Press Start-Two Part Video Series

In my last slate post I discussed what makes a game good. I went into great detail with my annotated bibliography and I was really proud of my research, but there was so much about video games that I wanted to talk about so it was a no brainer to make a video series with another topic added. The new topic I added was the history of video game. It was really fun to research, here is on of the resources I used most. The videos them selves were super fun to make especially the second part, which I am far more proud of. Though my original ideas were far more ambitious, I even planned for a third part. I do think I could have made the far better its just videos like these take longer than I expected. I am still proud of the end result. I really hope you enjoy the videos cause I worked really hard on them, and I know my topic isn’t as pressing as everyone else but I still think it is worth talking about. There is still so much I would love to talk about and still so many things you can do to help with this topic, such as just not buying bad video games, that’s really the best anyone could do. As I said before I hope you enjoy the videos and goodbye for now!
