Q1 Benchmark Reflection

When deciding how to go about making the focus for our project, we discussed and debated ideas based on the description of the project. We tried to narrow down a unique and specific Amendment. It was pretty interesting to see what my group members thought would hypothetically be a good decision for the government to make. The pros and cons of each idea were heavily debated. 

The role of the individual in creating and sustaining change is to help advocate his or her ideas and leading in a way that is beneficial to the group or a common goal. Change is a constant thing, but what really matters most is what you choose to do with that change- or wether it makes a difference if things remain the same. 

My understanding of the electoral process has evolved through listening to not only what other voters had to say, but it's an interesting twist on each voter's response due to their personal experiences. Some people feel like their vote doesn't matter, so they do not vote or that they simply are not educated on too much of polotics. People seem to go back in forth in debating whether or not the US is a republic or a democracy, but either way injustice exists. Not every person in the world can come to a unison on an idea. 

With my marketing campaign, I tried to focus on including a diverse selection of students to participate in the video so that many audiences could relate. Age wise, it was more difficult to find people with the actual energy that I desired, unless you are a staff member at SLA. However, I figured that I would rather have a bunch of diversity with one age group instead of limited diversity and multiple age groups. It's easier to persuade a student to participate, also, because a lot of us had to do this project. 

Since I couldn't excel with age and diversity, I decided I would try different forms of the video to appeal to different audiences. Such as choosing music that could appeal to almost anyone and choosing pictures that target people of all ages that still made them feel important and a part of this country. The main theme was to get people to vote through our proposal of voting on the weekend. I created an older sounding catchy theme song to further express our plan. For I remembered that the most memorable commercials have songs that sing the number to call of a company. Different tools like this were used to relay to a national audience our campaign. 
