Ilker Erkut's Capstone
"Independence Charter School." Independence Charter School. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. <>.
This is my old school’s link. I looked at this website to get a feel for their environment and the after school activities that they have. I will be working there for 8 weeks and therefore I needed some background info. I learned a lot from this site and I liked all the things that have changed from my old school. I cannot wait to work at my school Independence Charter School.
Brown, Chris. "Coaching Kids Soccer, How to Make Soccer Practice and Game Day Dynamic and Fun." Chris Brown, n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2016.
This website is my first link to help me start my class. I got a lot of info from this such as game plans and what I am going to teach. I also needed a way to positively influence the children and help them enjoy the club. This website is quite reliable and gave me more info than most. The website was created by a father who coaches his son's team.
Huddleston, David, and Kay Huddleston. "How to Teach Soccer Dribbling to Kids - Amazing Results Fast." How to Teach Soccer Dribbling to Kids - Amazing Results Fast. Kay Huddleston, n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. <>.
This sight was for the specifics for my curriculum. I need to have a lot of different drills for my students. If I do not have a lot of drills to show the kids my after school activity will not work. I plan to have a total of 10 to 20 drills that I rotate around so that they learn things and continue to learn things throughout the weeks.
Eaton, Bill. "Coaching Soccer 101 - Soccer Coaching and Youth Soccer Drills." Soccer Rules. Bill Eaton, n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. <>.
I looked up the rules of soccer so that if the kids have questions I can give them specific rules and not mislead them in any way. THis will also help them in the future against refs and coaches. This was not as important but I also know that my knowledge on soccer is as far as I have experienced it in a game. This is why I chose this link.
N.p., n.d. Web. <>.
This was another soccer rules site so that I could have some more insight. I looked up the rules of soccer so that if the kids have questions I can give them specific rules and not mislead them in any way. THis will also help them in the future against refs and coaches. This was not as important but I also know that my knowledge on soccer is as far as I have experienced it in a game. This is why I chose this link.
"The National Soccer Coaches Association of America." Fundamentals of Coaching Soccer : NSCAA Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. <>.
I have a lot more links on how to coach, ranging from fathers to youth team coaches and even some professional coaches. THe point of this is to get a lot of opinions on coaching. When I was young I wish I had someone who could teach me soccer the right way from the beginning so that I would not be behind when I played with others. This is why I have this link.
"Seven Tips for Practicing Positive Discipline." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. <>.
This source is very reliable. It is both PBS and a .org source. THis source was for guidance in making kids feel good about what they are doing. This is very important because if kids do not feel comfortable then they will grow up afraid to express themselves in soccer. That is a very hard way to play soccer because there will always be times when it is necessary.
Nutters, Holly Fulghum, Pat Jarvis, and Leslie Shelton. "Smart Ways to Teach Your Child!" Smart Ways to Teach Your Child! N.p., 1994. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. <>.
This source was more general. I wanted to know how parents wanted their children to be taught. Not specifically about anything. I found that it is very similar to the source above in that they want there to be a lot of positive energy and that the kids should be able to express themselves. This is why I chose this link.
Bean, Sara. "Child Behavior: How to Teach Your Child to Behave." Empowering Parents. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. <>.
THis link was to understand how parents want their children reprimanded or punished. It was very interesting as I find that parents like the teachers to be very upfront with how they feel No physical altercations should be necessary. If it gets physical with 2 students then being physical is okay. This is why I chose this link.
"Best Age to Start Playing Soccer." Youthletic. Youthletic Staff, n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. <>.
THis was the most interesting link because it is said that kids should start learning soccer around the age of 4. That is really young. The kids will not really learn anything till they are at least 6. My audience will be 3rd and 4th graders. But I believe with good coaching I could get them to the place they should be if they started when they were 4. I hope my idea works. This is why I chose this website.
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