Pipeline Monologue Project
Phone Rings,
Maria picks it up
I am complaining about the Keystone XL pipeline.
My name?
Yes my name is Maria Lopez; I live in a small house with my two children and mother.
I have huge yard where I harvest vegetables and all sorts of crops. I have no job, which is why I depend on my crops that I harvest too sell too other people and too feed my family. I am complaining about the Keystone XL pipeline because they are trying to bring it through my yard, and if they bring it through my yard and a disaster occurs I would have no crops too sell or too feed my family. Since my house is in a deserted area we would have no help, meaning we will have too move somewhere further and leave our home. Which isn’t possible.
Man on the phone. Why can’t you leave your home?
Why can’t I leave my home? Well sir for starters I don’t have enough money to afford another home and my mother is too sick for us too move to another place.
Takes deep breathe.
Well that is all I have too say, but please before you decide too put this Keystone XL pipeline through my home think about my children, and what is going too happen too them, also think about my mother and what may happen too her. I don’t want them too suffer the consequences of this pipeline.
Thank you. Bye.
Hangs up phone.
Pulls out paper and pen and starts writing.
Dear, earth destroyers
Hi, my name is Susan Cooper I am an environmentalist.
I’m a single woman with no children. I live by myself in a condo, and the other day I was reading through the newspaper where I saw that Canada was trying too bring the Keystone XL pipeline through the U.S.
I am complaining about this because I don’t feel as though the environment should be endangered just because they want to save money and bring in more jobs.
Did you people forget that we are not the only things that live here? This isn’t cool and then you guys have guts too know that the pipeline can go through homes. Do you people think we can just grab our things and just migrate like nothing is going on?
Have some sense in yourselves, but I know one thing I’m not going too tolerate you guys destroyed the environment we live in. You people are destroying the earth, but when you people get the meaning through your heads then you will all thank me.
Until then you guys should be worrying about yourselves then ways to save money and destroying the earth.
Sincerely, Susan Cooper also known as tree hugger
Folds up letter and places it in envelope.
That out of teach them. Hmmm.
Pulls up face time on Iphone.
Lady speaks in British voice
Hello sir, my name is Lisa Anderson.
I am a rich, independent, hardworking woman.
I don’t depend on anybody for nothing except my maids, butler, and lawnmower. Their job is too have everything my way. I live in a 4-flour house.
I am complaining because these despicable people have sent me a letter warning me about the Keystone XL pipeline running around my home. Well let me warn you people about something if that pipe reaches anywhere near my home causing any sort of damage I will make sure every little penny is coming out of your pockets. Also making sure that you people buy me a whole knew house that tops this one. Because of course I wouldn’t want too live in a house that has been damaged. I don’t care if you people place this Keystone XL pipeline anywhere else as long as it isn’t anywhere near my home. I don’t want too have too repeat myself if not you people will have too face the consequences.
Well that is all I have too say today, thank you very much.
Closes face time on Iphone.
Well now that, that is done, “ Carlos is my lawn mowed darling?”
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