wish me luck!
(Opens door to office, walks in, and then closes off stage for 30 seconds. Hand gestures can be seen through the window. He then walks out the door, noticing Rick and talks to him again, feeling slightly disappointed)
Oh Rick, about that conversation with the boss, seems that he’s all for that pipeline being built; doesn’t want my headline to create more protesters. I can’t let that stop me from getting the word out! I’ll just have to find a way. Anyway, lets go have that conversation I promised.
(Walking and exits out of front door with Rick)
Facts and Bibliography:
*Tar sands oil extraction and production emits three times more carbon dioxide than average from production of conventional oil consumed in the United States.
*It takes about three barrels of water to extract one barrel of oil. More than 90 percent of this water, 400 million gallons per day, ends up as toxic waste dumped in massive pools that contain carcinogenic substances like cyanide.
"Tar sands." Friends of the Earth. Friends of the Earth. Web. 15 Oct 2012.
*TransCanada continues to believe in the value of Keystone XL due to the overwhelming support the project has received from American and Canadian producers and U.S. refiners who signed 17 to 18 year contracts to ship over hundreds of thousands of barrels of oil per day to meet the needs of American consumers.
"Keystone XL Pipeline Project." TransCanada. TransCanada, 26 2012. Web. 16 Oct 2012. <http://www.transcanada.com/keystone.html>
*Although expanding and modernizing our Nation's pipeline infrastructure will not lower prices right away, it is a vital part of a sustained strategy to continue to reduce our reliance on foreign oil and enhance our Nation's energy security.
Obama, Barack. "Presidential Memorandum -- Expediting Review of Pipeline Projects from Cushing, Oklahoma, to Port Arthur, Texas, and Other Domestic Pipeline Infrastructure Projects." The White House. Office of the Press Secretary, 22 2012. Web. 16 Oct 2012. <http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2012/03/22/presidential-memorandum-expediting-review-pipeline-projects-cushing-okla>.
*Canada, already the No. 1 source of imported oil to the United States, produced 1.5 million barrels a day of synthetic crude from oil sands in 2010 and hopes to expand that to 2.2 million barrels a day in 2015 and 3.7 million barrels a day by 2025.
*Keystone XL will carry a coarse mixture that includes bitumen drawn from the oil sands of Alberta. Environmental groups have long contended that oil sands crude is more corrosive to pipelines and more difficult to clean when spilled.
*At TransCanada’s recommendation, the department hired Cardno Entrix, an environmental contractor based in Houston, even though it had previously worked on projects with TransCanada and describes the pipeline company as a “major client” in its marketing materials.
"Keystone XL Pipeline." New York Times 22 3 2012, n. pag. Web. 16 Oct. 2012. <http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/subjects/k/keystone_pipeline/index.html?8qa >
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