5-Point Framework: Switzerland vs. Portugal
For my 5-point framework I decided to look at both Switzerland and Portugal and what I found was very interesting to me. I looked at the overall sustainability of each country as well as things like environmental damage, climate changes, international relations and hostile neighbors; when looking at each I noticed that Portugal had a better track record and overall points system then Switzerland particularly in the field of how they dealt with environmental damage because of how they handled things like soil erosions, acid rain and increases in gas emissions and I thought overall the country showed a better grasp and handle on each issue that they came in contact with. When looking at Switzerland I thought it was interesting how even with the problems that they had they really didn't show much improvement in how they fixed each or went about fixing the problem but rather just seemed to brush over the things. I found this project to be very interesting and full of different things that I took away about how to look at countries differently in terms of sustainability and I also found this project interesting when it actually came time to dig deeper and look at how long a country could in fact survive on the system that they already have in place. If I were to do this project again I would probably change the amount of time that we had and maybe change the way I presented it.
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