Process Paper.
My group and I worked really well together. At first we were all nervous that we were going to bump heads and disagree on a lot of things, but to all of our surprise we never fought and we all had some really great ideas. Since there was four of us we all had different strengths and different weaknesses. But it seemed where one was weak someone else was strong and vice versa. The project seemed to fall into place and come together really nicely.
Since Sean and Owen already had the interviews with the social workers, we didn't have to do that, but we had to make the blog. In the blog we all had different parts to make sure that all of the lots of information we had got across. We all came up with fun ways to present this information, one of the bigger ways was a QR code. So, what I did with that was made a QR code that would take whoever scanned it to our blog. I figured that people wouldn't just want to scan a sketchy QR code, so Dejah and I wrote "Free Money!" Just to grab peoples attention and then in very small print we wrote "Just kidding! But thanks for checking out our blog!"
Once we made the QR code and printed them out, Dejah, Owen and I posted them all over the school to make sure they would be seen. The copies we made were pretty big, but we figured that wouldn't be enough. We all made small copies and posted them all over as well. Then I went around and took pictures of a couple of posters that were posted and made a collage for the website. Since social networking is very popular and I'm constantly on Twitter so I also posted the link on Twitter. I noticed that a handful of my friends retweeted me, so I know they helped me get the world and they also clicked the link and read up on it as well. When looking at the stats it said that eighteen people clicked on the link from Twitter!
I enjoyed this project because I was interested in the topic and getting word out. Also, because I had an amazing group to work with. Hopefully the QR codes did help get the word out and changed people's outlook on homeless people.
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