Poop and Pee, a Power Source

Science: Poop and pee can be renewable natural gas sources. They are taken and methane is contracted from them, which is then burned to make electricity. There are things called microbial batteries and fuel cells. The fuel cells converts the chemical energy into electrical energy. The fuel cell is heated, and when the biogas enters the cell, it reacts with oxygen. Electricity is eventually produced. The fuel cell cuts down on fossil fuels
In England, they started using buses called GENeco Bio-Buses. It runs off of human waste(and discarded food) but first it goes through the Wessex Water treatment plant. The solids are separated from the liquids. There are things called anaerobic digesters that get fed the solids so the bacteria inside eat down the waste. This eating releases gas, most of which is methane. Methane has been a big contributor to global warming, but when we capture methane and burn it, it can be used as a renewable source of energy. In all, the energy produced can be used to power the bus for about 2.5 million miles.
Continuing on fuel cells, there is a plant that captures methane in the same process as above. The plant purifies the gas which is converted into electrical energy. When the gas is mixed with the cell, it reacts with oxygen, thus creating electricity in the end. This electricity is used to power the plant. This way of using energy helps to cut down on fossil fuels, and non-renewable resources. Many other wastewater treatment plants are starting to use this type of energy as well. 
Society: As said above, this renewable source cuts down on fossil fuels, and can be renewable instead of coal, which is limited. The only problem is, not just any human can reuse their poop and pee for energy. Although it's becoming more popular for countries/general companies are using this improved energy source.
Self: In the future, I want to be an environmental engineer, so when I saw the title about human race being reusable for energy it interested me. 
