Raeven's Negative Space

Negative space is all of the space that is behind the object that you are looking at. While looking at that empty space, you have to draw the empty space that you see with the object.

To find my negative space in my cutout, I simply took my construction paper and traced half of the drawing that was on the regular paper. Afterwards, I cut out the pieces and glued them onto the other part of the construction paper. I found my negative space by looking at the other colored paper. I also found my negative space on the stool by shading in the empty space that i saw.

By looking at the negative space, it helps the reader see the object better. In addition, it helps the artist draw the object in a much better way.

To me, it doesn't enhance the reader's drawing. Unfortunatley, it messes me up by just drawing the negative space. To others it may help them in a better to draw the object that is shown, however it could just be easier to just draw the object. 
Photo on 2011-04-26 at 13.07 #2
Photo on 2011-04-26 at 13.07 #2
