Q3 Benchmark on India and China
The countries that I selected were India and China. When I first chose these countries I thought that they were total opposites and in some ways they are. However, after researching them I realized that they are more alike then they appear to be. For example, India and China both have an air pollution problem. China worse than India, however, they are still trying to "fix" there environment by creating better policies even though both don't follow them. Also, China cares more about their economy than their environment and India is starting to act the same way by trying to increase their trading production.
In order to do this project I had to dig deep and find things that were recent. I looked through journals and blog sites that reported about recent policies of both countries. I knew that it was supposed to be a visual representation of the rates of the countries so I tried to make it as visually attracting as possible. At first, finding the information for the 5 point framework was hard because I didn't really know how I should base the ranking on. But after the second slide, I got the hang of it. If I could change one thing about my project it would probably be the countries that I picked. Doing this benchmark helped me realize a lot of what was going on in those countries and why they were the way they were.
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