Rape In Africa Blog post #2
Hello again readers! If you have forgotten who i am, my name is Sophia DeOliveira.What my research has been identifying is the topic Rape in Africa. Now, i have definitely looked more information about this issue and i just wanted to share my updated study of this issue.
Also, if you have not gotten a chance to view my first blog click here
I have gone deeper into the topic, and found out that A Medical Research Council study found that 28 percent of men in South Africa reported having perpetrated rape; three-quarters of first-time rapists are like Rebombo - under the age of 20."This violence, there is violence elsewhere in the world, but you don't see the staggering numbers of rapes that are seen here in South Africa," Rebombo says.
Now lets talk about mainly this particular scene in which Rebombo was in.After Rebombo had done what he did,he eventually left his village and joined first a religious organization and later an aid agency. He learned about respecting others, but oddly enough he did not even think twice of raping that girl.As time went on, he told others about his emotional stages and then he thought of the girl.As i had mentioned before, he apolgized many years after, and the girl swelled up in tears.Not only did he want forgiveness, but the anger inside of him just was to much...So he did what he felt like he must do, inorder to have a clean conscience.He made time to for change.He went into more detail of his life with many, and he joined more organization in the topic he focuses on.Everyone wants to do something, or atleast spread the word of this grand circumstance.
A woman is raped every 26 seconds in South Africa, according to People Opposing Women Abuse, a nonprofit group for the eradication of gender violence.The sexual violence is strong because of what some have said repeatidly.Some say it is the country's strong culture of violence.It may also be the fact that men do not realize the rights of woman, of not recognizing them necessarily as being full human beings compared to men themselves.There are many cases of multi aged- rape. There have been many news stories of 70 year-olds raping 3 year-olds, as odd as that may be.
There are many organizations trying to stop this horrible,rapid-spreading tragedy that goes on in not only africa, but also where i live too.Sexual assult, or also known as rape can be anywhere, infact all over the globe.We have for example, Rombombo,working with the "One Man Can," a project to promote healthy relationships between men and women. As such, he is out to change the national mind-set so that men will no longer think it cool to disrespect women. Violent acts must stop, he says. So must the silence of men who witness such acts.We have family service centers that are known as “havens”.There is not much that i can do to stop people from abusing others, but i can do the small things that mean a big part in my project.What i can do is increase the self-awareness about this issue.Wait for my next blog for more information !
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