Q2 Art Work - Ilker Erkut
In Quarter 2 I was pushed more to my artistic limits. This quarter was very successful because I put more time into everything that I completed. They are all very unique. I plan to continue
drawing and see the amazing things I can produce with more time and effort.
In the Collage I used a picture of myself from years ago and made a college out of it. I used materials from trash that I was currently using and I thought it was a master piece because of how unique it was. The fabric was an interesting task. It pushed my limits of a drawer significantly because I chose not to trace. I wanted to challenge myself. I think considering I did not trace it is very good but I have to work on
my shading. The photo editing was by far my favorite because I find that I am most creative when editing photos. That was a photo I took in New York City. Originally it was quite boring with a nice view. But with a new filter, a lot of saturation and more I was able to make it almost look like it was stitched or colored in. The illustration was very difficult because my drawing abilities are not good enough to really draw anything other than very specific objects. I also am not very good at drawing people. But the message behind the drawing that connected with the quote is very nice. I enjoyed this quarter and cannot wait to do it next quarter as well.
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