Q2 Conference Half-Day Schedules: 1/30 & 1/31

Due to the School District of Philadelphia half-days for conferences, SLA will follow the below schedules on Thursday, 1/30, and Friday, 1/31:

Thursday, 1/30:

08:15-08:55 C1 Band

09:00-09:40 D1 Band

09:45-10:25 X1/Y1 Band class

10:30-11:10 E1 Band

11:15-11:55 A2 Band

12:00-12:30 Lunch/Dismissal

12:30-03:00 Teacher drop-in conference time

Friday, 1/31:

08:15-08:55 B2 Band

09:00-09:40 C2 Band

09:45-10:25 X2/Y2 Band class

10:30-11:10 D2 Band

11:15-11:55 E2 Band

12:00-12:30 Lunch/Dismissal

12:30-03:00 Teacher virtual drop-in conference time

Link to teacher conference rooms: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HJ-4Xxin9dQ6cXXHX55mMSnzMFrCdWFTJT_ilSE-Mbw/edit?gid=0#gid=0
