Q2 Advanced Art-Lukas Supovitz-Aznar
Throughout this quarter of advanced art I wanted to focus on a specific theme throughout my artwork. That theme was happiness in the mind of a child. I think that being a child was a much simpler time, so when I was given the opportunity to express those thoughts in the form of artwork, I did. For my art collage I had a boxer who was thinking in the piece of art. In the fighters thoughts were things that I thought of as a child such as Calvin and Hobbes, Aliens, and Dwarfs. For week 6 and 7 I edited a photo of the SLA baseball team winning a playoff game, and the pure happiness which followed. The reason I did this was because I think that it showed what I thought about as a kid, which was baseball. For my final piece of artwork I picked a poem which spoke about happiness, and then drew out what I thought happiness looked like to me as a kid. The theme of being a child carried out through the whole quarter and brought me back to my roots of what truly matters.
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