Q4 globalization benchmark Dcordivari
Time line
Project statement:
I chose to use this as my topic because its something that I have been around my entire life. Cigarettes are extremely popular from youth all the way to the elderly. As someone who has smoked cigarettes plenty of times, but has never fallen victim to their addictive qualities I have always had a very large indifference with cigarettes and never quite could understand them. I have always been interested in the idea of people spending so much money on something like this and they have been around for decades, never really losing their popularity despite plenty of people fighting against them. Not only are cigarettes extremely popular and present in todays economy, but also in the media. From commercials to movies cigarettes are widely used and talked about.
Cigarettes addictiveness has kept people spending tons of money just to get their fix. Some people would refer to this as a “legal drug” and in reality this is true. When it comes to globalization and the economy cigarettes are a worldwide favorite. Cigarettes were traded heavily by the europeans and when the industrial revolution arrived they became even more popular. This lasted for a long time where plenty of people were constantly smoking, until the 1900s arrived with more scientific advances that taught people about the dangerous qualities of cigarettes, however this was not enough to end the era of cigarettes and they are still sold and used everywhere to this day.
Cigarettes also made it into the music industry. Widely song about in all genres of music. Cigarettes are known as a national symbol for coolness and people associated with being cool usually smoke cigarettes whether its characters in film or actual celebrities all the way to your local high school cool kids and frat boys.
"The history of Tobacco ." . Boston University Medical Center, n.d. Web. 9 May 2013. <http://academic.udayton.edu/health/syllabi/tobacco/history.htm>.
This site has a good amount of information for the more history related aspects of Tobacco which can help me trace globalization to some of its earlier days. I will be able to get some of the details from its launch into the trade.
I chose these two advertisements because they show a great example about how the difference in scientific research on cigarettes was changed over time and discovered to be unhealthy and no longer promoted by doctors.
Fort Minor- Cigarettes . Youtube, Film. 9 May 2013. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4BtXstAMVc>.
This song is a perfect example of cigarettes and their influence on todays modern media and youth. The music is listened to all over and it talks a lot about cigarettes in a metaphor for rapping, but also talks about how cigarettes are an example for coolness.
"Corpwatch: Tobacco's impact on the Economy."CorpWatch.org. San Francisco Tobacco Free Coalition and the San Francisco Tobacco Free Project, 30th june 1997. Web. 10 May 2013. <http://www.corpwatch.org/article.php?id=4000>.
This site gives you examples of the impact that Tobaccos has and has had on the economy. I plan to use this to help me learn more about the economical values of tobacco as well as the economic issues it has.
"Global profits for tobacco trade total $35bn as smoking death tops 6 million ." guardian.co.uk. The Guardian , 21st march 2012. Web. 10 May 2013. <http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2012/mar/22/tobacco-profits-deaths-6-million>.
This site gets into the global profits from tobacco and cigarette sales as well as the death rates that have followed these purchases which gets into two completely separate subjects both branching from the same thing.
"A review of Global Tobacco Industry." Top Foreign Stocks. TopForeignStocks.com , 14th november 2010. Web. 10 May 2013. <http://topforeignstocks.com/2010/11/14/a-review-of-the-global-tobacco-industry/>.
"Tobacco Timeline." http://academic.udayton.edu. The University of Dayton. Web. 10 May 2013. <http://academic.udayton.edu/health/syllabi/tobacco/history2.htm>.
This timeline will be helpful among other to help me work and create my timeline giving me details from tons of time periods where the trade of tobacco was present.
I wasn’t sure how to format this link, but i plan to use this as an example for the distribution of tobacco as well as tobacco accessories which are also something that overwhelms the economy.
I chose this picture because it shows the simplicity and expense of modern day tobacco sales and how people can not only get them easily, but they are quite expensive for their mass abundance.
Marlboro , . Marlboro Cigarettes. N.p., n. d. Web. 10 May. 2013. <http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&sqi=2&ved=0CDYQFjAB&url=http://www.facebook.com/pages/Marlboro-Cigarettes/372752336556&ei=USmNUZeZEJat4AOImIGgCg&usg=AFQjCNGwtw5MXpGzxfS0oMzVaVhD03HIWQ&sig2=1Zo8sCK5HDR1kWiiDnutmw&bvm=bv.46340616,d.dmg>.
This is the official facebook page for a major cigarette company that makes billions off of their cigarettes. This is where they update their customers and fan database in social media. I plan to use this as an example of the advertising that most of todays youth is exposed to.
The, Truth. The Truth Against Tobacco. TheTruth.com, n. d. Web. 10 May. 2013. <http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&ved=0CEMQFjAC&url=http://www.facebook.com/TruthAgainstTobacco&ei=WS6NUbqzEdWl4AOK84CYBg&usg=AFQjCNHm6q84HW5cbQSsy9AqHd0vuRbDjw&sig2=Dbp07JgQRuOhMaolMO-ZEA&bvm=bv.46340616,d.dmg>.
This is the official facebook page for The truth which is an organization out to stop cigarettes and inform people about how truly dangerous the decision is to smoke them. This page is used to inform the people of todays interweb about these dangers.
"Our One Air." OurOneAir, n. d. Web. 10 May. 2013. <http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CC8QFjAA&url=http://www.facebook.com/pages/OurOneAir-An-anti-smoking-forum-with-emphasis-on-2nd-and-3rd-hand-smoke/105248212842630&ei=CC-NUbuLNZPB4AP-2IHoAQ&usg=AFQjCNGSqmKsyYvecPsbKK15qC4UJSp8fQ&sig2=N7HDtLIcT2rUEKOqd_ugNw&bvm=bv.46340616,d.dmg>.
This is a facebook forum for a discussion on anti cigarettes and an attempt to talk about why cigarettes should be gotten rid of. Our one air wants people to realize that smoking is dangerous, but second hand smoke can be just as bad if not worse.
"No smoking day stop smoking forum." No smoking . N.p., n. d. Web. 10 May. 2013. <http://forum.nosmokingday.org.uk>.
This forum is useful because instead of just simple anti smoking this is a site where people go to quit and help others quit as well as talk about their quitting experience and answer questions about how to go through it.
"Tumblr." Fuckyeahcigarettes. N.p., n. d. Web. 10 May. 2013. <https://fuckyeahcigarettes.tumblr.com>.
This tumblr claims to not condone the act of smoking, but shows plenty of pro smoking pictures and constantly post pictures of different smoking acts. This is a sort of snapshot into some of the social media that is primarily used by teens.
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