Q4 Benchmark and Reflection
The thing I found most challenging about this project was categorizing and finding pictures for different sections. I don't know. I just feel like globalization can be represented by many things. The way I defined globalization in Philadelphia was if something from outside of Philly (like a culture or thing) impacted the people of Philadelphia as a whole. At first, I collected pictures from Chinatown, because they have their own Asian Bank and their own health buildings there. However as I went on I realized how all of those pictures were the same thing, of a culture migrating to Philadelphia and colonizing. My trade and technology picture is my favorite because those are all parts of a phone from the same company yet one is made in Korea and another is made in China. I don't know, I just find it amusing. I do believe that globalization is everywhere in Philadelphia, however, in places like New York I find it way more prevalent than Philly. New York is like a more cultured and busier Philadelphia with all of it's different culture based fashions and it's vast selections of food.
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