Q4 ART-Julian Makarechi

My name is Julian Makarechi, a sophomore at Science Leadership Academy. This year I have decided to try to become a better artist by taking Ms. Hull's Advanced Art class. Lately her class has been focused a lot textures, furs, hair, cartoons and faces. The sketches posted below are the ones that I have been working on through out the duration of the 4th quarter. I used drawspace.com to help me figure out the steps to each of my sketches. For my outside project, I decided to paint a simple smiley face on a ceiling tile (a picture of this is also in the slideshow below). With the help of my classmates I was able to make this outside very professional and neat. Overall, I am very proud of my work this quarter and I feel like this class has made me a better artist. 

Link to sketches and Ceiling tile

