Q3 Artist's Statement-Yadi Angeles
I love doing anything artsy because it helps me let out emotions through familiar hobbies. One of my favorite things to do is to look at all my older art pieces and see how I've improved.
I select themes through what interests me, and then what inspires me. I get more inspiration through my interests, and have a more enjoyable time overall. Although I don't always limit myself to things I like, I also keep an open mind to new things.
I'm now trying to challenge myself upon listening to "rules" for art. I usually go about the subject listening to myself only, and doing things to please me. So recently, I have allowed the "rules of real life" to try and enter my art pieces. It has been difficult, but I've become quite proud of about one or two pieces of the pictures shown below.
The final draft of my hand:
The first draft of my Self Portrait:
First Pencil draft of the Clear Bottle:
The final Charcoal draft of Clear Bottle:
The first draft of my Still Life:
The final draft of my Still Life:
This is the first draft of the "Inspired by Art History":
The final draft of the "Inspired by Art History":
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