Ilker Erkut Public Feed
Final Podcast - Ilker, Jamie & Brian
Podcast #3 - Ilker, Jamie & Brian
Podcast #2 - Ilker, Jamie & Brian
Q4 Math Bm (Podcast #1) Ilker, Jamie and Brian
Ilker Erkut's Capstone
"Independence Charter School." Independence Charter School. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. <>.
This is my old school’s link. I looked at this website to get a feel for their environment and the after school activities that they have. I will be working there for 8 weeks and therefore I needed some background info. I learned a lot from this site and I liked all the things that have changed from my old school. I cannot wait to work at my school Independence Charter School.
Brown, Chris. "Coaching Kids Soccer, How to Make Soccer Practice and Game Day Dynamic and Fun." Chris Brown, n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2016.
This website is my first link to help me start my class. I got a lot of info from this such as game plans and what I am going to teach. I also needed a way to positively influence the children and help them enjoy the club. This website is quite reliable and gave me more info than most. The website was created by a father who coaches his son's team.
Huddleston, David, and Kay Huddleston. "How to Teach Soccer Dribbling to Kids - Amazing Results Fast." How to Teach Soccer Dribbling to Kids - Amazing Results Fast. Kay Huddleston, n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. <>.
This sight was for the specifics for my curriculum. I need to have a lot of different drills for my students. If I do not have a lot of drills to show the kids my after school activity will not work. I plan to have a total of 10 to 20 drills that I rotate around so that they learn things and continue to learn things throughout the weeks.
Eaton, Bill. "Coaching Soccer 101 - Soccer Coaching and Youth Soccer Drills." Soccer Rules. Bill Eaton, n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. <>.
I looked up the rules of soccer so that if the kids have questions I can give them specific rules and not mislead them in any way. THis will also help them in the future against refs and coaches. This was not as important but I also know that my knowledge on soccer is as far as I have experienced it in a game. This is why I chose this link.
N.p., n.d. Web. <>.
This was another soccer rules site so that I could have some more insight. I looked up the rules of soccer so that if the kids have questions I can give them specific rules and not mislead them in any way. THis will also help them in the future against refs and coaches. This was not as important but I also know that my knowledge on soccer is as far as I have experienced it in a game. This is why I chose this link.
"The National Soccer Coaches Association of America." Fundamentals of Coaching Soccer : NSCAA Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. <>.
I have a lot more links on how to coach, ranging from fathers to youth team coaches and even some professional coaches. THe point of this is to get a lot of opinions on coaching. When I was young I wish I had someone who could teach me soccer the right way from the beginning so that I would not be behind when I played with others. This is why I have this link.
"Seven Tips for Practicing Positive Discipline." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. <>.
This source is very reliable. It is both PBS and a .org source. THis source was for guidance in making kids feel good about what they are doing. This is very important because if kids do not feel comfortable then they will grow up afraid to express themselves in soccer. That is a very hard way to play soccer because there will always be times when it is necessary.
Nutters, Holly Fulghum, Pat Jarvis, and Leslie Shelton. "Smart Ways to Teach Your Child!" Smart Ways to Teach Your Child! N.p., 1994. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. <>.
This source was more general. I wanted to know how parents wanted their children to be taught. Not specifically about anything. I found that it is very similar to the source above in that they want there to be a lot of positive energy and that the kids should be able to express themselves. This is why I chose this link.
Bean, Sara. "Child Behavior: How to Teach Your Child to Behave." Empowering Parents. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. <>.
THis link was to understand how parents want their children reprimanded or punished. It was very interesting as I find that parents like the teachers to be very upfront with how they feel No physical altercations should be necessary. If it gets physical with 2 students then being physical is okay. This is why I chose this link.
"Best Age to Start Playing Soccer." Youthletic. Youthletic Staff, n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. <>.
THis was the most interesting link because it is said that kids should start learning soccer around the age of 4. That is really young. The kids will not really learn anything till they are at least 6. My audience will be 3rd and 4th graders. But I believe with good coaching I could get them to the place they should be if they started when they were 4. I hope my idea works. This is why I chose this website.
Q3 Artwork - Ilker Erkut
McCarthy Unabridged: The Road, Page 130
The boy woke up beside his dad, dazed and confused.
Papa wake up!
The boy crawled on the ominous ground. He slowly got on to his feet. Walking felt unnatural. The boy continued in his attempt to walk. The ground was bumpy. The higher he got the more control he gained. The boy looked back at his Papa laying in the ground motionless. He soon realized that he and his papa did not fall asleep there. His location was unknown and he started to cry. As he pressed his face into his hands, he saw the flicker of a light. Behind him was a stick holding fire. The boy was fascinated and felt at ease. The floating fire started to drift away.
Papa look!
The boy turned around to his papa sleeping or dead. The fire had gained more distance. The boy started chasing after it. He chased after the fire for about a mile before he realized that he had no way to get back. The fire stopped moving. There was nothing for miles. The boy walked very slowly. When he felt the time was right, he lunged for it hoping to hold the fire. As his hand got a hold of the stick, his foot got caught by a piece of metal. The boy ends up passing out, holding the fire.
Son lets get ready to go. The dad says to his the boy while he was dreaming.
Papa look I am holding the fire.
Rationale -
This passage should be put in the middle of page 130. On page 130 the boy was asleep and the dad is trying to fall asleep. Then it would jump into the dream. The dream slowly builds up into a dream. The boy lacks control in the dream. The dream is so vivid it seems real. My intention for putting this quote on page 130 is actually connected with finding the bunker. I found it so unrealistic to stop, like they do constantly, because of the boys gut feeling. So I went back to the most recent time the boy was asleep and created a dream that made it seem as if he was something of a higher power. My essential questions were “Is the boy Jesus?” and “How did the boy know that was the right place to stop?. In the dream once he gained control of his emotions he was distracted by a stick with fire. The boy wants to believe he is holding the fire and therefore I gave him the opportunity to do so. He followed the fire till he came across the bunker. The bunker reference is very subtle because when they get there the boy does not know what is actually there. His mind will remember falling in this very lonely place which will cause him to remember bits and pieces of the dream. The dream being very vivid and making him follow the fire are all references that he has someone helping him. I wanted to leave the impression that he was special. I ended it with the boy tripping and waking up. Before anyone really wakes up from a dream they still believe they are in it. In conclusion he ended the dream holding the fire and having a place to go to in order to survive for longer. As I said in the opening sentence, I believe if this passage was put in the book, there would be no question he was of a higher power and that he knew where the bunker was. Given those two very big points, they had to remove the passage in order to make this story worth all the rewards it has received.
Q2 Art Work - Ilker Erkut
In Quarter 2 I was pushed more to my artistic limits. This quarter was very successful because I put more time into everything that I completed. They are all very unique. I plan to continue
drawing and see the amazing things I can produce with more time and effort.
In the Collage I used a picture of myself from years ago and made a college out of it. I used materials from trash that I was currently using and I thought it was a master piece because of how unique it was. The fabric was an interesting task. It pushed my limits of a drawer significantly because I chose not to trace. I wanted to challenge myself. I think considering I did not trace it is very good but I have to work on
my shading. The photo editing was by far my favorite because I find that I am most creative when editing photos. That was a photo I took in New York City. Originally it was quite boring with a nice view. But with a new filter, a lot of saturation and more I was able to make it almost look like it was stitched or colored in. The illustration was very difficult because my drawing abilities are not good enough to really draw anything other than very specific objects. I also am not very good at drawing people. But the message behind the drawing that connected with the quote is very nice. I enjoyed this quarter and cannot wait to do it next quarter as well.
Art Q1 Slide show
I Have More Control - Ilker Erkut
I Have More Control
By Ilker Erkut
I am comparing both Taming of the Shrew and the movie Hitch.
In the movie Hitch, the main character Alex Hitch is like a love doctor. He is called when guys are in need of help when it comes to women. He plays a character who thinks he understands women. He finds a woman of his intellectual match, and instead of showing his true feeling, he uses his generic women tips to get what he wants. In the play The Taming of the Shrew, the character Petruchio is in a similar but different predicament. He sees Katherine, one of the king’s daughters and declares that she will be his. Katherine and her sister, Bianca are on the road to marriage. Petruchio uses his manipulation and cockiness to trick winning her over. He tricks the king and everyone around him, getting what he wants. All the events up until the marriage between Katherine and Petruchio has led the book to be called The Taming of the Shrew.
These scenarios are similar because the male feels that they have a more dominant role in these situations. Both Alex and Petruchio act as though they understand the women more than they understand themselves. The women in the situation just sit back and watch it happen, until the end where they show that control is not always the path to take. Sarah in Hitch, makes Alex realize that she wants someone who is themselves and she wants someone with insecurities and imperfections. Katherine kisses up to Petruchio making him feel in control, but she is secretly has a plan to get him back for the fake marriage. According to the play and the movie, control matters in relationships and because of that the characters, like people in real life, learns that control ends badly for whoever has it.
Quote #1
“Father, ‘tis thus: yourself and all the world that talked of her have talked amiss of her. If she curst, it is for policy, for she’s not forward, but modest as the dove; she is not hot, but temperate as the morn. For patience she will prove a second Grissel, and Roman Lucrece for her chastity. And to conclude, we have ‘greed so well together that upon Sunday is the wedding day.”
(Act 2, Scene 1, Line 307-315, Page 97)
In this scene Petruchio manipulates Katherines father. The king is definitely believing every word that Petruchio is saying because it seems as though he wants it to be true. Katherine is having a hard time finding a man because she rubs off as being very nasty to people and shoots down all the men. The king was desperate for her to find a man. Petruchio makes it clear to her that something is going to happen between both of them. Then the father comes in and Petruchio states that Katherine was very lovey dovey when it was just them two talking. The king accepts and Katherine is furious. This scene was a prime moment in the play because Petruchio figured out a way to take control of the entire situation.
Alex is the man listening to the conversation. He was supposed to be that guy who is talking to the girl behind him. He had it all thought out until this guy shows up. He had to figure out a way to gain control of the situation considering he is the relationship expert to others. Alex Hitch walks up behind the man and acts as though he is her boy friend who had to run an errand. Alex finally gets rid of the guy so he can have a stab at this women. He played the situation to the point where Sarah, the woman, was already impressed. After he gets her attention he goes about his conversation in a very “in control” tone of voice. He explains what every other man would have done in this scenario and he starts the relationship off in a controlling way.
Quote #2
“I am ashamed that women are so simple to offer war where they should kneel for peace, or seek for rule, supremacy, and sway when they are bound to serve, love and obey.”
(Act 5, Scene 2, Line 177-180, Page 219-220)
In this scene Katherine swallows her pride and gives this long speech about how women should be loyal and do what men ask. It clear that she is tricking Petruchio for later. She realizes that the only way out of this is to go through with it. She can take control of the situation later in the marriage and make Petruchio realize he should have never conned her into the marriage. This little speech of her almost seems scripted considering all the hatred she had toward him in previous conversations about it.
Allegra Cole, the women with the blond hair, thought Albert Brenderman was tricking her and instead of sticking with him like Katherine would have done, she left. She continued her life without him. Alex hitch agreed to meet with her to explain that Albert truly loves her and that he was not tricking her. Albert just needed someone to guide him around his own insecurities. Petruchio had so much self confidence that everything he said was cocky and always sounded like there was more behind what he was saying. It almost as if people like Petruchio are the only one who can get the best women because he is cocky and great guys like Albert cannot because they are nice and always scared to make a bad impression. This is what the world has come to.
Quote #3
“I know not what to say, but give me your hands. God send you joy, Petruchio. ‘Tis a match.”
(Act 2, Scene 1, Line 338-339, Page 97)
At the end of both Taming of the Shrew and Hitch, the men with the control are in predicaments. Hitch realizes in the last scene of the movie that control was able to get him, women and the respect but never allowed him to connect with the girls on a personal level. He was never able to fall in love with them, it was a game that he always had to win. Now he is chasing the women he tried so hard to impress. In Taming of the Shrew, Petruchio is mind blown to see that Katherine is so satisfied with the idea of marriage even though she doesn’t remotely like him. The ending throws people off because it is not as expected. The controller's are being controlled.
Hitch realizes that he needs to make up for all the acting he was using before by showing, Sarah, he truly loves her. He chases Sarah out of the building and sprints until he gets close enough to jump. The things that people do for love are crazy. Sarah gets out of the car and makes sure he is ok. In the end she explains that she loved him too but wanted him to work for hers. Petruchio grows more of a liking toward Katherine because she has lightened up so much at the end. He is ready for the best life, while she is planning how she can get the most out of her arrangement.
In both The Taming of the Shrew and Hitch, there are a lot of problems with love and relationships. They both beg you to ask the questions; is love real? In Taming of the Shrew, it dwells more on the fact that you grow to love someone if you have control over them. Getting the love and satisfaction they need will not be hard to get because have control. In Hitch, Alex Hitch is a man who believes in control and being perfect but he realizes near the end of the movie that to truly love there needs to be no control games. Alex needed to lose his barriers and open up and in the end he almost dies just to show his true feeling toward the women he loved.
Sources -
"Hitch (2005)." YouTube. YouTube, 2005. Web. 21 Apr. 2015.
“The Taming of the Shrew”
Holderness, Graham, and William Shakespeare. The Taming of the Shrew. Manchester: Manchester UP, 1989. Print.
The Changing World Essay - Ilker Erkut
Changing World Essay
War is a life changing experience. People go to war as one person and leave as another; confused and unsure. Soldiers are taught to kill anyone that is not one of them. They make killing a second nature. While in a war, there are various stages that people will go through to cope with the feelings of being home sick or scared. In the book “The Things They Carried” by Tim O’ Brian. The men go through the many stages of denial, hoping they do not become killing monsters like the war wants them to be. They want to come home after war unchanged. When in a new setting, sometimes it is hard to get comfortable. Living a life in war, there are many opportunities where there has to be something that no one wants to do. When alone if the same situation arises, it will go differently because people do not want to become monsters from their line of work. They are breaking protocol to do the right thing. There is a lot of adapting to new scenarios and trying to fit in. People tend to make up their own rules to survive and feel better about themselves.
The first thing that is taught to people who are going into war, is to kill. It becomes muscle memory and happens constantly to the point where people are beside themselves, trying to put pieces of themselves together and not losing all normal aspects of themselves. It becomes very hard to leave war unharmed mentally unless the soldiers use the denial to keep them sane. “You’re right” he said “All you can do is be nice. Treat them decent you know?”(Page 123) The last thing soldiers need is another dead body. They go through so much hardship getting used to the fact that killing is okay. The less kills, the better it is for their mental state of the mind. It keeps them human. The rule is that if a citizen is seen they have to be killed because they could go back to wherever they live and tell everyone that Americans are here with guns. The man who was quoted is Henry Dobbins. He is one of the characters in “The Things They Carried. So Henry Dobbins sparing the two men in the church was risky but necessary.
In some situations disobeying could have two positive reactions. In “The Things They Carried Dave Jensen and Lee Shrunk were not very close, but they went through a series of events them allowed them to grow as partners. They respected each other. There agreement was that if one in a near death situation because they got shot etc, the other would kill them to put them out of the misery. “In late August they made a pact that if one of them should ever get totally fucked up-- a wheelchair wound--the other guy would automatically find a way to end it.”(Page 66) Jenson disobeyed Strunk, but not because he was doing the right thing but because he was scared to kill his friend. He was very lucky to find out that his friend was dead because that was Jensen's original wish. He disobeyed him because he knew that if he survived he could still live with one leg. But the fact that he died was still pleasing because Jenson’s wish was granted.
There are many symbols of respect in the world. It real respect when its someone that there is no knowledge of. When Henry Dobbins was in the church with two older men. The rule is to kill anyone on site because they could report to others that Americans are in their territory. Henry trusted these two men enough to risk the whole operation because of their hospitality. The two older men gave the soldiers a place to stay for a little bit. Out of respect he made a washing hands symbol. “Henry Dobbins made the washing motion with his hands.”(Page 123) Dobbins is given specific orders than any foreigners seen should be shot on sight, but he finds a spot in his heart for the people at the church for helping them even though the war is going on. It is as if he was cleansing himself for all the killings and crimes committed in Henry’s time as a soldier. He shows them a sign of respect and spares their lives.
Many people will find it hard to read this book because of the lying and mixed memories. Through out the book Tim tells stories. He is constantly throwing in hints that he is not sure of the story. But by the end it is obvious that he is lying for a great amount of it. Whats real and whats not? “A thing may happen and be a total lie; another thing may not happen and be truer than the truth.” Throughout the book Tim O’Brien is lying about his life to the audience. He writes stories that many people believe to be real until people realize that he is just writing stories that are made up. It makes people feel that they cannot believe what they read. Tim O'Brien cannot tell truth from lie. He was doing this because he was trying to get the viewers to understand how he felt after the war. His mind was fuzzy. He had been through a great deal of danger and tragedy.
There are stories about war and how many people were saved and lots of great things happen. But when put under the scope, the way people turn out after war is more visible. The pain, weakness, death and living standards are what makes it hard. Death becomes second nature, a sixth cent and something to be used to. Many soldiers feel the need to shoot themselves because they cannot handle the pressure and lifestyle. These soldiers get dishonorably let go and become frowned upon by anyone that has met them in the war. As great as it is to get away, it feels just as bad to be bullied because they aren’t tough enough. The only way to stay true to yourself is to disobey and keep things as normal as possible where they can. There is a lot of adapting to new scenarios and trying to fit in. People tend to make up their own rules to survive and feel better about themselves.
I remember one day, years ago in spring and I was getting ready for school. As soon as I was finished and ready to go to the door and leave, I realized I should close all the windows just in case. I was very skeptical about everything. I thought about the worst. It gave me a little sense of adventure. I went back to the door after closing all the windows. I was just about to leave when my dad asked “Who closed all the window?” I told him that I did it because I did not want anything coming in while we were out. I was a very skeptical kid growing up. I did not want to be robbed, kidnapped etc. I wanted to feel as safe as possible. I always did little things like closing the windows or locking my bedroom door. I put so much thought into everything I did because I knew one day I would be ready for anything. He said in a very frustrated voice that he did not need me to do that and that we would be fine. I found it interesting that he said that because he normally closes the windows himself. I was not sure why he was mad but I apologized and left. I went to school wondering what the big fuss was about leaving it open. On the way home it started raining a lot. There were things flying through the air. It was like a mini hurricane. Luckily for me I did not live very far so I ran to my house. Once I stepped inside I panicked. Every window was open. At the time we also did not have screens because we were planning on getting new ones. I calmed myself down and decided to close the window closest to the door. Then I ran down to my living room. It was like a pool. I went to close all the windows. I knew that all of our belongings would have been soaked. I ended cleaning up the mess by myself for about 2 hours. When my dad got home I did not expect an apology. It really was not that big of a deal to him. But I knew I did the right that and that if he just listened to me our house wouldn’t be so destroyed.
Henry Dobbins is in a place where not following orders and or trying to leave the base is considered a wimp. It is considered disrespectful to the service and he would probably be hated for the rest of his time there. He was given direct orders to kill anyone seen, but the people at the church, he knew were harmless and he did not kill them because of that. The old men that knew the Americans intentions gave them shelter and food to live. It was very noble and risky chance to take. But in the end it worked out. There are many experiences where I broke the rules and cut corners for the right reasons. No matter what people said I knew I had the right intent and that in the end it would be fine. I felt a connection with that he did and I agreed with his decision to keep them alive.
Works Cited for Analytical Essay:
"Tim O'Brien Quotes." Tim O'Brien Quotes (Author of The Things They Carried). Good Reads, n.d. Web. 13 Jan. 2015.
The Book “The Things They Carried”
O'Brien, Tim. The Things They Carried: A Work of Fiction. New York: Broadway, 1998. Print.
How Hackers Do It.
All around the world computers are becoming more and more common in households and everywhere else. Computers are becoming best friends and not having one means that are missing a lot. There is endless things to do on computers, such as facebook, instagram and other social networking. These give hackers more ways to get your information. But the biggest problem with computers these days is the fact that they are so easy to hack. They can get pictures, contact information, emails, search history, passwords and your money etc. Your information could be everywhere in minutes. All you have to do is have a computer and the mind of an everyday person and anything can happen. As new software and devices come out, hackers find ways to get through it. Their traps are getting smarter. As new devices come out hackers get smarter and smarter, while technology users are falling into the same traps, allowing hackers to gain control of thousands of computers a day.
Everyone has computers now and if one does not then they are missing out on something important. Seeing kids everywhere using laptops makes others want to buy them. When a person gets a computer and they are unfamiliar with it, it can be very easy for people to fall into a hacker’s trap. Some examples of hacker traps are pop ups, using open wifi and sneaking viruses onto downloadable files. To avoid this problem many people “Use the Same Password for Multiple Accounts.” ”Sure, using the same password for multiple accounts seems like a great way to save you from having to remember so many passwords, but If a hacker hacks one of your accounts, or your account and password are involved in a data breach, a hacker is likely to try your compromised password to gain access to other accounts” This is a common mistake that many people make to help themselves remember their passwords. The smarter thing to do is change the password very little so it is not identical to others. Another way that people make the mistake is when they “Respond to Pop-up Messages and/or Unsolicited Emails.” Hackers get people a lot with this mistake because they make the emails seem so real, making people feel that you actually know that person. These pop-ups tend to reel you in with prize winning and ways to help you or your device. A lot of people are very gullible so they believe what they see because they think it will benefit them from hackers. Little do they know they have just been hacked. The most common mistake is pop ups because hackers can manipulate the pop up causing people to click exactly what they want. There are many different ways to get hacked and people need to be more conscious of what is real and fake.
Once they have gotten into a persons computer or device then that person has to do whatever it takes to get rid of them because, what hackers can do, is endless. In minutes all of the data and the person’s information could be in their hands. This is an interview with a hacker showing what they can achieve through mediocre wifi signals in a person's everyday cafe. “With the stroke of a few keys, a code flashed by and then suddenly he pulled up a list. He points to a list of names and phone numbers on the screen.” “Yes. Absolutely. I can grab the SMS (text messages). I can actually grab the contact of the actual text.” The easiest access point for hackers is free wifi cafes because they can create what seems to be a normal network connection.
One of the most common places for a person without internet is a free wifi area/cafe. People go to these places specifically for internet, so they do not waste any time checking if something seems suspicious. They join the first network that says it is free and before they are off, they have the hacker already in there computer system. Hackers make it seem like its working right by putting websites that are popular so that there is no suspicion. Then within minutes, they have you texts, contacts, passwords and pictures. With that information they can cause identity theft and more.
If you want to not be like the people who get hacked, all you have to do is find good ways to avoid hacker traps. Some people are very conscious about where they are and what they do at every moment. Ways to avoid these people are simple. Cover the laptop camera so that if they get into it, they will not be able to take pictures of people while not using your laptop. Next, be careful when downloading software updates. “When companies discover vulnerabilities in their software that hackers can exploit, they send out security patches to solve the problem that appear in the form of pop-ups or download prompts.” Finally, anything that is not 100% clean, such as emails do not open or answer to. These days people need to be very sure when making decisions like those.
Technology is a need to know part of life these days. More inexperianced people feel that they need to own computers and fancy phones because others have it. This is not true. Before buying a device of some sort people should first learn some safety precautions because they become the easiest targets for hackers. Hackers traps are getting smarter. Computers are a way of life these days causing more people to buy computers. As new devices come out hackers get smarter and smarter causing people to fall into their well thought out traps, gaining control of thousands of computers a day.
Works Cited:
Donnell, Andy O' "5 Common Mistakes That Might Get You Hacked."About. Andy O'Donnell Security Expert, n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2014.
Sutta, David. "How Hackers Are Using Free Wi-Fi To Steal Your Information - CBS Miami." CBS Miami. David Sutta, 24 Sept. 2014. Web. 06 Oct. 2014.
"What Hackers Do." What Hackers Do. EBOOK, 2000. Web. 07 Oct. 2014.
Thomsen, Jacqueline. "How to Avoid Hackers, from Cyber Security Experts on Campus." Newsroom How to Avoid Hackers from Cyber Security Experts on Campus Comments. Jacqueline Thomsen, 13 Sept. 2014. Web. 07 Oct. 2014.
System of Friendships - By Ilker Erkut
Ilker Erkut BM
Ilker Erkut
100% Percent Sure
Have you ever been in trouble with a group of friends and you know you are wrong and change the story to save yourself? Well I have done that a good amount of times and I am going to be explaining the biases of objective truths. I know everyone has been here at one point in time where they did not want to get in trouble, so they would change what really happened so that the adult or person in charge couldn’t give punishment because they did not know who did it. Also I have the point of view of someone telling the truth but still getting in trouble because of the other person lying. Sometimes lying isn’t the smartest thing to do because certain people do not take the time to find the real culprit. In the end everyone will get punished and then your strategy of using objective truth will fail. There are many time where it is a good thing to use as well
One personal time when I had to deal with objective truth was when I was in middle school. I remember getting into a little scuffle. I did not start it or even really protect myself, I just wanted it to end before either of us got in trouble. But we ended up getting caught and going to the deans office.
“So tell me what happened” said the dean
“___ attacked me for no reason. I tried to get him off rather than fighting back so I did not get in trouble. I never fought back” I said trying not to get in trouble again that year.
“Ok, lets hear your story ____” said the dean
“He said something racist to me and I was offended so I fought him” he said lying.
In the end we both got in trouble and his plan did not work. I felt very mad because it was all very unnecessary. But I knew either way we were going to get in trouble. I took the punishment and we became friends a long time after that.
I thought of this moment in my life again when I read the short story “In The Grove.” I thought it was very accurate to how many situations get played out. If there are no witnesses than there is no case. “Yes ... without taking his life. I had no wish to kill him. I was about to run away from the grove, leaving the woman behind in tears, when she frantically clung to my arm. In broken fragments of words, she asked that either her husband or I die. She said it was more trying than death to have her shame known to two men. She gasped out that she wanted to be the wife of whichever survived. Then a furious desire to kill him seized me.” This quotes really spoke to me because it basically sums up my essay. Its one of the quotes that I found in the story that came close to the topic of my story. She made him choose whether or not to kill the husband or kill himself. He decided to kill the man because he in the situation he did not want to die. Also the women was not even known as a culprit in the investigation because the investigation was for her husband. So they immediately looked at everyone else as the bad guys and her as the victim.
The main reason people lie is to not suffer the consequences of what they have done wrong. It could be to save someone from an unwanted truth. But most of the time its because they realize what they did was wrong and they know if they accept the punishment it will not be worth it. Telling the truth does not always bring out the best result. Also lying might save them from being judged. If what you did affected someone else or a group of people than those people might judge you for it. So why not just lie? I even think that it is inviting and inevitable. You almost know someone is going to change the story around to save himself. Its ment to happen in almost every situation without a witness. Thats when people start getting into race and stereotypes. The spectators or people around the scene will most likely pick the person that looks like they would cause a problem. The biases people have are towards clothes, race and language use, such as slang. That is how a lot of people get away with things. They act really nice and mature and trick peoples minds. They make it seem like they are the victims. These are some ideas of where bias gets put into play and some situations.
Have you ever been in trouble and did not want to get punished or judged because you did not realize how much drama your action would cause? Well I have been through that a good amount of times and now you know one of my best stories. I have also proved my point with a quote from the story that gave me the idea to write this essay. I know everyone has been here at one point in time where they did not want to get in trouble, so they would change what really happened so that the adult or person in charge couldn’t give punishment because they did not know who did it. Also I have the point of view of someone telling the truth but still getting in trouble because of the fact that the other person lied. Sometimes lying isn’t the smartest thing to do because certain people do not take the time to find the real culprit. In the end everyone will get punished and then your strategy of using objective truth will fail. There are many times where it is a good thing to use as well. I hope that you have learned from my personal essay. Do not judge anyone or believe anyone till you have 100% facts that you are correct.
Ilker's Monologue
Never Going Back
Mmmm, that looks good, and oh, that looks good. Let me just get all of that and throw it in here. I need all these vegetables, but how will I hide this from mom. Maybe I need to buy a refrigerator for my room.
Let me get some more. I will handle this problem later. Maybe I should start making dinner myself and sending my parents somewhere out for the time.
(he puts the food in his cart and heads to the next aisle)
I still need to pick up the food that they want me to have so that it does not seem suspicious.
(phone rings because of facetime)
(Plugs in ear phones and accepts facetime)
“Hey Mom”
“Good good, I'm shopping for our food for the next few weeks.”
“I have gotten three pizzas, two packs of burgers, bread and some cheese steaks.”
(he says with a sad face)
“Yeah I know you guys are getting this food for me. I just don't want to be overweight again. Mom I do love the food you buy me!! I am very thankful and I will eat it.”
(he heard one of the workers across the hall)
(he turned his phone toward the cart)
“No I do not need any help, but thank you!!”
(turns his head really fast)
“Mom! What!”
(he looks terrified)
“Its just some extra flavored food to make our meals more enjoyable…
(he says in a whisper)
and healthy.”
“Mom stop guilting me out. I do love this food but I want to fit in and be happy. The way I was before made me miserable. Don’t you care about how I fe..."
(ends the facetime)
(squats down and put his hands on his face)
Why is she so passive aggressive? Why can’t she just be happy about my life and make good food choices without her changing!
(sits there for a while. Pays no attention to people around)
(gets up and puts all the food his mom wanted away)
(phone rings again)
(he answers)
“I accept your apology, but we have to make a change to this family”
“I am allowed to buy what I want!! Thank you, thank you!”
Things might be getting better from here.
“So for dinner I was thinking that we would have…”
“You went to the corner store and got dinner for tonight!
“I do like your cooking… MOM, we are not going over this again!”
(he trips the cart over and lets all the food fall on the ground)
“I'm done Mom, you're so thick headed that you are going to mess up my life and I am going to end up where I was before.”
“I am glad I have such a caring mom.”
“Don’t ever talk to me again, until you understand me.”
(he ends call and leaves store without picking up the food)
Time to move out and forget!Where it All Started
Ilker Erkut
Creative Story
It started with a man, who spoke like everyone else. Just kidding, he was the only person to live at the time. His name was Monkemon. He was not all human but had some animal in him. What is the animal!? It was a monkey. He was what the people from my time called a caveman. Before he was born, he lived in his egg which was under a banana tree. It has not grown any bananas in centuries. But one day a banana grew bigger and bigger, until it fell off the tree into a banana shaped cup. The banana fit perfectly, just like when a basketball goes into the net without hitting the rim. His egg slowly started cracking and... BOOM. Monkemon jumped out of the egg and the sun rose and everything sparkled. Next thing, the banana tree grew tons of banana’s and everything around him became full of life. He searched long and hard for any other life form. Later on he found a monkey; a girl monkey laying under a banana tree on the other side of the land. Never in his life has he ever seen one, till now. He could understand her and he felt comfortable with her. They went on countless adventures till, one night they had been through a lot, and they were really tired. The next morning they woke up together and did not say much but, they were not sure what happened that night .
Later on in their adventures the monkey made offspring. There were two babies, that both spoke differently.
“Uh Uh-Ah Ah” said the more monkey looking baby.
“Googoo Gaagaa” said the more human looking baby.
And thats when their imagination went wild and they started experimenting. They guessed that since Monkemon is a “caveman” he gave one baby more human features and traits, while the girl monkey gave the other baby monkey features .
They were intrigued by the idea of differences in their babies. They settled on the fact that there were no more life forms, so they started making more and more babies. After about a year of producing, they stopped. They had about 400 children. They had some older than others and some could understand better than others. After a certain point they let them go on and adventure so that their kids could have a similar life as they did and produce to make new kinds of life. One of our children are fortunate enough to find what we call now a “fish” He was the only child out of them all 400 that found a new species and produced. After years of producing and experiencing they finally had a full community of many different looking and speaking creatures. It almost was a burden. No one could really understand anyone. You had some people talking like…
“Helluhuh-Ahah” said the monkey/humans.
“Hello” said the humans.
“Hello” the fish humans said very low.
Fish do not really talk, they communicate with each other differently, so when you have a fish and a human, then it is what we call a shy human.
Everyone became friends with the people that they could understand. They started living in different parts of the world with the people that they could communicate with and thats when the world started developing. Hundreds of years later I was born. My name is Moose. I am just revealing my ancestors life story; as you can see I have a pretty big family. But I had to tell you all of this so that I could reveal the big secret. I AM THE MONK OF MY FAMILY. I was given the power to understand every language, accent and noise coming out of a living thing. Wherever I go I can understand everyone and can change the way I speak to match theirs. I am not sure how this came to be. I feel as though my people that each had different accents in their past, which made it diverse because they both understood completely different languages, which give me this power. I walk around and see people being made fun of or reprimanded for not speaking right. But honestly I think that people who hear a new language or different accent, are making fun of them so that they can add more people to their way of speaking. Its like negative motivation. They do not care for them but they are adding more to their “army” and have more people to carry on the language and extinguish the other languages. But that will not happen with me around or anyone like me in the world. I cannot travel like my ancestors used to, because we need money to travel rather than just walk and explore. I have not been able to explore and carry on my parents legacy. I have decided to stop what I am doing because being a 26 year old man, I have a long life ahead of me.
Next thing I know I am on a flight to Asia. I started from right and I am making my way left on the global map. I can figure out people like me because they will speak to me similarly but with an aspect of an animal. I finally get to Russia and start my search with nothing else in mind. I go from country to country and have not found anything NEW or UNIQUE. Then that gave me a thought, maybe I was the last of my kind and the exploring ended with me. I had all the accents and languages so that it would cut out all the traveling. As much I want to believe that is not true, that is the only logical explanation. As soon as I catch the plain to go back to Greenland I meet someone that is very shy and has weird movements when not talking. I instantly knew that, that was one of family descendents. He had very fish-like speaking. After meeting him on the plain and discussing each others opinions on our parents expectations I reflected on the day. I had the craziest idea that people that speak differently might have animal features in them. When I say that the man I met today was like a fish, I meant it as what my parents called them hundred and thousands of years ago. He is not actually like a fish, but it made sense. Some animals interact differently. Some are more high temperament just like people with high temperament. It was pretty adventurous thought that I did not want to get into. I have found yet another member of my family and can travel the world with him, to continue our future . We went back to Greenland...
This is to inform everyone why schools are losing activities and budget cuts are for.
New slide By Ilker Erkut
Tech Slide by Ilker Erkut
Ilker Erkut
I had a project given to me from Ms. Hull about how to make a 1 paged power point with out having to add tons of information and how to get the point across. She said that if someone was driving by a billboard of your 1 page and saw lots of writing, they would not be able to read it. But with this way, people can take a glance at it, know about it, like it and might want to check it out. When making 1 slide with various amounts of information to put in, everything that you do is important. The amount of empty space, the amount of words. Everything matters.
This slide represents my love for soccer and everything else I like or am good at.
The reason I made my slide the way it is, is because I had a lot of information on my Me Magazine. I could not fit everything in the 1 slide so I decided to get the key words and make a wordle. It has all the important info and looks really swell. Also I added the timeline that I had in my project because that shows how I grew up.
What influenced me to do it this way was that I thought what better way to preserve space and get your point across with out using a wordle. It has all the importance of my Me Magazine.
Lucid Chart
Group Project
Felix d’Hermillon, Ilker Ekrut, Malwina Dymek
1.Name three major differences between the SLA AUP and the SDP AUP.
a. SLA lets us go on websites to let us shop or do other stuff and the SDP does not.
b. SLA lets us upload any software that we want on our computers when SDP does not.
c. SLA lets us have music and games on our computer when SDP does not.
2. What is the most unfair rule from both AUP’s?
They would not let us have music or personalize the computer at all.
3. With your group come up with three changes for both AUP’s to make the policies better.
We should be allowed to go on youtube.
We should not be watched while we are on our computers.
There should not be a firewall.
They should let us have music on the computer.
They should let us personalize the computers.
They should let us have games and software on the computers.
4. Now imagine you have children write an AUP for your home network with your group.
No downloading any software unless I am with them
Has to show what they're doing at any time
No buying without adult