Q1 Benchmark: Contemporary Kafkaesque
Isabella is my partner.
Isabella and I picked social media because we felt that it has a huge impact on today's society. Especially at SLA, where we are allowed to use our phones and computers. We wanted to see how the use of technology has impacted the environment around us and showcase how it varies from person to person. From old to young, people of all ages use the internet and forms of social media, so how is their usage different and what are their feelings on the topic? That was one of the many questions we wanted to tackle in the project. After creating the piece of literature, the twitter, it showed me how desperate some people are to get attention, which is what we focused on in our cultural fabric. It really interested me that there were so many things in real life that we could relate this phenomenon to because the internet "celebrities" of todays lives' can be viewed as very fake and unrealistic.
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