Quarter Four Benchmark: What if?

Here is the link to my Benchmark.

Something that I liked about this project was the flexibility and creativity. I find that also to be the most challenging piece as well. There are so many ways you could go with the project that at times it can be very overwhelming due to the fact that there is so much you could do. The most interesting fact I have investigated was most likely the fact that Ms. Claudette Colvin was a plaintiff in the Court Case; Browder vs. Gayle. I found that to be interesting because I didn't expect it. I honestly always thought that the whole bus segregation situation was with Ms. Rosa Parks but I was fooled. The actions of others do indeed take impact of the historical record. If it wasn't for Ms. Claudette Colvin, realistically, maybe the Supreme Court really would of never declared bus segregation to be unconstitutional.  Systemic changes impact the historical record because if things didn't go a certain way then now in today's world things wouldn't go the way they do. Everything grows in time, and everything changes in time. One decision in the landscape can be very influential. *If there wasn't earth day on April 22nd, people wouldn't be so "green."* This project as well with any and everything can be improved. I know if I had been able to actually order the original copies of the newspapers the point of divergence would definitely been more liable to see clearer. I mean it would of been just better in my eyes because I definitely would of hooked it up! If I had to the the project over again and change the process, I probably would of procrastinated less, thought more thoroughly about my POD and would of more decisive on how and what my presentation would look like. That's pretty much it.  
