PSSA Schedule
March 1, 2012
Dear Parents/Guardians of SLA Juniors:
The PSSA Tests are coming up. The dates, section(s) tested, and start times are:
Date | Section | Start Time in testing room |
3/20: | Math/reading sections 1 and 2 | 8:15 am |
3/21: | Math/reading sections 3 and 4 | 9:00 am |
3/22: | Math/reading sections 5 and 6 | 8:15 am |
4/17: | Writing sections 1 and 2 | 8:15 am |
4/18: | Writing sections 3 and 4 | 9:00 am |
4/25: | Science Sections 1 and 2 | 9:00 am |
4/26: | Science Section 3 | 8:15 am |
Please make sure that all students are ON TIME.
On Wednesdays, juniors should be in their testing room by 9 am. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, juniors should be in their testing room by 8:15 am. Breakfast will be provided in the testing rooms on all days.
Testing standards call for all phones/PDAs/computers/anything electronic to be restricted in the testing area. During testing, you will not be able to contact your son or daughter on the phone, or via text message. In the event of an emergency, call the school.
The only thing that students can do if they finish testing early is to remain in the testing room and read. Please make sure they bring a book!
Packing a snack for the testing block is encouraged.
Please do not schedule any outside appointments on testing days.
Please make sure your student has plenty of rest.
Stephanie Dunda and Sunil Reddy, Testing Coordinators
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