Reader profile Pablo Salvatierra interview

Question 1 How important is a book to you? I would say that books are very important in my life and I’d say it was all the books I read are very important to me which book is the most important to you I think for me that would be the shock Doctrine in the disaster capitalism which I read last year around November and really changed how I saw the world.

Question 2 Would you consider yourself fast reader or slow reader and how good are you at Reading? I would say that I’m a fairly fast reader although I have recently met several people who just completely Eclipse me in Reading PA I would say I’m a good reader and of that I can comprehend what I’m reading very well although as I just said that I cannot read nearly as quickly as I thought I did.

Question 3 Do you have any stories you could write as book? The answer is yes there are stories from my life that I could put into a book although I’m not sure how exciting not necessarily be thinking more exciting than they actually are and I personally do have ideas for what I could write into a book although I’m not I’m pretty lazy so I haven’t gotten started on anything yet probably never will.

