Mecca Sharrieff Public Feed
Mecca Sharrieff: Mentor (Ms.Martin) Advisor (Herman)
When asked to create a capstone that embodies the core values of Science Leadership Academy, inquiry couldn’t be a better starting point for executing this project. In the beginning, there were so many questions to be asked, so many that were answered and some that got tangled in the web of ideas that hung above my head. The dangling web above my head began to crawl into sense, my initial project was to instruct Zumba sessions bi-weekly at school.
The collaboration aspect began to spread like wildfire, as many participants enjoyed working out and having fun. The element of globalization was a success, the spread of ideas with physical fitness being a normal part of everyday life was achieved. I provided a resource for the community to work out - even if it meant trying new things. The reflection process came early, this project had come to and end because of my physical conditions. Instructing became very difficult, but there was a definite weight on my shoulders not to let the community down. Thus, the transition into Paige Wayman’s boot camp began. While it wasn’t easy or always very lucid, there still was a resource for the people in the community to workout. The only catch was it was girls only!
Along the new collaboration with Paige Wayman, the original problem remained. My physical conditions worsened, and my ability to walk lessened. It was a hard concept for the community to grasp, and emotions rose high. The new transition into another capstone became the Marching Soles Shoe Drive. The idea came about during capstone week, where the core values realigned themselves in my thoughts. It was the perfect way to spread the idea of giving back to the community, even with something simple.
While many others have had (clothing) drives of their own, shoes became a unique juxtaposition to the pre-existing capstones. Why shoes? That is the question that steered the wheel of research, collaboration, presentation and reflection. The combination of two capstones and other mini projects all came from the idea of capstones in general. The greatest lesson overall is the realization that these projects were a learning process.
Globalization Q4 BM: Muslim America Today
Weeping Woman por Pablo Picasso [Pedro Machuca]
Pablo Picasso era artista famoso por su trabajo en Guernica, una respuesta a bombardeos en la guerra civil por el Alemán fuerza aérea (en España). La voz de Picasso nunca rendirse, y él creó una obra de arte llamó, Weeping Woman. Esa obra contra la historia de la guerra civil y lo simboliza el amor para los seres queridos, un crimen y la esperanza. La mujer en la obra está llorando su corazón en partes de cristal y puede ver el dolor en su cara. Los imágenes mostrar cariño para su hijo muerto. Ella no puede sonrisa, porque el espejo dice la verdad. Los colores en la obra son brillantes y el tono es deprimente pero los colores vibrantes da lo un ánimo. El mundo es un lugar frío, y suicidarse es fácil pero viviendo es una amenaza fuerte. La mujer en la obra necesita tomar poder de su mente y luchar para su derecho a vivir.
En Chile 1973, el once de septiembre fue un día de tristeza - como el sol nunca levantó. Salvador Allende fue el presidente de Chile, pero su vista socialista causa tensión entre momios y gente que tiene miedo de comunismo. Allende rehusó que renunciar como presidente, y su respuesta/solución a la situación fue suicidarse. Para Salvador Allende, no hay más remedio. Como lo veo yo, hay mucho que decir sobre General Pinochet y “los desaparecidos”. Matar la vida de mil personas para "mejorar el país" no vale la pena. No puede traiga el muerto a vida. Es un delito malicioso y no fue necesario. Están equivocado, por siempre. No puede borrar tiempo y historia. Los Estados Unidos ayudó con el golpe de estado y que derrocar Salvador Allende. Somos responsables para los trágicos de 1973 acontecimientos y tenemos sangre en los manos. La guerra fría no excusa nuestros acciones.
La película Machuca, en particular, simboliza el cuento de Santiago, Chile en mil novecientas setenta y tres. El cuento de la clase obrera frente la clase alta y el mercado negro. Puede entender y relatar a las personajes en el filme y eventualmente cosas tienen sentido. Cuando cosas tienen sentido la realización es escalofriante. Mirar a la película y pensando sobre los temas de amistad y lealtad ayudame entender otros tiempos en historia.
En España 1937, Pablo Picasso pintó Weeping Woman, y su obra tiene lo mismo emoción y sentimientos como los tragedias en Chile 1973. Eso es la razón el trabajo de Picasso es intemporal. Cuando pienso sobre la mujer llorando en la pintura, pienso sobre la mamá de Machuca. Puede sentir el dolor de una Mamá por mirando a la obra y la película. La conclusión es lo que cada país tiene un cuento, pero es lo mismo idea - somos gente y debemos pensar y portarse como humanos, no animales.
Para mi, la pintura puede llamar la atención del mundo, porque es tan extraña. Hay un metáforo en la obra lo que representa tanto sobre humanidad. Estoy de acuerdo con las vistas de Picasso, porque tenemos que luchar hasta que al final.
En la obra, puedo ver el mundo con ojos de verdad. Una realidad me intenta que escaparse por disimulando en mis fantasías. La mujer tiene lo mismo sentimientos de cada mujer en mi vida. En realidad, los hombres sienten triste pero no podemos mostrar lo. Lloro lágrimas de cristal cada vez veo injusticia, y no puedo hacer nada. El gobierno no importa para mis sentimientos y nadie puede oír mi voz. Tengo odio en mi corazón porque fui muerto antes de "los desaparecidos". Sin embargo, alguien recordará mi cuento y decir el mundo.
Final Project
Acess to My Projects Q3
"Alcanzar Para Las Estrellas" en Germantown
Mi comunidad es una representación de mi misma. Es la casa de The Battle of Germantown durante la revolución en 1973. En la calle, solo hay canto porque eso es una parte de las batallas, valor y el orgulloso. La gente quien vive en mi comunidad ahora son niños o viejos. Eso es la razón lo que es muy tranquilo. Mi escuela, Lingelbach Elementary es muy famoso para murales en las paredes en el frente. Hay ya un puente directamente en la calle, pero vivo en la opuesta dirección. No puedo ver el puente que ya tiene un mural cuando me camina a escuela. El puente yo dibujaría el puente siempre tiene grafitti allí y me odio que ver eso, es vandalismo. Lo que la gente escribe en el puente son nombres de bandas y violencia. La gente que vive cerca de la escuela pueden ver mensajes positivas, pero solo puede ver mensajes de muerte. Este lugar es ideal porque para mi, es importante tener cosas positivas en mi comunidad.
Me gusta mi marca, porque dice mucho sobre mis opiniones en vida. El propósito de una marca es que decir un mensaje al mundo. El Arte no puede ser ofensivo - y no debe ser ofensivo. Si el arte tiene mensajes que puede causa violencia o dolor, no es puro. También, creo lo que las imágenes son una expresión de su alma. La mayoría del arte público simbolizas la historia de una comunidad o algo significativa para la gente. A veces los murales dicen cuentos lo que apoderar - como los grandes muralistas Diego Rivera, José Clemente Orozco y David Siqueiros.
Como lo veo yo, grafiti no es un delito si tiene un mensaje positivo. La gente como yo son artistas, nuestro arte esta ubicada en un lugar apropiado. Pero, la gente quien escribe grafitti con mensajes negativos o fotos negativas son criminales. No deberíamos permitir las marcas en lugares públicas, pero deberíamos tener lugares para pintar el arte. Necesitamos cuidar nuestros necesidades para expresión y apreciar nuestros talentos. Trabajar junto es tradicional, es el tema de unidad. No vamos soportar la violencia y destrucción, pero tenemos que construir una comunidad de confianza.
En realidad, si tuviera la oportunidad que hacer un mural en el puente, usaría dibujos de mi Mamá. Ella es muy talentosa, y quiero que ver algo lo que tiene valores sentimentales. Quiero apreciar el trabajo duro de mi Mamá por siempre. Aunque ayudo con su dibujos, eso no tiene el mismo sentimientos. Las temas de unidad, cultura y amor para todo son las mensajes importantes en mi mural.
Los imágenes en mi mural son de artistas famosas, como Sade, Jodeci, etc. Pero, cuando miras a la gente en el mural, ellos son como tu y yo. Somos el mismo, y todos tienen problemas y metas. Ese punto de vista puede borrar las paredes del miedo. Es la idea lo que podemos hacer cualquier cosa.
Quise el color de oro para las fotos de las artistas, pero la impresora solo tiene negra y blanca. Pero, esta bien porque el mural tiene mucho definición en las caras - gracias a mi Mamá. En las caras, puede ver los cuentos de la gente, y la historia. La estructura de huesos es importante, porque en el medio de comunicación, Black no es bonita y no debe ser orgulloso si eres. Que tener la estructura de huesos fuerte es como un delito, y tiene todo del odio de sociedad. Los estereotipos de una persona de color causa éxito duro.
Eso es la razón por la cual los estudiantes en mi comunidad no tienen un ánimo o cariño. Quiero los niños que tener metas fuertes y sueños fuertes. Alcanzar para Las Estrellas, porque la vida es duro y las oportunidades son pequeños cuando eres un minoría. No tienes ser cantante o jugar un deporte que ser buena. Las estrellas del medio de comunicación son gente normal también. Todos tienen un talento, el manera uses el talento es la cosa más importante.
El arte no tiene límites, pero al público tiene fronteras. No puedo decir cosas malas y anticipar el mural que estar allí por siempre. Pero, mi mural puede existir en cualquier comunidad. La gente tiene el derecho que quitar murales que no tienen respetos. Sin embargo, debemos tener más influencia en la gente tan no hacen delitos como eso. Pueden organizar eventos para el arte, y pienso que eso es un buen meta para la comunidad. Desde mi punto de vista, creo que mi mural tiene un mensaje y puede cambiar las vistas negativas de mi gente.
05/02/13 Martes Tarea
The Heart of Kensington por City of Philadelphia MuralArtsProgram
La gente que viven en la comunidad son juntos como una aldea.
Trabajando junto es la cosa más importante
La naciónalidad no tiene importa, porque raza es una barrera.
"Unidad" y "Paz"
En el Norte de Filadelfia, hay muchas problemas de identidad, violencia y oportunidad.
Mecca's Spinach Lasagna!
Cortometraje de Comedia
Rodaje: Un elefante en un supermercado.
- El elefante se pone en la fila en el supermercado.
- La mujer ve al elefante y estuvo sorprendido.
- La mujer se dijo al elefante que se parece su hijo.
Mujer (Alysha): ¿Eres un elefante?
Elefante (Shamarlon): Sí, soy un elefante.
Mujer (Alysha ): Se parece mi hijo que fue matado por un otro elefante.
Elefante (Shamarlon): ¿Tu hijo fue un elefante?
Mujer (Alysha): Sí, él fue mi hijo adoptivo. Nunca tuve la oportunidad de decirle “adiós.”
Elefante (Shamarlon): Eso está muy triste, lo siento.
Mujer: ¿Puedo pedirle un favor?
Elefante: Si, cualquier cosa para te sientas mejor.
Mujer: Por favor, dime “Adiós mamá”.
Elefante: Claro, Adiós mamá.
Mujer: Adiós mi hijo. Otra vez por favor.
Elefante: Adiós mamá.
Mujer: Adiós mi hijo.
El cajero da a la mujer sus cosas y ella se aleja
Mujer: Adiós mi hijo.
Elefante: Adiós mamá.
El cajero suma el precio de las cosas para el elefante
El cajero (Taylor): Seiscientos dólares.
Elefante: ¡Pero sólo tengo una botella de Snapple!
El cajero (Taylor): Ella fue su mamá, ¿Verdad?
Elefante: ¡Ay dios mío no!
El cajero: Por cierto, los elefantes no podrían estar en los supermercados.
Mar Adentro
Mar Adentro es una película que se trata de un hombre quién es un tetrapléjico, Ramón Sampedro. Su discapacidad es un resultado de un accidente nadando cuando era joven mecánico marino. Antes del accidente, él viajaba por el mundo en busca de vida. Sin embargo, un día él decidió a brincar en el océano. Después de ese momento, la vida de Ramón Sampedro cambió por siempre. Hay un parte del cerebro que controla la función del cuerpo. Cuando ese parte del cerebro tiene daña, no puede moverse el cuerpo - sólo la cabeza. Los seres queridos ayudaban Ramón Sampedro funcionar todo día. Ramón tuvo deseo, quitarse la vida. Su familia tuvieron respetar la decisión pero no apoyaron. El deseo de Ramón Sampedro era el comienzo de un debate feroz sobre la eutanasia.
¿La ley eutanasia es moral? Si o No.
¿El derecho a vivir es el mismo para morir?
¿El gobierno tiene el derecho a decir quien puede vivir y morir?
¿Todos tienen el derecho a la vida digna?
¿Qué es ‘la vida digna’?
¿Es el mismo por todos?
¿Qué son las limitas de amor?
¿Como puede esa cambia en le ocurrió de emergencia?
¿Que es más importante, morales o la ley?
Para mi, la ley (eutanasia) es para la protección de la gente, pero impedir el derecho a morir. Morales son más importante en comparación a pena o el gobierno en general. Los derechos de humanos deber igual, porque nadie sabe lo que es correcto. No todos creen el mismo cosa. La definición de ‘vida digna’ depende a la person. La intervención del gobierno en la vida de gente en general es terriblé. Lo que es justa para una persona puede ser diferente para alguien otra. Suicidio es legal, porque no puede hacer nada sobre eso. En este situación, la persona puede hacer que él/ella piense es correcto. Si sabe una persona es suicida, y tu no haces nada, eso es como la eutanasia. No hay esperanza para los tetrapléjicos si quieren a morir en su propia voluntad. Los seres queridos no pueden ayuda, ni el gobierno legalmente. Eso situación es polémico - porque si viviendo es como la muerte, ¿que es el objetivo a vida? Es un crimen a vivir tristemente pero a morir contento, vale la pena.
¡La cinematografía de Mar Adentro es impecable! El foco fue sobre la vida de Ramón Sampedro, y la filme mostrar los sentimientos de los personajes en detalle. Usted puede relacionar con los situaciónes, y entender personalmente porque la actuación del reparto es perfecto. Si alguien impuso sus creencias en usted, o no esta de acuerdo con leyes del gobierno - este película es para usted. Como lo veo yo, Alejandro Amenábar tiene un mente creativo, y sólo él puede retratar Ramón en una manera lúcida. Para la gente mirando a la filme, eso fue verosímil - como si usted fue allí cuando le paso. En general, creo que esa película es un base para los derechos de humanos. Cuando no tiene la habilidad a controlar el cuerpo, pero mentalmente lúcido - tiene el derecho que hacer todo quiere sin la aprobación del gobierno. Los derechos de humanos debe igual por todo mentalmente estable. Para personas con incapacidades mentales, es diferente porque del proceso de pensar. Antes la película, yo nunca pensé sobre derechos de humanos en la opuesto punta de vista. Eso es importante que hacer esa porque en cuatro meses puedo votar - y mi vota puede cambiar el mundo.
Scarlet Letter/Juno Reflection
I've been completely oblivious to how the art of tap dancing has changed over time, and which group of people had the biggest set backs and troubles with it. There are racial, social and economic barriers that made the career of tap dancing hard to obtain for African Americans. Of course, there will be some who couldn't afford a pair of tap shoes, but there are others who had a natural talent but were ignored because of the melanin in their skin. However, if one wanted to peruse tap dancing as a career, that person had to accept the conditions that came with it. That point highlights the theme of progression vs regression.
African Americans could tap dance, but only through Blackface (in certain times of American history). So yes, their talent was displayed but only through degrading and humiliating themselves. For the love of tap dancing or economic reasons, one may trump the other. At the end of the day, an African American person could tap dance, just not in the way that's most morally right. The final product was that there were African Americans performing in front of an audience, and talent was clearly expressed. Yet the general picture was another tactic to defeat the overall success of African Americans.
In Nathaniel Hawthorne's Scarlet Letter, there are many characters that show obvious progression and regression throughout the text, due to the course of events. Chillingworth, the ex-husband of Hester Prynne, tries to get revenge on the man that gave way to Hester Prynne's daughter, Pearl. This hunched back Chillingworth spends a great deal of his life trying to find ways to torture the man that fathered his ex-wife's daughter. The man he tries to get revenge on, Dimmesdale, is a minister who tries to redeem himself of the sin he knowingly committed.
Chillingworth progressed by taking complete control of Dimmesdale's life, but lost complete sight of what his purpose in life was. Sure, he was able to slowly torture his enemy, and prevent him from happiness. However, in that process, Chillingworth sacrificed his own happiness and understanding. All of the compassion and drive for life was now put into years of trying to keep Dimmesdale alive - which was really torture for both of them. Chillingworth never fully redeemed himself of the wasted years in spite, so the real progression was gone with the wind.
In the film Juno, directed by Jason Reitman, Juno is a young teenage mother who faces many modern day challenges of motherhood. Specifically, the audience sees the true measure of self analysis, progression and regression. Juno faced her situation head strong, with a plan in front of her to fix the damage she's caused in her life and others. Her self analysis was accurate, she was sure that she didn't want to have a child, and that she wasn't equipped to raise one either. The goal was that her baby would grow up in a household with loving parents. However, her real regression was her way of coping throughout the months of her pregnancy.
One of her least brightest ideas of coping with her pregnancy was spending too much time with Mark, the 'to be father' of her child. Juno found someone who understood her and accepted her even with her scarlet letter growing from under her shirt. The real problem is that a relationship like the one they had cannot exist in a healthy lifestyle. Mark is married to Vanessa, who is so eager to be a mother. In fact, Vanessa believed that's what she was born to do. Juno putting herself in the middle of their relationship instead of like a daughter to both of them caused her to have emotional regression. She began to lose grip on what reality was.
Through it all, Juno managed to develop a new set of visions and beliefs for the life she wanted her son to have. Accepting that Vanessa could be a great mother, even as a single parent was true progression. Juno didn't give up on the dream she had for her son, even if it wasn't a perfect family photo. The emotional progression continued to follow as Juno and Bleeker (father of child and friend) continued to spend time with each other, and heal through music. Time continued to pass, but it was the way she spent the time that passed that made a true difference. Juno made a sacrifice by not being selfish with her decision on the baby. By sacrificing the bond built with her baby, she gave birth to opportunities that she would have never had if she'd raised the baby herself. Another opportunity that grew from the birth of her son was the chance to start fresh with Bleeker. Of course if couldn't be starting fresh in the literal sense, but they both reached milestones in their lives at young ages. Their coping strategies will continue to express progression and regression throughout their lives.
The presentation aspect of my project could have been improved if it were shorter, but in my mind that leaves gaps in my knowledge and content. It was hard for most people to sit through it all, which is why I chose a vibrant song to give them hopes that my project would continue to interest them. The hardest part was transitioning from part to part, for there were times when I felt myself that it was a lot of information. Trying to condense them all into one video was difficult, because I’d have to verbally break down each slide.
The research behind the project was very dense, so that’s why I considered other ways to present the information. ‘Softing’ (dancing barefoot) to my tap dance was an idea given to me by my mother. I definitely didn’t want to perform after Savion Glover - that’s just a disappointment to everyone else. However, there were some technical difficulties that I didn’t want to mention while presenting. The floor itself is very slippery, which makes tap dancing even harder. Without the stage, the moves of my taps couldn’t be picked up by the floor. The wooden stage has give, which allows for a more lucid performance. These things my peers may not have understood, and I surely didn’t want to have a list of excuses as to why I didn’t use tap shoes.
That setback for me was progression, because I was able to make more than one connection through tap dancing. My personal regression was simply that I couldn’t find a way to condense it all in an appealing way. Finding evidence of the things I talked about and being on point with factual information was a lot to do at once. However, I am proud to have a final product that says about my talents. Choreographing the dance alone, performing it and following it with a slide presentation was huge for me. If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn’t change anything. The last time I presented in front of a class, I didn’t do so well because of my concussion. Now I’m sure that my problems from before won’t hold me back and that the scale/esteem that I’m held at is level with my peers.
Las Problemas de Matrimonio
Qué No Puedo Decir
Pero me tendría miedo
Que un día tu no verme como bella
Lloraría un mil océans y
Me secaría mis ojos con arena
A ver tu cara un otra vez, mataría mi
Sería como un lámpara sin luz
O sonido sin vista
Tengo miedo de como sientes realmente
Saldrías mi vida rápido
Sin palabras a decir
Juzgarías y odiarás
Todo lo que sobre mi -
Pero nunca sabrías.
Máscaras de Identidad: Leona Salvaje
Me llamo Mecca Sharrieff, y soy de Filadelfia (Germantown). Tengo una idea de lo que quiero en mi vida, pero cambio a veces. Soy madura porque pienso sobre mis metas para el futuro y ahora. Valgo mucho personas disgustadan, porque me parece que puedo ayudar con sus situaciones. Tengo celos de mi gato, porque ella puede dormir todo el día. En el futuro, quisiera ser orgullosa de mi aceptación a Lebanon Valley College. Me molestan mucho personas falsos. No creo en compromiso sin confianza. Sueño con disimular en el agreste, sin dudas de vida. Tengo miedo de coquetear en general. Me siento tacaña cuando no comí y mis amigos quieren mi almuerzo.
Mi personalidad es el núcleo de quien soy yo. Si no sabes que hago, no tienes ninguna idea cómo yo siento sobre vida. Ganar no es todo. Es la práctica de las metas lo que crean la carácter. El fútbol también es el núcleo de mis filosofías. Creo en la construcción de carácter, porque eso es la razón soy madura. Pienso sobre como puedo ser una persona mejor. Mis amigos dicen que soy generosa, responsable, independiente. Cuando me ven, tu ves que soy morena, con pelo negra y ojos cafés. Por un lado, pienso que soy normal - expresiva como las personas en mi escuela.
Los demás dicen que soy tímida. Es por eso que espero dar el primer paso con todo - relaciπónes con amigos, románticas, etc. Mi historia no existe. Solamente mañana. Mi corazón es de dos partes: deportes y mi familia. Hago terrible chicos. Me gusta conversar mucho - mis amigos dicen que soy expresiva, y es la verdad. Si no hay comunicación, no podemos tener una relación. Me gusta la idea del amor, pero no es para mi. Soy muy independiente, y creo en ser responsable. Por otro lado con todo en mente, quiero una familia en el futuro. Tradición y cultura son muy important para mi. Intentar es mejor que nada. Soy de una familia deshecha, pero eso no tiene relevancia. Familia no es sobre que/quién tienes. Aprecio todo tengo, y no pienso sobre que no tengo. A veces en el momento ellos son mis enemigos, pero eso no es realidad. Puedo ver quiénes son mis amigos verdades.
Mi educación es primero - conocimiento es poder. Estoy preocupada por el proceso de universidad. Visitar universidades es como una cita ciegas. Estoy nerviosa cuando pienso sobre el futuro y de estar sola. Quiero recordar las memorias de colegio; la baile, graduación, etc. Los fotos de mis amigos van a estar en mi cuaderno en universidad. Tener fotos en tu dormitorio es tradicional. Voy a mantener contacto con mis amigos en todo lo posible - especialmente con mis compañeros de mi equipo de fútbol. Me gusta jugar las cartas con mis amigos - es mejor parte del día. Ellos saben es lo que impide que me vuelva loca. Mi mejor amigo es Oprah / Charlie, y soy Gayle. Somos como uña y carne, porque somos similares. Tenemos malas genios, pero apreciamos la vida.
Quiero esperar decir a mi amor secreto como me siento. Al contrario, no tengo el tiempo para eso. Soy joven, y tengo el resto de mi vida buscar para alguien. Mis amigos dicen soy optimista, y estoy de acuerdo cuando hablo sobre las posibilidades. No quiero ser presidente, pero es posible. No quiero ir a la luna, sin embargo es posible. Si tienes un ánimo fuerte, nada puede pararte. No voy a soportar a alguien mal o destructivo - autoritario es bueno.
Mi educación en el futuro depende de la elección. El gobierno ayuda la gente, especialmente a los estudiantes, con fondos para la universidad. Obama es el mejor para el trabajo. Si él no es el presidente, vamos a estar en un auténtico infierno. Romney no está en contacto con el mundo real y sensibilidad. Él no tiene idea de como difícil vida puede ser.
Máscaras de Identidad: Leona Salvaje
Me llamo Mecca Sharrieff, y soy de Filadelfia (Germantown). Tengo una idea de lo que quiero en mi vida, pero cambio a veces. Soy madura porque pienso sobre mis metas para el futuro y ahora. Valgo mucho personas disgustadan, porque me parece que puedo ayudar con sus situaciones. Tengo celos de mi gato, porque ella puede dormir todo el día. En el futuro, quisiera ser orgullosa de mi aceptación a Lebanon Valley College. Me molestan mucho personas falsos. No creo en compromiso sin confianza. Sueño con disimular en el agreste, sin dudas de vida. Tengo miedo de coquetear en general. Me siento tacaña cuando no comí y mis amigos quieren mi almuerzo.
Mi personalidad es el núcleo de quien soy yo. Si no sabes que hago, no tienes ninguna idea cómo yo siento sobre vida. Ganar no es todo. Es la práctica de las metas lo que crean la carácter. El fútbol también es el núcleo de mis filosofías. Creo en la construcción de carácter, porque eso es la razón soy madura. Pienso sobre como puedo ser una persona mejor. Mis amigos dicen que soy generosa, responsable, independiente. Cuando me ven, tu ves que soy morena, con pelo negra y ojos cafés. Por un lado, pienso que soy normal - expresiva como las personas en mi escuela.
Los demás dicen que soy tímida. Es por eso que espero dar el primer paso con todo - relaciπónes con amigos, románticas, etc. Mi historia no existe. Solamente mañana. Mi corazón es de dos partes: deportes y mi familia. Hago terrible chicos. Me gusta conversar mucho - mis amigos dicen que soy expresiva, y es la verdad. Si no hay comunicación, no podemos tener una relación. Me gusta la idea del amor, pero no es para mi. Soy muy independiente, y creo en ser responsable. Por otro lado con todo en mente, quiero una familia en el futuro. Tradición y cultura son muy important para mi. Intentar es mejor que nada. Soy de una familia deshecha, pero eso no tiene relevancia. Familia no es sobre que/quién tienes. Aprecio todo tengo, y no pienso sobre que no tengo. A veces en el momento ellos son mis enemigos, pero eso no es realidad. Puedo ver quiénes son mis amigos verdades.
Mi educación es primero - conocimiento es poder. Estoy preocupada por el proceso de universidad. Visitar universidades es como una cita ciegas. Estoy nerviosa cuando pienso sobre el futuro y de estar sola. Quiero recordar las memorias de colegio; la baile, graduación, etc. Los fotos de mis amigos van a estar en mi cuaderno en universidad. Tener fotos en tu dormitorio es tradicional. Voy a mantener contacto con mis amigos en todo lo posible - especialmente con mis compañeros de mi equipo de fútbol. Me gusta jugar las cartas con mis amigos - es mejor parte del día. Ellos saben es lo que impide que me vuelva loca. Mi mejor amigo es Oprah / Charlie, y soy Gayle. Somos como uña y carne, porque somos similares. Tenemos malas genios, pero apreciamos la vida.
Quiero esperar decir a mi amor secreto como me siento. Al contrario, no tengo el tiempo para eso. Soy joven, y tengo el resto de mi vida buscar para alguien. Mis amigos dicen soy optimista, y estoy de acuerdo cuando hablo sobre las posibilidades. No quiero ser presidente, pero es posible. No quiero ir a la luna, sin embargo es posible. Si tienes un ánimo fuerte, nada puede pararte. No voy a soportar a alguien mal o destructivo - autoritario es bueno.
Mi educación en el futuro depende de la elección. El gobierno ayuda la gente, especialmente a los estudiantes, con fondos para la universidad. Obama es el mejor para el trabajo. Si él no es el presidente, vamos a estar en un auténtico infierno. Romney no está en contacto con el mundo real y sensibilidad. Él no tiene idea de como difícil vida puede ser.
10% Project
Summer Reading Recommendation!
Book Review!
Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man is one of New York Time's bestsellers, and I received this book as a birthday gift for my seventeenth birthday. After I saw the motion picture in theaters, I couldn't help but to pick up the book for myself. It's basically like a manual all about men. Steve Harvey is the author of this sequel, really digs into not only the mindset of a man, but how women perceive men; followed by the differences in what women see, and what men see. It's an interesting read for anyone who saw the movie - or is just plain interested in the commonality of men and their lifestyle, opinions, etc. I'm still in the process of reading this book, and there are many interesting points that I agree with. The first sentence of this book says, "There is no truer statement: Men are simple. Get this into your head first, and everything you learn about us in this book will begin to fall into place." When I read that, I couldn't help but to agree. Men are simple, just as women are complex. I'd agree that sometimes as women we convince ourselves that a man doesn't care if he doesn't respond in the same way one of your girlfriends would. Men are just built differently. They have a mindset more steered toward solving the problem than conversing about it for several days. Now, there are some exceptions, but this is the general way men handle situations. I recommend this book so far, and I'll be sure to give a more in depth review to anyone who asks.
What If?
The world would be in an entire frenzy. The world eventually would die off from skin cancer. Research shows that skin cancer has a specific strand that can imbed itself into DNA, therefore passing it on to other generations. The vision was that anyone over the age of 50 definitely has skin cancer, because there was no sun screen, precautions, etc. taken to prevent these things from happening. That also means that all the generations below also have that strand of DNA. The life expectancy decreases, along with the population, and the world looks similar to the movie I Am Legend. The major difference is that, there are no zombies. The way that strand gets into DNA was one of the most interesting things I learned from this project.
The historical records of G.M.B. Dobson are very few. There are pictures, but very few quotes besides magazines. I had to rely on text book information and things such as that to gather extrapolations. This individual changed the system of life we know of today. Even though the ozone depletion didn't stop the world from continuing to destroy it, but at least everyone is aware of the concept of Going Green.
If I had to do this project over again, I would change the way I presented the radio show. I liked how it looked for the website, but if I had the help/resources I needed, I would have recorded a live radio show, and made it feel more real. However, I already had a listening piece, and I thought the audio+video approach would go better for the website. Overall, I enjoyed creating my final product. I wish I could have shown more pictures of "present day", but I didn't want to take too much from previous movies or clips to express that. I would rather the viewer have the option to picture a world so small that everyone knows each other.
Blogpost #3
Who did I speak with and why did I choose that person?
I spoke with Taina Rosario, in my Advisory. I chose her because I know her pretty well, and she was flexible with the schedule I have.
What did you learn about them? What did you learn from them?
I learned how she'll really feel when the seniors graduate from SLA, and who she really cherishes. I also found out about her weekend, what she likes to do, etc. That kind of touched base on the culture that I wanted to dig into. I know we like a lot of the same Spanish music, such as Prince Royce or Aventura.
How did this interaction help you move towards achieving your personal goal?
This helped me more towards my goal, because finally I realized that there are not only cultural similarities between people and I, but that I'm not terrible at Spanish. I wanted to gain confidence, an abstract goal, but it happened. The main thing was to stop second guessing myself.
What specifically did you do well according to your goals/expectations?
I did well on keeping the conversation in motion. I tried to balance asking questions and responding to them, as if the conversation were as comfortable as those in English,
What specifically do you need to improve on?
-Making more of an effort to speak with native Spanish speakers than I know in Spanish.
-Simply spending more time reviewing my tenses.
-Reading books in Spanish.
Español Conversación #2
I spoke with tons of people on Sharedtalk. I just conversed with whoever messaged me and went from there. It's getting kind of hard to maintain a relationship with people, because we all have busy schedules, and emailing back and forth hasn't been consistent. But I made a new friend named Eric. We had a pretty nice conversation just about the things we like to do - without it seeming repetitive as before.
What did you learn about the person? What did you learn from the person?
My friend Eric likes to play soccer. He knows spanish, but he also went out of his way to learn it the proper way - which I found interesting. He went to school to study and perfect his language. That was fascinating to me.
How did the interaction help you with your personal goals?
This interaction helped me with learning how to transition in conversations. For once, my conversation with someone didn't sound straight out of a textbook. I added some "text language" and tried to imitate the way native spanish speakers speak with me.
What did you do well to achieve your personal goals? What do you need to improve on to achieve your personal goals?
I just need to improve on my determination and my thirst for learning. It's been hard to like converse with people during the day and look at videos/songs at home. Also, it's hard for me to explain exactly what songs I'm looking for that would help me with memorization. I did get some good advice on how to find videos myself.
-¿Cómo puedo tener un conversación normal en español ?
-¿Qué canciones puede ayudarme aprender sobre el cuerpo?
-¿Cómo preguntare sobre las canciones?
The American Dream: Present & Future
Español Conversación #1
On Sharedtalk, I spoke with many people. The person I conversed the most with was a guy named Rafael. It was a little bit of a challenge to speak with three people at once, switching between languages, but overall, it was worth it. I did help some others practice their english (and most of them were Native Spanish speakers).
What did you learn about the person? What did you learn from the person?
I learned that Rafael lives in New York, but before lived in South America. It was quite hilarious when I tried to figure out why our time zones were the same if he lives in South America, but then after some clarification, I realized he lives in NY, which was cool, because it made us feel closer to one another. We became good friends, even over Facebook. I learned about sentence phrasing the most, and how to say things.
How did the interaction help you with your personal goals?
This interaction helped me with me gain a little bit of confidence with my understanding of spanish. I also learned just how not to be afraid if I don't say things correctly all of the time.
What did you do well to achieve your personal goals? What do you need to improve on to achieve your personal goals?
I need to improve on my uses for estar and ser. However, I have improved on how to ask for help, phrasing general questions, and improving my overall spanish immersion.
-¿Cómo puedo tener un conversacíon normal en español ?
-¿Que tipo de música/deportes les gustan? (Aprender sobre la cultura.)
-¿Que son los similtudes en mi vida y la vida de las personas en SharedTalk?
-¿Por qué la gente quieren aprender Ingles? ¿Que es difícil cuando aprender Ingles?
Machines: Jakobi Martin & Mecca Sharrieff
3) Libby, Montana Asbestos Outbreak
We excelled at being smarter when it came to this project. We easily found ways to make the information transparent and accurate. The attractiveness was one of the easier tasks to do well in, because we're constantly working on projects. We know how to make things look visually well. A lot of the information did vary, making the reader have an easier time digesting what we were trying to show. The visual as a whole is good. You can conclude that there was an asbestos outbreak throughout the years (the pie chart), and the amount of people/homes it affected (shown in the ratios).
Areas of Improvement:
Be Different
Be Creative
Be Concise
Be Gracious
Outstanding Areas:
Be Smarter
Be Transparent
Be Accurate
Be Attractive
Be Varied
Be Visual
National History Day: The Last Veracity
To summarize the importance and meaning behind the project in essence would be insufficient (considering the detail and history). This summary is only a small portion of the intensity and analysis behind the simplicity of these maters makes the entirety of it most important. The Civil Rights Movement heavily influenced the sound of poetry as poetry expanded into modern day culture. Hence, expanding into new genres that reflected not only things related to the movement, but a reflection of world issues and surrounding environments. When everything is placed into perspective, a chain reaction of opportunity, luck, and dedication created the expansion of mainstream media, as well as diversified the culture of America. Though at first hand this may not seem clear, you must first step from outside of the frame in order to see the picture.
The Last Veracity
(Side Note: There are two pages to the website, make sure to click the side tabs.)
Clash of Cultures
Business in America Project
As a unit, we brainstormed about systematic change first through the basic mindset of fact. Meaning, in general, nothing happens without thought. As a person develops those thoughts, they begin to present them to other people, but there's a confidence and faith in personal opinion that allows a lucid flow of systematic change. In our project, we said, "The judicial, legislative, and executive branches of government embody the means of the people. The executive branch cannot make change alone, but with the agreement of other branches, they create the policies, and shape of America."
Some further questions I have on Business in America are:
-What is the balance between business and government besides financial agreements? In reference to things such as health care and how far the government should intervene in personal life. How do the business respond and manage that type of pressure in those fields?
20/1 (Q2BM): Reflexión
Test Your Faith
I gave birth to the existence - No, Nascent of Quill meets Papyrus Breathing alliterations into fragments of personifications Literary tools are my children Illustrating vibrations of ink bleeding through the quilts The existence was too constitutional More than a conspiracy My creations sparked legacies of literature Now, through my kin, I speak the voices of the chapels Into gospel songs and hymns Verses and bridges crossed over - Now in juxtaposition to religion Genesis was Genocide The world began with a blanket of blood My womb had wounds - I forced a C- section So humans see the spectrums of the rainbow (The stitches of my vasectomy) Mother earth is tucked below my bosoms My warm, salty tears are drops rain But my smile… Oh my smile, Is the radiant rays of the sun Book One: Genocide I'se only as bright as day lets me be My chillun will roams on this here belly I wuz impregnated through the Anahata chakra Beat-box'in square locks off's the guard off’s ma-heart These here bonds made bones of de babe I'se not a being of's a human But the beings of a matter I wuz pregnant fo' seven days The big-bang theory wuz ma pregnancy I'se grew eyes wide like the twinkles yaw see in de sky The moon be my lustin lips Always shin' Immaculate masterpiece, De way I licks ma-lipsssss That's hows I made de moon shines Mother Nature is da motha of ma-nature My brown-honey skin was the surface made of dirt my kin learns to walk on My chillun, please, lean on me But don'ts breaks me Into wats ya wants me to be I be that - That Morning sunrise and sunset I'se brought ya into dis world And I'lse take ya out These here stretch marks ares the Separation of da continents I feels all the stuff that happens Sees it with my own eyes and I'se never forgets breathing life Eva' since I'se a little girl Playin double dutch in space With my brotha, Venus & my sista, Jupiter Dere be 8 of us And we all gathas round the milky way Count the stars Steals they shine and Puts dem in our eyes We saved the stars fo' good times We don't lets 'em burns out Muh hands be gettin' shaky And I don't knows if ma-back Can support all these chillun Give'in births to more chillun I'se gettin' tired, Gotsa let my voice save sum Sum up of ma-last words Ma-last words are found Where aint's nobody lookins fo' it …
My mother (guardian spirit) was always a pleasure to be around. Every sunrise, which to our surprise, weren’t that bright, created a balance in our atmosphere. Stars and the cosmos constantly surrounded us. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner were in an abyss of blackness. And sometimes, if we were lucky, we got hints of the milky way without getting sucked in. Every morning, our guardian spirits would remind us of our legacy. In a firm tone, she said to me, “Mother Earth, you are to create the people. You must complete this task before your chakras are too open to birth them. If you fail to create and carve these beings, you will cease to exist.” I whined about it. Far too young to understand how the world would evolve. “But, Mighty Spirit, I want not to! Who shall deliver this world?” I said, in a low, confused tone. _____________________________________________ I never imagined being the mother of such a universe. My pregnancy was all the talk among my family. They couldn’t believe how big I’d gotten to be, nor the fact that I would continue to stick around. I hold the earth in the palm of my hands. Sometimes, I like to dance on the surface. As long as it remains in constant rotation, they’ll never know. Sometimes I sing to my baby Earth, making the birds hum, or adding a bit more sunshine from the sun to their days. They created this thing called “generations”, and I’ve seen all of them hatch into disasters – and some of them turned out to be magical. The funny thing is, I hear people talk to me. They think I’m not listening. They pray to “God” yet haven’t realized, I am Him of all things. Since the moment I set land to a prosperous planet. ____________________________________________ The last I spoke to Pluto, my eldest brother, he told me of how he saw the future, and my people would no longer call him a planet. He revealed all of his life, and last left me with these succulent words, “The world can be only what you desire it to spin as. Take the shine from the moon as your lips, steal the glow of the stars for a pitch. You can achieve it all with the universes as your pallet.”
That night, I cried candy-coated raindrops. My brother practically raised all eight of us, and I knew this would be the last we’d ever see him. But how can I blame a God if I am Him? Final Thoughts I never really understood where I came from. My existence has no roots as some would like to think. No expiration or creation date. All I do is the task I was told. Unlike humans, I have no soul. My memory is the entities that I’ve created. My words are never ending, because no one can hear them. You can only feel the way…
My hands scrape along lonely paths of dirt The horizon I’ve created with my fingertips Connecting the dots that some call stars And when I play ping pong with them, Shooting stars sometimes hit the target Humans will never realize, death is a cauldron Full of angels and devils, they both have wings Hell on Earth is when I let freedom ring. _____________________________________________
Don't Buy The Tomatoes/No Compra Las Tomates
La solución ... a difundir el conocimiento ds buena idea por qué muchas personas puede saber sobre las situación y habla sobre maneras hacer mejor.
Los mandatos son correctos en el parte de "What You Can Do/Qué Puede Hacer".
Me gusta el formato, pero yo no quiería un foto de los tomates, porque es muy típico tener. Quiero las personas a imaginar la situación con su mente.
Election Day Interview
Q1 Benchmark Reflection
The role of the individual in creating and sustaining change is to help advocate his or her ideas and leading in a way that is beneficial to the group or a common goal. Change is a constant thing, but what really matters most is what you choose to do with that change- or wether it makes a difference if things remain the same.
My understanding of the electoral process has evolved through listening to not only what other voters had to say, but it's an interesting twist on each voter's response due to their personal experiences. Some people feel like their vote doesn't matter, so they do not vote or that they simply are not educated on too much of polotics. People seem to go back in forth in debating whether or not the US is a republic or a democracy, but either way injustice exists. Not every person in the world can come to a unison on an idea.
With my marketing campaign, I tried to focus on including a diverse selection of students to participate in the video so that many audiences could relate. Age wise, it was more difficult to find people with the actual energy that I desired, unless you are a staff member at SLA. However, I figured that I would rather have a bunch of diversity with one age group instead of limited diversity and multiple age groups. It's easier to persuade a student to participate, also, because a lot of us had to do this project.
Since I couldn't excel with age and diversity, I decided I would try different forms of the video to appeal to different audiences. Such as choosing music that could appeal to almost anyone and choosing pictures that target people of all ages that still made them feel important and a part of this country. The main theme was to get people to vote through our proposal of voting on the weekend. I created an older sounding catchy theme song to further express our plan. For I remembered that the most memorable commercials have songs that sing the number to call of a company. Different tools like this were used to relay to a national audience our campaign.
De La Alma: Mecca Sharrieff
De La Alma:
Yo vengo de los arboles y el río cafe
Calles y corazones de piedra del adoquín (2x)
Somos de la luna y el sol
Pero una vida nueva es que queremos
Dondé no hay casas almas y rotas
y las almas no necesitan almas nuevas
Porqué el sol es una día nueva y la luna es la noche
con las problemas de ayer
¿Dondé está el paz? (2x)
Yo vengo de los arboles y el río cafe
Calles y corazones de piedra del adoquín (2x)
Hay almas muertas en el río y
nadie sabe por qué
Hay almas muertas en tú corazón y
nadie sabe por qué
Pero, ¿Dondé está ellos ahora? ...
Ellos son en nuestra corazón
Yo vengo de los arboles y el río cafe
Calles y corazones de piedra del adoquín
El Refran: "De La Alma"
Immigration Visualization Project Reflection
Based on past data, the immigration trend seems as if it would decrease partially in the next two decades. Especially with the new presidency in the next year, laws may change drastically. That is, if the government can ever agree on anything. However, there will most likely always be a rate of increase or decrease with immigration. Even if we block of the border, it will take years to completely finish it. Some may propose that it will "create jobs and support the rise of the economy", but it will really only create a mass confusion of problems. The rate of immigration may then increase by rebellion. It has happened before, and there is no reason why it wouldn't happen again.
The different decisions made on how do conduct the project were to make sure of a few key points:
a) The project is visually appealing to the audience.
b) The images aren't too distracting to the overall message.
c) With the images posted, there is some sort of explanation and way for it to be interactive.
Therefore, using an online program called Vuvox, we created a timeline of photos. The size of the photos represents the rate of increase/decrease per decade. The decades are labeled above the pictures so that the audience can also visualize the different things that may have taken place during those periods. The pictures themselves are also representative of what happened in that time period. It's almost like watching a short movie. There is a sliding bar that allows a smooth transition between the decades. On each photo there is a small plus sign, and if clicked on, zooms in to the picture and the text shows up, revealing the different facts about that decade.
The challenges of this project were finding a way that both Morgan and I could work on the project at the same time, finding pictures that fit the decade and expressing a clear explanation of how the decisions of the government clearly affect the rate of immigration. Also, it was a challenge to push for a further explanation of immigration. Sometimes, there were doubts as to why the changes happened the way they did.
The things that I would change about the project if done over would probably have been to finalize all ideas and make sure every expectation was clear before assuming my partner knew. Even though we both had a similar idea, we had to do the project at least twice each. Once we combined our ideas, it was easy to see that it would be a success. I am happy with the final product, because it is very symbolic and clear to the audience. It isn't very hard to interpret, but it still challenges the audience to think while they look.
De La Alma
Calles y corazones de piedra del adoquín
Somos de la luna y el sol
Pero una vida nueva es que queremos
Dondé no hay casas almas y rotas
y las almas no necesitan almas nuevas
Porqué el sol es una día nueva y la luna es la noche
con las problemas de ayer
¿Dondé está el paz? (2x)
Yo vengo de los arboles y el río cafe
Calles y corazones de piedra del adoquín
Hay almas muertas en el río y
nadie sabe por qué
Hay almas muertas en tú corazón y
nadie sabe por qué
Pero, ¿Dondé está ellos ahora? ...
Ellos son en nuestra corazones
Yo vengo de los arboles y el río cafe
Calles y corazones de piedra del adoquín
Where I'm From (A Slam Poem)
[Freedom Time_Snippet]
Stand up
And recite the dysfunctional religion created by
People referred to as Master
Plastered words into our minds to believe
That our existence on this earth was a mistake, a sin
Barefoot our ancestors walked for miles and miles
With back scars screaming for a voice to save the child
The same child birthed by a raped negro mother
That negro child gave birth to a child and that child
Without a father -
Wonder why teenage fathers of today run away from their responsibilities
These slave masters were pimps before black folk even thought of the name
I often shun my head away from the black community in shame
Obama cannot redeem us as Harriet Tubman freed us
They inflicted words into our throats to make us believe we need Jesus
Looking above the sky to the north star, wade in the water
The same waters that trouble us to this day because we sink in our ignorance
Frolicked pieces of paper represented our freedom
One signature by one Master and we thought our shackles were lifted
Not as in smoking, but as in without the slightest clue that we will never be -
[A Natural Blessing]
Someone explain the N-word
Not Nigga but Nappy
Afro-picks to the kinks make the curls so happy
Natural is beautiful, even if you refuse to represent it
Admit it, no relaxer can change the pigment around your laughter
Skin color is irrelevant
But unruly heads make society so tender,
It's a hec-a-hard to separate the ignorant,
Oops, I meant the "ignant" to the melanin
Fists of pride we were discovered in
Still had origin when stripped of rights by the government
Motivational speakers, activists, we were all of them
Even with the two strand twists, locks, braids, cornrows, afros, blow-outs & hot-combs
Hair will never define our capabilities
So don't limit me to stereotypes because of my originality
Personality is more than a clenched fist and a microphone,
And if you don't like it, then you can close your eyes or go home
Cause I'm gonna wear my afro, you ain't gotta ask bro
I was born Proud and Pride was a given
I won't give in to a limited standard
Straight hair won't tame me,
A nappy head won't change me
Accepted or Rejected,
I am a Natural Blessing
[Art of Noise]
I'm from a place so authentic that it would be too disrespectful to describe with my intelligence
So listen with your eyes and see with your ears the feel of what my truth might reveal:
All of my Grandmother's children have soul from our 8-counts to the bend in our toes
Arches on our feet so we don't stomp on the spirits setting us free
Torchetaes and pottybooraes
We knew these words before we could spell them, let alone pronounce them
Our rhythm rampaged through our hearts
There was no such thing as a break
Next was the buffalo shuffle, another 8-count
While we could still feel the vibrations from our tap shoes in our sleep
Every Saturday was a ritual for repentance
The minute your heels touch the floor of the studio,
Your sins forgotten, forgiven
For now is the world that you live in
For the next 34 saturdays of the year,
Nothing else matters.
I'm from a place where I'm not accepted for who I am. In some way, shape or form, I am always picked apart for my skin color, originality or my body type. So where I'm really from is a phrase.
"It ain't where you from, it's where you at…"
Humanities Portfolio
Copy An Artist
Three Edited Photos
Art Sculptures
Footsteps of Crushed Spirits
Act 1, Scene 1
Inspired By Art History
These are some pictures taken with my camera (3.2 megapixels). These pictures are of buildings right outside of my school and the settings that they were taken create a lot of diversity. I edited these photos to my liking and then made an album. These pictures inspire me, because of the angles at which they were taken and the way light is reflected upon the different pictures. I can't really decide which one is my favorite, because they all give different tones within the pictures.
Op Ed
The reasons why our youth drop out of high school is because 57% of our students believe it’s the lack of discipline in the high schools. But why care that some students are dropping out of high school? Our dropout rate makes not only Philadelphia appear as a bad place to live as a whole, but it puts the future in jeopardy for much of the city. When youth drop out of school, their problems don’t go away. About 52% of those reasons were out-of-school related problems. That means that the communities that surround the school influence their determination to remain in school. Many of the big high schools have kids that feed from their school in more than a suitable walking distance. That means along the way, there is bound to be violence with so many kids in one area. Going to a large school also means that the kids may not know each other very well. That could be a threat to anyone.
Quarter 3 Drawings
Charcoal Self Portrait
Self Portrait by Pencil
My Hand
More Pictures
Mecca Sharrieff Quarter 2 Pictures
Mecca Sharrieff Quarter 2
For the second quarter, "freedom" was like my middle name. For I was able to discover things about myself through poetry and improve my skills as a writer. I decided that I always wanted a journal, but am too busy to write in one. Therefore, I created one by recycling a shoe box. Then, I printed and 10 of my poems onto the cardboard box. Throughout the quarter, I have written over 20 poems. That would be a lot to include, so I provided a sample. Writing poetry was sometimes difficult, with the occasional "Writer's Block", however I pushed myself through them all. Below is a picture of the final product, as well as one of my best poems I wrote throughout the quarter.
"The Seed"
I am the analytical epitome of proximity
the exemplary identity of a leader
trapped behind a glorious mask
I throw ash in the faces of those in the traces
trying to reveal the veil that entrances
these simple minded people and I to equals
trying to make sense of the world
now thou say all is forgotten
funny how we reminisce on time while they plotting
creating scenes of the future stemming from our dreams
turning the desirable fate into clear reality
crisp as the wrinkles that river your uniform pants
I keep the haters on their feet,
while I move to the task like ants
that's why their faces dance
like a million of me in their pants and
I bet they wish it was them instead of me on the thrown
I like the sweet taste of victory, so I take it home
where I reside back to this contraption and desolate transaction
pressing keys along this board to express my letters
form meaning into art and poetry all together
combine us like a mixed breed
I'm calling to the Seed
and I try to conquer all of the negative energy
transform it into my inner chi
I would love to see you try to defeat the optimism
for I balance yin and yang so you will see no change
when the mask of the peoples try to phase me
I let it roll of my back and suffix your self esteem
I am the prefix that can changes your being
within all of the drama I am the hierarchy you are seeing
you should try to make sense of the puzzle pieces you are missing…
Language Autobiography
Imagine. Imagine a little three year old girl who you’ve known since the first month of her birth. Imagine a young caramel skinned, intelligent and loud little girl. This girl normally has her hair braided with berets in it and only to your kneecap in height. Pretend her name is Allayna, and her mother, Charlene, speaks mostly in African American Vernacular English. This little girl is my cousin and so far, we’ve been taught to speak differently; for I do not speak in African American Vernacular English. I wasn’t raised to speak in any other way except proper English with the exception of slang words used often among friends or around family that use the same slang.
Her piercing eyes dented a center in my heart made specifically for moments where Allayna is most ignorant- for I can guide her in the right direction. In other words, I can be there like Charlene was for me when I was younger. There was something about the way Allayna could grasp onto the English language that captivated my hope for her future. That is until the day I realized how much she used African American Vernacular English; and being so young, she doesn’t know how to code switch.
“They is a mess!” Allayna said to me as she impatiently told me her story of her day in preschool.
“It’s not ‘they is’ Allayna, it’s ‘they are’!”. I yelled furiously at Allayna, hoping that she would catch on after correcting her for the second time. Yet, she was too young to understand the importance of how she delivered her words. I didn’t intend to make my ball of sunshine cry, but without rain, there is no sun. Therefore, this relationship between Allayna and I will be difficult if she cannot understand my language- even though it is basically the same. Language is an emotional, more than verbal, conquest to define relationships. One day maybe, Allayna will learn the significance of learning the importance in code switching if she doesn’t correct the way she speaks. Adrienne Rich said, “This is the oppressor’s language/ yet I need it to talk to you.” Which makes me think- will Allayna learn how to speak the way I do, or will I have to try to work my way around it?
The use of identifying language as a standard introduces an uncontrollable form of power, weak or strong. The way one speaks can tear off any group of people- not always race. The things of everyday life that have an influence on the way we speak also intrigue the complexities in the way we think. The unavoidable influence of music (other than instrumental or classical music) have an effect on the way people talk. Music is a big factor that could tear Allayna and me apart, for I listen to a variety of music. Most of the music I am exposed to don’t use African American Vernacular English in song writing. The music that Allayna likes does in most cases. That is one more influence on the way she speaks. According to bell hooks, “In contemporary black culture, rap music has become one of the spaces where black vernacular speech is used in a manner that invites dominant mainstream culture to listen- to hear- and to some extent be transformed (298).” This transformation in fact drew a deep line in my family. That very transformation separated my cousins from my sister and I. They don’t listen to any kind of music other than r&b or rap, for they find anything other than that to be “white music”, however I do not agree. I enjoy different genres, which is why my cultural acceptance has transformed deeper than the initial first impression. Differences in music separate my relationships between female cousins, because even though we all did dance when we were younger, they lost the deeper vision that we were once introduced to. The male cousins have accepted different genres as they dig deeper into things such as wrap, for words beats intertwine with each other and the words decorate a blank paper to a colorful canvas with an array of colors, patterns and dimensions.
Listening to rap music and interpreting the grammar and terms as correct can create difficulties such as labels of being ‘ghetto’ instead of ‘ignorant’ for those who lack the tolerance to correct the college kids of their childish mistakes, for they can correct the younger generations. Extinguish the cycle of ignorance or learn to use the African American Vernacular English as a cultural stepping stone. The reason being is that some people do not understand the ways and reasons why African American Vernacular English remains today. Bell hooks also was also reminded of the interpretation of African American Vernacular English to those who aren’t familiar with it. She says, “When young white kids imitate this speech in ways that suggest it is the speech of those who are dumb, stupid or only interested in entertaining or being funny, and then the subversive power of this speech is undermined (298).” As the ignorance of the uses of African American Vernacular English become a form of something positive, the easier it is to mend bonds broken in cultural differences and hopefully those cultural differences won’t tear apart another generation of people.
My words flew around the circle of faces, leaving traces of confusion for my speech was an illusion to the conscience. I saw the hungry crowd devour my words of sorrow for the ignorance that follows,
As a young child
Tamed by the wild
Some people influenced
By the mother tongue
How to tame a wild tongue
Left some tongue tied
For what we think is right
May be wrong on the outside
Streaming shadows in the dark
Guide the lost into the hearts
Find the language that can combine
Two worlds set to part.
Even my poetry confuses my family that use African American Vernacular English- and it leaves me with a fear that they will never understand me; for all I understand is poetry.
Mecca Sharrieff Marking Period One
One day during art class, I noticed that near the sink, which is where the paint is, there were many boxes used to package laptops that were empty. I asked Ms.Hull if she needed them. She replied, 'no'. I was thrilled to know that I had some materials to work with on short notice. The first thought that came into my mind was to paint the boxes. Then what? I had to figure out something. I thought maybe I could use the magnets and attach them to the cardboard and create a magnet. Instead, I used the magnet as an accessory and attached tape to a magnet and a bottle cap, so that the two would stick together and I could have a different color for every color I would use. I already knew that I had magnets and wanted to work with them-regardless of how difficult the project seemed. There were so many different shaped boxes, so I chose the smallest weirdest looking one. To paint the boxes, I knew that I had to incorporate colors that would show up on the tan cardboard. I also had to think of a theme for the project to show that it has meaning. I used blue to start off as the outside base for each piece to show repetition and then the thought came to me. Like a stop light, I could use the colors red, yellow and green on the inside of each piece of card board. Then all I needed was a slogan. I knew that green usually represents 'go green'. Red typically means stop. Yellow I was stuck on. 'Stop, Go Green'. It was the most sensible slogan I could think of, considering that on a yellow light it just means go slower. Which also represents that going green can't happen over night. It is a process that can be very effective with the help of others and spreading awareness to others.
In my Biochem class, I did a lot of projects prior to this one about recycling. I believe that recycling and going Green is really important to the environment. I knew that this art project was a chance for me to express artistically how I feel about these things. I did some work after the Stop Go Green and I do not have a name for it. The process was the same. I used the same type of card board boxes and paint. I did white and black for the outside, and a mix of different colors on the inside. It meant that when I am at SLA, people see me mostly for my personality (the inside with a lot of colors). However, when I leave SLA, I feel that the world sees me for my color on the outside. As my environment changes, people see me differently. Sometimes I wish people could see my vibrant side all the time, because it shows the person who I'd like to be. This art project challenged my ability to use my time wisely and to create something that shows a lot of work. I was attempting to do more than I could. I view that as a positive, because now I know where my range is and what I have to work with. I can use that to my benefit. Sometimes less is more. I've learned that from completing my project. I didn't have a big piece of art work like the rest of my peers in my Art class- but I know that I worked just as hard to find something meaningful.
See link for photos: