5pt-framework: Ireland & NZ

I compared New Zealand and Ireland, two separate and well-to-do nations.  They are both islands, and have english speaking residents, which gives them some similarities even though they are far apart.  

I focused mostly in the research aspect, which brought me to tough place at the end.  I decided to create a google doc to record all the useful information I found, divided by country and "point."  By the time I had enough information, the project was due and I was left with just a google doc and not a website as planned.  Retrospectively, I should have gone straight to the website after each section. If I could change it, I would definitely fix the entire product.  I'm displeased with the result, and wish I had chosen a different process to get there.  

The five point framework in itself was not too complex.  However it was harder to find good information that was more in depth that a general overview of each nation.  One of my difficulties was separating some of the information.  While researching, I found certain pieces that I thought could be part of more than one point in the framework.  Distinguishing them was sometimes tricky, especially with environmental damage and climate change.  Over all, it was not my best benchmark to say the least, but I still learned a lot about Ireland and New Zealand.  
