What If?

Daily Motion Pictures PDF
The point of divergence of my project was that G.M.B. Dobson, creator of the photoelectric spectrometer dies of influenza in May 1927. Through his invention, the world learned about the ozone layer, and the harmful affects that it has on humans. Media erupted with news about the ozone layer depletion, and what that meant for safety precautions. Things such as sun screen were invented to protect the UV rays from damaging our skin.

The world would be in an entire frenzy. The world eventually would die off from skin cancer. Research shows that skin cancer has a specific strand that can imbed itself into DNA, therefore passing it on to other generations. The vision was that anyone over the age of 50 definitely has skin cancer, because there was no sun screen, precautions, etc. taken to prevent these things from happening. That also means that all the generations below also have that strand of DNA. The life expectancy decreases, along with the population, and the world looks similar to the movie I Am Legend. The major difference is that, there are no zombies. The way that strand gets into DNA was one of the most interesting things I learned from this project.

The historical records of G.M.B. Dobson are very few. There are pictures, but very few quotes besides magazines. I had to rely on text book information and things such as that to gather extrapolations. This individual changed the system of life we know of today. Even though the ozone depletion didn't stop the world from continuing to destroy it, but at least everyone is aware of the concept of Going Green.

If I had to do this project over again, I would change the way I presented the radio show. I liked how it looked for the website, but if I had the help/resources I needed, I would have recorded a live radio show, and made it feel more real. However, I already had a listening piece, and I thought the audio+video approach would go better for the website. Overall, I enjoyed creating my final product. I wish I could have shown more pictures of "present day", but I didn't want to take too much from previous movies or clips to express that. I would rather the viewer have the option to picture a world so small that everyone knows each other.
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