Podcast #2 - The Funky Five

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https://drive.google.com/file/d/1inKlKSIs6g5Ui3B9Sm8pUMidElPIO-JI/view?usp=sharing — Episode 2

Sources from Companion Reading Assignment -

Isabel — Powers, Kevin. “The Moral Clarity of ‘Slaughterhouse-Five’ at 50.” The New York Times, 2019, https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/06/books/review/kevin-powers-kurt-vonnegut-slaughterhouse-five.html?searchResultPosition=1. Accessed 14 January 2023.

Hanna and Zach — Rushdie, Salman. “What Kurt Vonnegut’s ‘Slaughterhouse-Five’ Tells Us Now.” The New Yorker, The New Yorker , 13 June 2019, https://www.newyorker.com/books/page-turner/what-kurt-vonneguts-slaughterhouse-five-tells-us-now

Nora — Devaux, Triana. “The Bechdel Test Suggests a Lack of Female Representation in Literature.” M-A Chronicle, 31 May 2019, www.machronicle.com/the-bechdel-test-suggests-a-lack-of-female-representation-in-literature.

Comments (14)

Rayane Benamara (Student 2023)
Rayane Benamara

I love the energy, especially when you guys were going with a bit. You guys kept a good sense of humor throughout the podcast while still getting the points through the lens pretty well. Nice sound effects by the way.

Cire Ross (Student 2023)
Cire Ross

THIS WAS LITERALLY SO ENJOYABLE! I love the light hearted comedy and I wanted to keep listening because I was automatically hooked on the topic.

Aghiles Hosni (Student 2023)
Aghiles Hosni

The podcast was smooth even with the jokes yall were able to bring in the lenses smoothly and compare the book to the real life very nicely. Reilly's audio recreation of the bombing was my favorite part. I feel like the goofiness and friend chemistry is what makes your podcast different from the rest and it what will bring in a bigger audience.

Mary Eagen (Student 2023)
Mary Eagen

I love how you guys make the conversation so fun and goofy, it makes it really interesting. I also really enjoyed the music you guys used in the intro!